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Andover. fitting up the new home. the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom abroad. how it was published in England. preface to the European edition. the book in France. in Germany. a greeting from Charles Kingsley. preparing to visit Scotland. letter to Mrs. Follen. Very soon after the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin Mrs. Stowe visited her brother Henry in Brooklyn, and while there became intensely interested in the case of the Edmondsons, a slave family of Washington, D. C. Emiof their editions in London. I am very glad of it, both on account of the value of what they offer, and the value of the example they set in this matter, wherein I think that justice has been too little regarded. I have been invited to visit Scotland, and shall probably spend the summer there and in England. I have very much at heart a design to erect in some of the Northern States a normal school, for the education of colored teachers in the United States and in Canada. I have very much
England. reception in Liverpool. welcome to Scotland. a Glasgow tea-party. Edinburgh hospitalityone was quite superfluous. Well, we are in Scotland at last, and now our pulse rises as the sun de the comfort of it. We shall never come into Scotland for the first time again. While we were ths presented, with the words, Ye're welcome to Scotland! Then they inquired for and shook hands wi play my part, yet I fancied, after all, that Scotland and we were coming on well together. Who thewelcome, sent a throb, as the voice of living Scotland. I looked out of the carriage, as we droves, and sleep fell on me for the first time in Scotland. The next morning I awoke worn and weary, hat we owe the invitation which brought us to Scotland. After breakfast the visiting began. Firs consider that these cheers and applauses are Scotland's voice to America, a recognition of the brot sing Dundee; but they did not, and I fear in Scotland, as elsewhere, the characteristic national me[4 more...]
man with very graceful manners. As to the Duke of Argyll, we found that the picture drawn of him by his countrymen in Scotland was in every way correct. Though slight of figure, with fair complexion and blue eyes, his whole appearance is indicatias a writer, having given to the world a work on Presbyterianism, embracing an analysis of the ecclesiastical history of Scotland since the Reformation, which is spoken of as written with great ability, and in a most liberal spirit. He made many inqpeople of the neighborhood, having discovered who Harriet was, were very kind, and full of delight at seeing her. It was Scotland over again. We have had to be unflinching to prevent her being overwhelmed, both in Paris and Geneva, by the same demon in our land is becoming so great. Had time and strength permitted, it had been my purpose to visit Ireland, to revisit Scotland, and to see more of England. But it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. And now came parting, leave-takin
on Low & Co. in London. Soon after her return to America, feeling that she owed a debt of gratitude to her friends in Scotland, which her feeble health had not permitted her adequately to express while with them, Mrs. Stowe wrote the following opessions. When I came abroad, I had not the slightest idea of the kind of reception which was to meet me in England and Scotland. I had thought of something involving considerable warmth, perhaps, and a good deal of cordiality and feeling on the paciety I was invited to your country, it may seem proper that what communication I have to make to friends in England and Scotland should be made through you. In the first place, then, the question will probably arise in your minds, Have the recentsession of it. The sanction which was given in this matter to the voice of the people, by the nobility of England and Scotland, has been regarded and treated with special rancor; and yet, in its place, it has been particularly important. Without
ll, and yesterday we had just the very pleasantest little interview with the Queen that ever was. None of the formal, drawing-room, breathless receptions, but just an accidental, done-on-purpose meeting at a railway station, while on our way to Scotland. The Queen seemed really delighted to see my wife, and remarkably glad to see me for her sake. She pointed us out to Prince Albert, who made two most gracious bows to my wife and two to me, while the four royal children stared their big bluet by it. Is not this blessed, my dear husband? Is it not worth all the suffering of writing it? I went.the other evening to M. Grand Pierre's, where there were three rooms full of people, all as eager and loving as ever we met in England or Scotland. Oh, if Christians in Boston could only see the earnestness of feeling with which Christians here regard slavery, and their surprise and horror at the lukewarmness, to say the least, of our American church! About eleven o'clock we all joined i
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 14: the minister's wooing, 1857-1859. (search)
e one of the few persons lucky enough to be born with eyes in your head,--that is, with something behind the eyes which makes them of value. To most people the seeing apparatus is as useless as the great telescope at the observatory is to me,--something to stare through with no intelligent result. Nothing could be better than the conception of your plot (so far as I divine it), and the painting — in of your figures. As for theology, it is as much a part of daily life in New England as in Scotland, and all I should have to say about it is this: let it crop out when it naturally comes to the surface, only don't dig down to it. A moral aim is a fine thing, but in making a story an artist is a traitor who does not sacrifice everything to art. Remember the lesson that Christ gave us twice over. First, he preferred the useless Mary to the dish-washing Martha, and next, when that exemplary moralist and friend of humanity, Judas, objected to the sinful waste of the Magdalen's ointment, th
They repealed the Missouri Compromise, which had hitherto stood like the Chinese wall, between our Northwestern Territories and the irruptions of slaveholding barbarians. Then came the struggle between freedom and slavery in the new territory; the battle for Kansas and Nebraska, fought with fire and sword and blood, where a race of men, of whom John Brown was the immortal type, acted over again the courage, the perseverance, and the military-religious ardor of the old Covenanters of Scotland, and like them redeemed the ark of liberty at the price of their own blood, and blood dearer than their own. The time of the Presidential canvass which elected Mr. Lincoln was the crisis of this great battle. The conflict had become narrowed down to the one point of the extension of slave territory. If the slaveholders could get States enough, they could control and rule; if they were outnumbered by free States, their institutions, by the very law of their nature, would die of suffocat
ican friends, 354. Ruskin and Turner, 313. S. Saint-Beuve, H. B. S.'s liking for, 474. pared with, 481. Salisbury, Mr., interest of in Uncle Tom's Cabin, 191. Salons, French, 289. Sand, George, reviewsUncle Tom's Cabin, 196. Scotland, H. B. S.'s first visit to, 209. Scott, Walter, Lyman Beecher's opinion of, when discussing novel-reading, 25; monument in Edinburgh, 217. Sea, H. B. S.'s nervous horror of, 307. Sea-voyages, H. B. S. on, 205. Semi-Colon Club, H. B. 8; visits Henry Ward in Brooklyn, 178; raises money to free Edmondson family, 181; home-making at Andover, 186; first trip to Europe, 189, 205; wonderful success of Uncle Tom's Cabin abroad, 189; her warm reception at Liverpool, 207; delight in Scotland, 209; public reception and teaparty at Glasgow, 212; warm welcome from Scotch people, 214; touched by the penny offering of the poor for the slaves, 219; Edinburgh soir4e, 219; meets English celebrities at Lord Mayor's dinner in London, 226; mee