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nd rank, but mainly to those who failed to transmit the order in proper time. April, 29 Our large tents have been taken away, and shelter tents substituted. This evening, when the boys crawled into the latter, they gave utterance, good-humoredly, to every variety of howl, bark, snap, whine, and growl of which the dog is supposed to be capable. Colonel George Humphreys, Eighty-eighth Indiana, whom I supposed to be a full-blooded Hoosier, tells me he is a Scotchman, and was born in Ayrshire, in the same house in which Robert Burns had birth. His grandfather, James Humphreys, was the neighbor and companion of the poet. It was of him he wrote this epitaph, at an ale-house, in the way of pleasantry: Below these stanes lie Jamie's banes. O! Death, in my opinion, You ne'er took sic a blither'n bitch Into thy dark dominion. April, 30 This afternoon called on General Thomas; met General R. S. Granger; paid my respects to General Negley, and stopped for a moment at Gene
, b. Sept. 8, 1836. Winslow W., b. Oct. 2, 1840. William E., b. Mar. 19, 1845. b. May 17, 1804; m. Gard. Fifield, Dec. 28, 1823.  37Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1807; d. young.  38Sarah A., b. Nov. 13, 1808; m. I. B. Mott; d. Dec. 2, 1836, s. p.  39George G., b. Jan. 26, 1813.  40Lydia S., b. Dec. 16, 1816; m. Rufus C. Smith.  41Edward Henry, b. Sept. 25, 1819; m. Car. S. Colby, of Westport.  42Manasseh K., b. Mar. 25, 1821; d., unm., May 26, 1849.  1Gregg, Capt. James, was b. in Ayrshire, Scotland, and m. Jane Cargil. He embarked for America in 1718; and, landing at Cape Elizabeth, spent the winter there. He was afterwards one of the sixteen first settlers of Londonderry. He had--   William.  1-2John.   Samuel.   Thomas.   Elizabeth. 1-2John Gregg m. Agnes Rankin, and had--   James.   Hugh.   John.   William.   George.  2-3Samuel.   Joseph.   Benjamin.   Elizabeth.   Janet. 2-3Samuel Gregg m. Agnes Smiley, and had--   John.  3
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Montgomerie, John 1728-1731 (search)
Montgomerie, John 1728-1731 Colonial governor; born in Ayrshire, Scotland; was officially attached to the person of King George II.; served several years in Parliament; and came to America in the capacity of governor of New York in 1728. He died in New York City, July 1, 1731.
y as the shot is fired and falls beyond the vessel. The cord, being caught by those on board, is made the means for sending ashore a hawser or larger cord on which the life-car may be suspended. Francis's life-car and ball with claws. The passengers, to the number of 3 or 4 at a time, are inclosed in the car, and the trips are made by hauling on a rope attached to the car and grasped by parties on board and ashore. One of these cars was the means of saving 200 passengers from the Ayrshire, which went ashore at Long Branch, January, 1850. Life-guard. (Locomotive-engine.) Safeguard, rail-guard, sweeper. The device embracing the brooms fixed in front of a locomotive for clearing small obstructions from the track. Life-line. (Nautical.) a. A line stretched above a yard to enable seamen to stand thereon in manning yards. b. A line stretched from object to object on deck, for the men to grasp in bad weather and heavy sea. c. A line attached at one end to a
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
oasts much), and also of the famous Sir Thomas Craig, of the times of James I., who wrote that venerable folio on Jus Feudale, in which I have whilom moiled, and who died in the house where I now am. His accomplished family have all read Mr. Prescott's book with the greatest interest, and have made earnest inquiries after his health and the present condition of his eyes. They first read the book, being interested in the subject, without knowing it to be that of an American. Lanfire House, Ayrshire, Sept. 24. Jeffrey against all the world! While in Edinburgh I saw much of him, and his talent, fertility of expression, and unlimited information (almost learning), impressed me more and more. He spoke on every subject, and always better than anybody else. Sydney Smith is infinitely pleasant, and instructive too; but the flavor of his conversation is derived from its humor. Jeffrey is not without humor, but this is not a leading element. He pleases by the alternate exercise of ever