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he other is pressing. e has a metallic grinder and a hoop with a screw. Cider-mills. Cigar-Bundler. f has a grinder and presser, which may be acting simultaneously. A hoop filled with grindings is pushed from below the hopper to beneath the screw, and an empty hoop substituted beneath the former. Ci-gar′. A roll of tobacco-leaves for smoking. It has a pointed mouth-end and a square-butted lightingend. The word is derived from Spanish cigarro, a kind of tobacco grown in Cuba. Also spelt segar. The cheroot is the cigar of the Manillas, and has a regular taper, but both ends are squarely cut off, one of course is smaller than the other. Ci-gar — bun′dler. A clamping-press having jaws of such shape and capacity as the size of the eigar and the number desired in a bundle may warrant. The required number being placed between the jaws, the latter are drawn together by the pressure of the foot on the stirrup and cord, and the jaws locked by an arm while the tie <
rojected voyage was not expected to be much greater than the length of the Mediterranean. He sailed and discovered what he considered to be the Island of Antilia (Cuba). An island under that name had appeared on the charts since 1425. Columbus was for discovering a western route to India in the interest of the Spaniards, that thlumbus, and, no doubt, published in good faith. In it the terra-borealis forms the only trace of the North American continent, and might answer for Newfoundland. Cuba and parts of the South American continent are plotted as islands of the eastern coast of Asia, adjacent to Java major, Java minor, and Zipango, which more immediately fringed the Asiatic coast. Cuba, the Antilia of Columbus, and yet the Queen of the Antilles, lies north and south, parallel with the coveted island of Zipango (Japan), which so persistently eluded the search of the man of Genoa, who tried to push his caravel through a continent. Sea-charts were brought to England, 1489, by
y one engine and one gang of plows operate at a time. The engines are of 12 to 20 horse-power each. The gang or balance plow (Fig. 5708) is capable of turning four or six furrows, and a double-engine steam-plow will break up 20 to 25 acres per day, requiring six men to attend the plows and engines. 400 sets of these machines have been made and sent to the Pasha of Egypt, yet there are but few in this country, —one in New Jersey, and some in Louisiana and in the West. They are in use in Cuba and South America. The Magnolia sugar plantation, in Louisiana, has one set of the Fowler steam-plow of 14 horse-power, and one of 20 horse-power. When breaking up, the mold-board is set to plow to a depth of from 15 to 20 inches, and when using the subsoiler cultivating between the cane rows to the depth of from 20 to 24 inches. 2. The roundabout system of Howard may use a portable engine of any approved construction, in connection with a windlass for holding the rope. A snatch-block
opicsPaper, cloth, etc., of coarse kinds. BananaMusa sapientumTropicsVarious fabrics; the fiber resembles flax. Bast(See Cuba and Lime)Twine. Tying up cigar-bundles, etc. Bowstring-hempSanseviera zeylanicaIndiaStrong. Used for cordage, etc. Cacst fibers. Cotton (silk)Bombax ceibaSouth AmericaA silky substance unfit for spinning. Used for stuffing cushions, etc. Cuba bastParitium elatumCuba, etcA bark. Used to tie up cigars. DaphneDaphne papyraceaIndiaFibrous bark. Used for making papCuba, etcA bark. Used to tie up cigars. DaphneDaphne papyraceaIndiaFibrous bark. Used for making paper, etc. Edgeworthia gardneri Date-palmPhoenix dactyliferaN. Africa and interior desertsPlaited work, baskets, from the leaves. Esparto-grassLygaeum spartumS. Europe, etcCoarse. Matting, cordage, baskets, paper, etc. Fan-palm (dwarf)Chamaerops hst, which is grown on soils peculiarly adapted to produce the delicate flavor; a portion of the northwest of the island of Cuba is the best of all. The Connecticut Valley, some parts of Virginia, a few counties in Ohio and Kentucky, near Cincinnati a
condenser, as has been stated. By the exclusion of the air, the quality and quantity of the crystallizable sugar are increased, a smaller proportion of grape-sugar or molasses being obtained. A part of the atmospheric pressure being removed also enables the juice or sirup to be boiled at a lower temperature. The vacuum-pan was long used in the sugar-refineries of England and the United States before it was introduced into the sugar-houses of the plantations. It is now generally known in Cuba, Brazil, and Louisiana, where the business is conducted extensively and methodically. The old Jamaica train of open kettles, however, holds its own where the means of the proprietor or the extent of the plantation forbid the outlay for the vacuum-train. For plantation use, several vacuums are used in combination, as is more particularly described under sugar-machinery, it being the practice to boil the juice to a given gravity after the first defecation and filtering, and after a second t
Guiacum sanctumS. FloridaHard, dark. Turnery and ornamental. LimeTilia europaeaEuropeClose-grained. Carving, hoops, turnery, etc. Linden (Linn, bass-woodTilia americanaEastern U. S.Soft, white, flexible. LocustHymenaea courbarilW. IndiesHard. Timber for steam-engine frames, tree-nails, etc. LocustRobinia pseudacaciaEast of Miss. RiverTough and durable. Posts, tree-nails, turnery, hubs. LogwoodHacmatoxylon campechianumJamaica, HondurasDyeing. MahoganySuretema mahagoniCentral America, CubaHard. Furniture, cabinet-work, turnery, etc. Mahogany (mountain)Cereocarpus ledifoliusRocky MountainsHard, dark-red. Ornamental. MangroveVariousTropicsCabinet-making, shipbuilding. Maple (black)Acer nigrumEastern U. S.Same as saccharinum. Maple (red)Acer rubrumEastern U. S.Soft, and less useful. Maple (sugar)Acer saccharinumEastern U. S.Hard, white. Sugar, carving, gun-stocks, framing-timber, furniture. Mountain ashEucalyptus pilularisAustraliaHard, tough. Poles and shafts for carts,