Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Costa Rica (Costa Rica) or search for Costa Rica (Costa Rica) in all documents.

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or adjustment to a board of commissioners. I submit a copy of the convention to Congress, and recommend the legislation necessary to carry it into effect. Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Persevering efforts have been made for the adjustment of the claims of American citizens against the government of Costa Rica, and I am happyCosta Rica, and I am happy to inform you that these have finally prevailed. A convention was signed at the city of San Jose, on the 2nd of July last, between the minister resident of the United States in Costa Rica and the plenipotentiaries of that republic, referring these claims to a board of commissioners, and providing for the payment of their awards.Costa Rica and the plenipotentiaries of that republic, referring these claims to a board of commissioners, and providing for the payment of their awards. This convention will be submitted immediately to the Senate for their constitutional action. The claims of our citizens upon the republic of Nicaragua have not yet been provided for by treaty, although diligent efforts for this purpose have been made by our minister resident to that republic. These are still continued, wit