Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 20, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Canada (Canada) or search for Canada (Canada) in all documents.

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a commission from the authorities at Richmond as acting master in the navy of the insurgent States, embarked at Sandwich, Canada, on board the Philo Parsons, an unarmed steamer, while on one of her regular trips, carrying passengers and freight from f the steamer, for the purpose of receiving them. Here the accused and two others took passage. At Maiden, another Canadian port, and one of the regular stopping places, about twenty-five more came on board. The accused was in citizen's dress, was concerned to accomplish the same object; that between two of these attempts the party including the accused, went to Canada and returned, and that they were on their way back to Canada when he was arrested. In these transactions, as in that on Canada when he was arrested. In these transactions, as in that on Lake Erie, the accused, though holding a commission from the insurgent authorities at Richmond, was in disguise, procuring information with the intention of using it, as he subsequently did, to inflict injury upon unarmed citizens of the United State