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Pausanias, Description of Greece | 20 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 | 12 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 | 8 | 0 | Browse | Search |
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) | 6 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) | 6 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) | 6 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) | 4 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Your search returned 74 results in 28 document sections:
Demosthenes, On the Peace, section 10 (search)
at that time there were some who assured us that Thespiae and Plataea would be rebuilt, that Philip, if he gained the
mastery, would protect the Phocians and break up Thebes into villages, and that you would retain Oropus and
receive Euboea in exchange for
Amphipolis. Led on by these
false hopes and cajoleries, you abandoned the Phocians against your own
interests and against justice and honor. But you will find that I neither took
part in this deception, nor passed it over in silence, but spoke out boldly, as
I am sure you remember, saying that I had neither knowledge nor expectation of
such results and that all such talk was nonsense.
Demosthenes, Philippic 2, section 30 (search)
the men,Aeschines and, in particular, Philocrates (Dem. 19.46). I say, who told you
that I, being a water-drinker, was naturally a disagreeable, cross-grained
fellow, and that Philip, if he got through the Pass, would do just what you
would pray for, would fortify Thespiae
and Plataea, and humble the Theban
pride, and dig a trench across the ChersoneseTo protect the Greek
cities from the raids of the Thracians. at his own charges, and
restore to you Euboea and Oropus in
lieu of Amphipolis. All this was
said from this very platform, as I am sure you recollect, although you are not
remarkable for keeping in mind those who injure y
Demosthenes, For the Megalopolitans, section 4 (search)
Now no one would deny that our city is benefited by the weakness of the
Lacedaemonians and of the Thebans yonder.A
gesture reminds his hearers how near neighbors the Thebans were. The
position of affairs, then, if one may judge from statements repeatedly made in
your Assembly, is such that the Thebans will be weakened by the refounding of
Orchomenus, Thespiae and Plataea, but the Lacedaemonians will regain their power, if
they get Arcadia into their hands and
destroy Megalopolis.
Demosthenes, For the Megalopolitans, section 25 (search)
In order,
then, that this unwillingness may not stand in the way of the weakening of
Thebes, let us admit that
Thespiae, Orchomenus and Plataea ought to be restored, and let us
co-operate with their inhabitants and appeal to the other states, for it is a
just and honorable policy not to allow ancient cities to be uprooted; but at the
same time let us not abandon Megalop and Plataea ought to be restored, and let us
co-operate with their inhabitants and appeal to the other states, for it is a
just and honorable policy not to allow ancient cities to be uprooted; but at the
same time let us not abandon Megalopolis and Messene to their oppressors, nor allow the restoration of
Plataea and Thespiae to blind us to the destruction of
existing and established states.
Demosthenes, For the Megalopolitans, section 28 (search)
If the
Megalopolitans, though peace is secured for them, still cling to the Theban
alliance, it will of course be obvious to all that they prefer the ambition of
Thebes to the claims of justice;
or if, while the Megalopolitans join our alliance in all sincerity, the
Lacedaemonians refuse to keep the peace, then it will be equally obvious that
the object of their activities is not merely to restore Thespiae, but to subjugate the Peloponnese while the Thebans are engrossed in
the war.
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 21 (search)
the repopulation of Thespiae and
Plataea, and of the recovery of
Apollo's treasure, not from the Phocians, but from the Thebans, who had planned
the seizure of the temple. It was himself, he added, who had instructed Philip
that those who contrived the project were quite as sacrilegious as the men by
whose hands it was executed; and therefore the Thebans had set a price on his
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 42 (search)
All this chicanery, and much besides, might
have been instantly detected, and you might have been informed and spared the
sacrifice of your interests, if you had not been cheated out of the truth by
that story of Thespiae and Plataea and the imminent punishment of the
Thebans. Yet if Philip's promises were merely for show, and if the city was to
be deluded, it was right to mention them; if, on the other hand, they were
really to be fulfilled, it was best to say nothing about them. For if the
project was so far matured that the Thebans could gain nothing by hearing of it,
why has it not been executed? But if it has been thwarted because they had news
of it in time, who let the secret out?
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 102 (search)
Assuming that, when
Aeschines made those speeches about the Phocians and Thespiae and Euboea, he had not sold himself, and was not wilfully deceiving
you, we are reduced to one of two suppositions. Either he had taken an explicit
promise from Philip that he would do and perform certain acts, or else, being
spellbound and deluded by Philip's habitual courtesy, he honestly expected him
to do them. There is no third alternative.
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 112 (search)
For he had told you that Philip would fortify
Thespiae and Plataea, would not destroy the Phocians,
and would put a stop to the aggressions of the Thebans; but Philip has made the
Thebans dangerously strong, he has exterminated the Phocians, and, instead of
fortifying Thespiae and Plataea, he has enslaved Orchomenus and Coronea as well. Could contradiction go further? Yet Aeschines
offered no Thespiae and Plataea, he has enslaved Orchomenus and Coronea as well. Could contradiction go further? Yet Aeschines
offered no opposition; he never opened his lips or made a single objection. That
was bad—but not bad enough for him. He did what no other man in all
Athens did—he spoke in
support of the envoys. Even that miscreant Philocrates durst not go so far as
that—only this man Aeschines. When you raised a clamor, and refused to
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 325 (search)
In this manner and by
the aid of this artifice our ruin was accomplished by men themselves doomed to
perdition. For at once, instead of witnessing the restoration of Thespiae and Plataea, you heard of the enslavement of Orchomenus and Coronea. Instead of the humiliation of Thebes and the abasement of her pride and
insolence, the walls of your own allies the Phocians were demolished, and
demolished by those very Thebans whom Aeschines in his speech had sent to live
in scattered villages.