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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 86 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 8 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 8 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 6 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (ed. H. Rackham) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Georgics (ed. J. B. Greenough) 6 0 Browse Search
Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace), Odes (ed. John Conington) 4 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley). You can also browse the collection for Scythia or search for Scythia in all documents.

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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 3, line 169 (search)
O'erstep the limit. From that mountain zone They came, where rising from a common fount Euphrates flows and Tigris, and did earth Permit, were joined with either name; but now While like th' Egyptian flood Euphrates spreads His fertilising water, Tigris first Drawn down by earth in covered depths is plunged And holds a secret course; then born again Flows on unhindered to the Persian sea. But warlike Parthia wavered 'twixt the chiefs, Content to have made them two See Book I., 120.; while Scythia's hordes Dipped fresh their darts in poison, whom the stream Of Bactros bounds and vast Hyrcanian woods. Hence springs that rugged nation swift and fierce, Descended from the Twins' great charioteer.A race called Heniochi, said to be descended from the charioteer of Castor and Pollux. Nor failed Sarmatia, nor the tribes that dwell By richest Phasis, and on Halys' banks, Which sealed the doom of Croesus king; nor where From far Rhipaean ranges Tanais flows, On either hand a quarter of the wo
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 413 (search)
t a breath of wind, hath knocked the sky. Ben Jonson's 'Masque of Queens.' Moved by their spell; though powerless the breeze To raise the billows. Ships against the wind With bellying sails move onward. From the rock Hangs motionless the torrent: rivers run Uphill; the summer heat no longer swells Nile in his course; Maeander's stream is straight; Slow Rhone is quickened by the rush of Saone; Hills dip their heads and topple to the plain; Olympus sees his clouds drift overhead; And sunless Scythia's sempiternal snows Melt in mid-winter; the inflowing tides Driven onward by the moon, at that dread chant Ebb from their course; earth's axes, else unmoved, Have trembled, and the force centripetal Has tottered, and the earth's compacted frame Struck by their voice has gaped, till through the void Men saw the moving sky.The sky was supposed to move round, but to be restrained in its course by the planets. (See Book X., line 238.) All beasts most fierce And savage fear them, yet with deadl
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 8, line 109 (search)
at points Found in the Wain would pilot him aright To shores of Libya. But thus replied The well-skilled watcher of the silent skies: 'Not by the constellations moving ever 'Across the heavens do we guide our barks; 'For that were perilous; but by that starComp. Book III., 256. 'Which never sinks nor dips below the wave, 'Girt by the glittering groups men call the Bears. 'When stands the pole-star clear before the mast, 'Then to the Bosphorus look we, and the main 'Which carves the coast of Scythia. But the more 'Bootes dips, and nearer to the sea 'Is Cynosura seen, so much the ship ' Towards Syria tends, till bright Canopus Canopus is a star in Argo, invisible in Italy. (Haskins.) shines, 'In southern skies content to hold his course; ' With him upon the left past Pharos borne 'Straight for the Syrtes shalt thou plough the deep. ' But whither now dost bid me shape the yards 'And set the canvas? ' Magnus, doubting still; 'This only be thy care: from Thracia steer ' The vessel onward;
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 9, line 734 (search)
o pain he felt Of venomous tooth, but swift upon him fell Death, and he sought the shades; more swift to kill No draught in poisonous cups from ripened plants Of direst growth Sabaean wizards brew. Lo! Upon branchless trunk a serpent, named By Libyans Jaculus, rose in coils to dart His venom from afar. Through Paullus' brain It rushed, nor stayed; for in the wound itself Was death. Then did they know how slowly flies, Flung from a sling, the stone; how gently speed Through air the shafts of Scythia. What availed, Murrus, the lance by which thou didst transfix A Basilisk? Swift through the weapon ran The poison to his hand: he drew his sword And severed arm and shoulder at a blow: Then gazed secure upon his severed hand Which perished as he looked. So hadst thou died, And such had been thy fate! Whoe'er had thought A scorpion had strength o'er death and fate? Yet with his threatening coils and barb erect He won the glory of Orion According to one story Orion, for his assault on Diana