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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 132 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 126 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 114 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 88 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 68 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 32 0 Browse Search
Lycurgus, Speeches 20 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 12 0 Browse Search
Demades, On the Twelve Years 12 0 Browse Search
P. Terentius Afer (Terence), Andria: The Fair Andrian (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 12 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 44 results in 30 document sections:

Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 9, Chapter 1 (search)
Solon was the son of Execestides and his family was of Salamis in Attica; and in wisdom and learning he surpassed all the men of his time.The following fragments on the Seven Wise Men may be compared with the fuller accounts in Diogenes Laertius (tr. by Hicks in the L.C.L.). Being by nature far superior as regards virtue to the rest of men, he cultivated assiduously a virtue that wins applause; for he devoted much time to every branch of knowledge and became practised in every kind of virtue. While still a youth, for instance, he availed himself of the best teachers, and when he attained to manhood he spent his time in the company of the men who enjoyed the greatest influence for their pursuit of wisdom. As a consequence, by reason of his companionship and association with men of this kind, he came to be called one of the Seven Wise Men and won for himself the highest rank in sagacity, not only among the men just mentioned, but also among a
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 3 (search)
e Pamphylians forty, the Lycians the same number, also the Carians eighty, and the Cyprians one hundred and fifty. Of the Greeks the Dorians who dwelt off Caria, together with the Rhodians and Coans, sent forty ships, the Ionians, together with the Chians and Samians, one hundred, the Aeolians, together with the Lesbians and Tenedans, forty, the peoples of the region of the Hellespont, together with those who dwelt along the shores of the Pontus, eighty, and the inhabitants of the islands fifty; for the king had won over to his side the islands lying within the Cyanean RocksAt the entrance to the Black Sea; Triopium and Sunium are the promontories of Caria and Attica respectively. and Triopium and Sunium. Triremes made up the multitude we have listed, and the transports for the cavalry numbered eight hundred and fifty, and the triaconters three thousand. Xerxes, then, was busied with the enumeration of the armaments at Doriscus.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 14 (search)
piaeans and burned Plataea which was without habitants; for the residents of these two cities had fled in a body into the Peloponnesus. After this he entered Attica and ravaged the countryside, and then he razed Athens to the ground and sent up in flames the temples of the gods. And while the king was concerned with theshe Peloponnesus. After this he entered Attica and ravaged the countryside, and then he razed Athens to the ground and sent up in flames the temples of the gods. And while the king was concerned with these affairs, his fleet sailed from Euboea to Attica, having sacked on the way both Euboea and the coast of Attica. he Peloponnesus. After this he entered Attica and ravaged the countryside, and then he razed Athens to the ground and sent up in flames the temples of the gods. And while the king was concerned with these affairs, his fleet sailed from Euboea to Attica, having sacked on the way both Euboea and the coast of Attica.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 15 (search)
t, as certain historians tell us, anxiously awaiting the turn of the war, in order that, if the Persians prevailed, they might then give them water and earth, while if the Greeks were victorious, they would get the credit of having come to their aid.Hdt. 7.168 says the same thing about the Cercyraeans, but with more bitterness. They later alleged that the etesian winds prevented their rounding Cape Malea. But the Athenians who were waiting in Salamis, when they saw Attica being laid waste with fire and heard that the sacred precinct of AthenaThe temenos of Athena was the entire Acropolis. had been razed, were exceedingly disheartened. And likewise great fear gripped the other Greeks who, driven from every quarter, were now cooped up in the Peloponnesus alone. Consequently they thought it desirable that all who had been charged with command should meet in council and deliberate regarding the kind of place that would best serve their p
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 16 (search)
crews would not heed them, but since they were one and all dismayed at the magnitude of the Persian forces, not a man of them paid any attention to his commander, every one being intent upon sailing from Salamis to the Peloponnesus. And the army of the Greeks on land was no whit less terrified by the armament of the enemy, and not only the loss at Thermopylae of their most illustrious warriors caused them dismay, but also the disasters which were taking place in Attica before their very eyes were filling the Greeks with utter despair. Meanwhile the members of the congress of the Greeks, observing the unrest of the masses and the dismay prevailing everywhere, voted to build a wall across the Isthmus. The works were completed speedily because of the enthusiasm and the multitude of those engaged in the task; but while the Peloponnesians were strengthening the wall, which extended a distance of forty stades, from Lechaeum to Cenchreae,
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 18 (search)
was believed that they would show the best spirit, seeing that they alone of the Greeks would have no place of refuge in case any reverse should occur in the course of the battle. The centre was held by the rest of the Greek forces.This, then, was the battle-order in which the Greeks sailed out, and they occupied the strait between Salamis and the HeracleiumThe Heracleium was a shrine of Heracles on the mainland where only a narrow passage separated the island from Attica (Plut. Them. 13.1).; and the king gave order to his admiral to advance against the enemy, while he himself moved down the coast to a spot directly opposite Salamis from which he could watch the course of the battle. The Persians, as they advanced, could at the outset maintain their line, since they had plenty of space; but when they came to the narrow passage, they were compelled to withdraw some ships from the line, creating in this way much disorder. The admir
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 19 (search)
over the barbarians; and in the struggle forty ships were lost by the Greeks, but more than two hundred by the Persians, not including those which were captured together with their crews. The king, for whom the defeat was unexpected, put to death those Phoenicians who were chiefly responsible for beginning the flight, and threatened to visit upon the rest the punishment they deserved. And the Phoenicians, frightened by his threats, first put into port on the coast of Attica, and then, when night fell, set sail for Asia. But Themistocles, who was credited for having brought about the victory, devised another stratagem no less clever than the one we have described. For, since the Greeks were afraid to battle on land against so many myriads of Persians, he greatly reduced the number of the Persian troops in the following manner: he sent to Xerxes the attendant of his own sons to inform him that the Greeks were about to sail to the bridge o
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 28 (search)
eavour to maintain hereafter also, and of the Lacedaemonians they only asked that they should come with all speed to Attica together with all their allies. For it was evident, they added, that Mardonius, now that the Athenians had declared men, but afterwards, when he learned of the reply the Athenians had given, in his rage he led his entire force into Attica. Apart from the army Xerxes had given him he had himself gathered many other soldiers from Thrace and Macedonia and the other allied states, more than two hundred thousand men. With the advance into Attica of so large a force as this, the Athenians dispatched couriers bearing letters to the Lacedaemonians, asking their aid; and since the Lacedaemonians still loitered and the barbarians had already crossed the border of Attica, they were dismayed, and again, taking their children and wives and whatever else they were able to carry off in their haste, they left their native land an
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 80 (search)
ians, having information of the plans of the Athenians, took the route to Tanagra in Boeotia. The Athenians advanced into Boeotia and formed in line of battle, and a fierce struggle took place; and although in the fighting the Thessalians deserted to the Lacedaemonians, nonetheless the Athenians and the Argives fought the battle through and not a few fell in both armies before night put an end to the struggle. After this, when a large supply-train was on its way from Attica for the Athenians, the Thessalians decided to attack it, and taking their evening meal at once, they intercepted by night the supply-train. The Athenians who were guarding the train were unaware that the Thessalians had changed sides and received them as friends, so that many conflicts of various kinds broke out around the convoy. For at first the Thessalians, who had been welcomed by the enemy in their ignorance, kept cutting down all whom they met, and being a
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Contents of the Twelfth Book of Diodorus (search)
campaigned against the Locrians and pillaged the city of Thronium (chap. 44). —How the Aeginetans, who had been expelled by the Athenians, colonized Thyreae, as it is called (chap. 44). —How the Lacedaemonians sent an army into Attica and destroyed the properties (chap. 45). —The second campaign of the Athenians against the Potidaeans (chap. 46). —The campaign of the Lacedaemonians against Acarnania and the naval battle with the Athenians (chaps. 47-48). —The campaign of Sitalces against Macedonia, and of the Lacedaemonians against Attica (chaps. 50-51). —On the embassy from Leontini to Athens and the powerful oratory of Gorgias their ambassador (chap. 53). —On the war between the Leontines and the Syracusans (chap. 54). —The revolt of the Lesbians from the Athenians and the seizure and destruction of Plataea by the Lacedaemonians (chaps. 55-56). —The civil strife among the Cercyraeans (chap. 57). —Ho