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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Confederate State Department. (search)
nity, at least to some extent, of acting under your specific instructions upon this matter. The accommodations of the regular mail steamer from Halifax to Bermuda are not very extensive, and it makes only a round trip in a month. The expense of subsisting them here, as well as the liability of men in their condition to be involved in some disturbance when collected in large numbers, renders it very expedient, if thought safe, to send them directly on from Quebec to Bermuda and even also to Nassau. I cannot hear with any certainty as to probable number, but unless I receive instructions which impose upon me other duty by the next steamer from Bermuda, I purpose going in person probably over the whole line as far as Windsor, with a view of making some final arrangements. My impression, derived from some experience already at this place, is, that of the large number who as escaped Confederates are appealing to public sympathy for material aid, there are some impostors — some who hav