Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hong Kong (China) or search for Hong Kong (China) in all documents.

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etersburg for an exchange of gold for silver; have been broken off. It was reported that the Emperor of Russia, at the last moment, refused to sanction the exchange. China letters announce that Mr. Ward, the American Minister, was to leave Hong Kong on the 15th of December, in the Niagara. The ships Hartford, John Adams and Saginaw were at Hong Kong, December 15th. Commercial. Liverpool,Jan. 30 --Sales of Cotton Monday and Tuesday estimated at 12,000 bales, including 5,000 Hong Kong, December 15th. Commercial. Liverpool,Jan. 30 --Sales of Cotton Monday and Tuesday estimated at 12,000 bales, including 5,000 bales for export and speculation. The market closed dull, with prices cashier. Manchester advices are favorable. Breadstuffs closed steady generally. Red Southern wheat 12s. 6d.@12s. 9d. Flour quiet at 29s.@29s. 6d. Corn firm at 6d. advance. Provisions.--Beef and Pork are dull. Bacon is quiet. Lard is dull, and quotations nominal at 57s. 6d. Produce.--Rosin is firm, and all qualities have slightly advanced. Sales at 4s. 7d. @1s. 8d. Spirits Turpentine dull at 31s. Sugar
us reducing the Legislature to two parties of about equal strength. With the latter coalition General Denver stands the best chance, while the Republicans and Northern Douglasites are giving a divided support to Messrs. Randolph, Curry and McDougall, with poor prospects of harmonizing on either. Several bills have been introduced in the Legislature, granting to individuals the right to construct horse railways through the streets of San Francisco. The bark Daniel Webster brings advices from Kanagawa, Japan, to Dec. 29. . Her cargo consists of tea, coffee, arrow root, wax, honey, lacquered and porcelain ware. The ship Coquimbo, from Hong Kong, Oct. 24, for San Francisco, has put into Kanagawa in a leaky condition. Business at Kanagawa was at a stand still. Teas and silks were the only articles purchased for export at reasonable prices. It was thought that the Russians, who had been waiting many months, would get a treaty, though not such a one as desired.