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The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource] | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Your search returned 112 results in 38 document sections:
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 5, chapter 47 (search)
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 5, chapter 53 (search)
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 5, chapter 58 (search)
Since Indutiomarus was daily advancing up to the camp with greater
defiance, all the cavalry of the neighboring states which he [Labienus] had taken care to have sent for, having been admitted in
one night, he confined all his men within the camp by guards with such great
strictness, that that fact could by no means be reported or carried to the Treviri . In the mean while, Indutiomarus, according to
his daily practice, advances up to the camp and spends a great part of the day
there: his horse cast their weapons, and with very insulting language call out
our men to battle. No reply being given by our men, the enemy, when they thought
proper, depart toward evening in a disorderly and scattered manner, Labienus unexpectedly sends out all the cavalry by two
gates; he gives this command and prohibition, that, when
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 2 (search)
Indutiomarus having been slain, as we have stated, the government
was conferred upon his relatives by the Treviri . They cease not to importune the neighboring Germans and to promise them money: when they could not
obtain [their object] from those nearest them, they try those more remote.
Having found some states willing to accede to their wishes, they enter into a
compact with them by a mutual oath, Aduatuci, and Menapii, with the addition of all
the Germans on this side of the Rhine
were under arms, that the Senones did not assemble according to his command, and were
concerting measures with the Carnutes and the neighboring states,
that the Germans were importuned by the Treviri in frequent embassies, thought that he ought to take
measures for the war earlier [than usual].
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 3 (search)
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 5 (search)
This part of Gaul having been tranquilized,
he applies himself entirely both in mind and soul to the war with the Treviri and Ambiorix. He orders Cavarinus
to march with him with the cavalry of the Senones , lest any commotion should arise either out of his hot
n them and
Ambiorix: he also discovered that the latter had entered into
an alliance with the Germans by means of the Treviri . Ho thought that these auxiliaries ought to be
detached from him before he provoked him to war; lest he, despairing of safety,
Germans beyond the Rhine . Having entered upon
this resolution, he sends the baggage of the whole army to Labienus, in the territories of the Treviri and orders two legions to proceed to him: he himself
proceeds against the Menapii with five lightly-equipped legions.
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 6 (search)
Caesar, having divided his forces with C. Fabius, his lieutenant, and M. Crassus
his questor, and having hastily constructed some bridges, enters their country
in three divisions, burns their houses and villages, and gets possession of a
large number of cattle and men. Constrained by these circumstances the
Menapii send embassadors to him for the purpose of suing for
peace. He, after receiving hostages, assures them that he will consider them in
the number of his enemies if they shall receive within their territories either
Ambiorix or his embassadors. Having determinately settled these
things, he left among the Menapii, Commius the
Atrebatian, with some cavalry as a guard; he himself proceeds
toward the Treviri .
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 7 (search)
While these things are being performed by Caesar, the
Treviri , having drawn together large forces of infantry and
cavalry, were preparing to attack Labienus and the
legion which was wintering in their territories, and were already not further
distant from him than a journey of two days, when they learn that two legions
had arrived by the order of Caesar. Having pitched
their camp fifteen miles off, they resolve to await the support of the Germans. Labienus, having
learned the design of the enemy, hoping that through their rashness there would
be some opportunity of engaging, after leaving a guard of five cohorts for the
baggage, advances against the enemy with twenty-five cohorts and a large body of
cavalry, and, leaving the space of a mile between them, fortifies his
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 8 (search)
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 6, chapter 9 (search)
Caesar, after he came from the territories of the
Menapii into those of the Treviri , resolved for two reasons to cross the Rhine
; one of which was, because they had sent assistance to the Treviri against him; the other, that Ambiorix might
not have a retreat among them. Having determined on these matters, he began to
build a bridge a little above that place where he had before conveyed over hi s by the great exertion of the soldiers. Having left a strong guard at
the bridge on the side of the Treviri , lest any commotion should suddenly arise among them, he
leads over the rest of the forces and the c the purpose of vindicating themselves, to assure him that "neither had
auxiliaries been sent to the Treviri from their state, nor had they violated their allegiance;"
they entreat and beseech him "to spare th