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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Alabama (Alabama, United States) or search for Alabama (Alabama, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 7 results in 3 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1860., [Electronic resource], A Duelist convicted. (search)
A Duelist convicted.
--Thos. Armstrong has been convicted in Alabama of sending a challenge to fight a duel.
The penalty is two years in the penitentiary.
A new trial, however, has been granted.
The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1860., [Electronic resource], Methodists turning to Episcopalianism. (search)
Secession nominations in Alabama.
Montgomery, Nov. 17.--An immense meeting, irrespective of party, was held to day, and Wm. L. Yancey and Thos. W. Watts were unanimously nominated as candidates to the State Convention.