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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 60 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 32 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 32 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 28 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 24 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Heracleidae (ed. David Kovacs) 22 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray) 20 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 16 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 14 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1454 (search)
that, as both were dead, victory rested with neither. Meanwhile Antigone crept away from the army. They rushed to their weapons, but by some lucky forethought the people of Cadmus had sat down under arms; and by a sudden attack we surprised the Argive army before it was fully equipped. Not one withstood our onset, and they filled the plain with fugitives, while blood was streaming from the countless dead our spears had slain. When victory had crowned our warfare, some set up an image of Zeus ey filled the plain with fugitives, while blood was streaming from the countless dead our spears had slain. When victory had crowned our warfare, some set up an image of Zeus as a trophy, others were stripping the Argive dead of their shields and sending their spoils inside the battlements; and others with Antigone are bringing the dead here for their friends to mourn. So for the city, the result of this struggle hovers between the two extremes of good and evil fortune.The messenger goes out.
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1390 (search)
Eteocles, in kicking aside a stone that rolled beneath his tread, exposed a limb outside his shield, and Polyneices, seeing a chance of dealing him a blow, aimed at it, and the Argive shaft passed through his leg; the Danaid army, one and all, cried out for joy. And the wounded man, seeing Polyneices' shoulder bare in this effort, plunged his spear with all his might into his breast, restoring gladness to the citizens of Thebes, though he broke off the spear-head. And so, at a loss for a weapon, he retreated step by step, till catching up a splintered rock he let it fly and broke the other's spear in the middle; and now the combat was equal, for each had lost his lance. Then clutching their sword-hilts they closed, and round and round, with shields clashing, they fought a wild battle. And Eteocles introduced the crafty Thessalian trick, having some knowledge of it from his association with that country. Disengaging himself from the immediate contest, he drew back his left foot but
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1242 (search)
At once, the two sons of the old Oedipus were hiding themselves in bronze armor; and lords of Thebes with friendly care equipped the captain of this land, while Argive chieftains armed the other. There they stood dazzling, nor were they pale, all eagerness to hurl their lances at each other. Then their friends came to their sides first one, then another, with words of encouragement, saying: “Polyneices, it rests with you to set up an image of Zeus as a trophy and crown Argos with fair renown.” Others to Eteocles: “Now you are fighting for your city; now, if victorious, you have the scepter in your power.” So they spoke, cheering them to the battle. The seers were sacrificing sheep and noting the tongues and forks of fire, the damp reek which is a bad omen, and the tapering flame which gives decisions on two points, being both a sign of victory and defeat. But, if you have any power or subtle speech or charmed spell, go, restrain your children from this terrible combat, for great
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1153 (search)
Then Atalanta's son, who was not an Argive but an Arcadian, hurling himself like a hurricane at the gates, called for fire and picks to raze the town; but Periclymenus, son of the ocean-god, stayed his wild career, heaving on his head a wagon-load of stone, the coping from the battlements; and it shattered his head with yellow hair and crashed through the seams of the skull, dabbling with blood his fresh cheek; and he will never go back alive to his mother with her lovely bow, the maid of Maeis head toward Olympus, his blood toward earth, while his legs and arms went spinning round like Ixion's wheel] he was hurled, spinnning; his burning corpse fell to the ground. But when Adrastus saw that Zeus was hostile to his army, he drew the Argive troops outside the trench. Meanwhile our armed cavalry, seeing the lucky omen of Zeus before us, were driving forth their chariots, and the armed men charged with spears into the middle of the Argives, and all troubles happened at once: men were
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1067 (search)
hat wall us in? Messenger They stand unshattered; the city is not plundered. Jocasta Have they been in jeopardy of the Argive spear? Messenger Yes, on the very brink; but our Theban warriors proved stronger than Mycenae's might. Jocasta One thinyet your sons are living, the pair of them. Jocasta God bless you! How did you succeed in beating off from our gates the Argive army, when beleaguered? Tell me, so that I may go within and cheer the old blind man, since our city is still safe. Messs throat to save this land, your son told off seven companies with their captains to the seven gates to keep watch on the Argive warriors, and stationed cavalry to cover cavalry, and infantry to support infantry, so that assistance might be close at hand for any weak point in the walls. Then from our lofty towers we saw the Argive army with their white shields leaving Teumesus, and, when near the trench, they charged up to our Theban city at a run. In one loud burst from their ranks and from o
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 865 (search)
s of Oedipus went foolishly astray in wishing to throw over it the veil of time—as if they could outrun the gods! For by robbing their father of his due honor and allowing him no freedom, they enraged the luckless man; so he, suffering and disgraced as well, breathed dreadful curses against them. And I, because I left nothing undone or unsaid, incurred the hatred of the sons of Oedipus. But death inflicted by each other's hands awaits them, Creon; and the many heaps of the slain, some from Argive, some from Theban spears, shall cause bitter lamentation in the land of Thebes. Alas for you, poor city, you are being involved in their ruin, unless I can persuade one man. The best course was to prevent any child of Oedipus becoming either citizen or king in this land, since they are possessed and would overthrow the city. But as evil has the mastery of good, there is one other means of safety; but—for it is unsafe for me to tell, and painful too for those whose fortune it is to supply t
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 784 (search)
Chorus O Ares, god of much suffering! Why, why are you possessed by a love of blood and death, out of harmony with the festivals of Bromius? Not for young girls crowned in the lovely dance do you toss your curls, singing to the flute's breath a song to charm the dancers' feet; no, with warriors clad in armor you inspire the Argive army with a lust for Theban blood, leading your revels that are held without music. Nor do you rush with wild waving of the thyrsus, clad in fawnskin, but with chariots and horses you go to the waters of Ismenus, inspiring the Argives with hatred for the Spartans, arraying in bronze armor against these stone-built walls a band of warriors and their shields. Truly Strife is a goddess to fear, who devised these troubles for the princes of this land, for the much-suffering sons of Labdacus.
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 690 (search)
I wanted to see you, Creon; for I found the terms of peace far from satisfactory, when I came to confer with Polyneices. Creon I hear that he has wider aims than Thebes, relying on his alliance with Adrastus and his army. But we must leave this dependent on the gods; I have come to tell you our chief obstacle. Eteocles What is that? I do not understand what you say. Creon Someone has come who was captured from the Argives. Eteocles What news does he bring from there? Creon He says the Argive army intend at once to wind about [the city of Thebes and its towers, with their army.] Eteocles In that case the city of Cadmus must lead out its army. Creon Where? Are you so young that your eyes do not see what they should? Eteocles Across those trenches, to fight at once. Creon Our forces are small, while theirs are plentiful. Eteocles I know well they are brave in argument. Creon Argos has some weight among the Hellenes. Eteocles Never fear! I will soon fill the plain with their
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 549 (search)
s from the many riches in your house? What advantage is it? The name only; for the wise find what suffices to be enough. Mortals indeed have no possessions of their own; we hold the management of the gods' property; and when they will, they take it back again. [Prosperity is not secure, but as transient as the day.] Come, suppose I put before you two alternatives, and ask you whether you wish to rule or save your city? Will you say you wish to rule? Again, if this man conquers you [and his Argive warriors take the army of Cadmus,] you will see this city of Thebes conquered, and you will see many captured maidens brutally dishonored by men of the enemy. Then that wealth you seek to have will become grievous to Thebes; but still ambition fills you. That I say to you; and this to you, Polyneices; Adrastus has conferred a foolish favor on you; and you too have shown little sense in coming to lay your city waste. Suppose you conquer this land—may it not happen!—tell me, by the gods, how
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 261 (search)
t the same time mistrust her, the one who persuaded me to come here under truce. Well, there is help at hand, for the altar's hearth is close and the house is not deserted. Come, let me sheath my sword in its dark scabbard and ask these women standing near the house, who they are. Ladies of another land, tell me from what country do you come to the halls of Hellas? Chorus Leader Phoenicia is my native land where I was born and bred; and the grandsons of Agenor sent me here as first-fruits of the spoil of war for Phoebus. But when the noble son of Oedipus was about to send me to the hallowed oracle and the altars of Loxias, the Argive army came against his city. Now tell me in return who you are, who have come to this fortress of the Theban land with its seven gates. Polyneices My father was Oedipus, the son of Laius; my mother Jocasta, daughter of Menoeceus; and I am called Polyneices by the people of Thebes. Chorus O kinsman of Agenor's race, my royal masters who sent me here!