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several shots at her, Which soon made her heave to, Come up with her, we soon on board Had sent a full prize-crew. They called her the Columbia, The worst thing they could do, For as the name belonged to us, We claimed the steamer, too; She'd Armstrong guns, intended for A battery on shore, But as secesh did not get them, We'll let them hear their roar! I've yet one more to mention, Lavinia she by name, She had run out past the blockade, But we soon blocked her game; She was on her way to Nassau, And our captain thought it best To save her from all further harm, And send her to Key West. Soon after this a steamer came, It was the Magnolia, With orders for us to proceed After the Oreto; But they let her in at Mobile, Or her we should have caught, And, though inferior in strength, Our captain would have fought. To our engineer's exertions Great praise we know is due, And he has thanks, the heartiest, from This steamer's grateful crew; 'Twas by his quiet knowledge And energetic will