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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Nassau (Bahamas) or search for Nassau (Bahamas) in all documents.
Your search returned 2 results in 1 document section:
The blockade running business at Nassau.
A letter from Nassau, March 13th, gives an interesting account of affairs at that once famous blockade-running port.
It says that, by the customs received from blockade-runners, the colony has paid off its debts and has $150,000 in gold to its credit in bank.
It adds:
The sudden check to business operations by the cessation of blockade running has thrown several hundreds of men, firemen, stokers, etc., connected with the steamers, out of emp , into Long Cay--one of the Bahamas — and her cargo sold.
Lock was arrested for this breach of the laws of neutrality upon British soil, and held to bail in the enormous sum of £100.
Of course he accepted the invitation thus given him to walk off, and disappeared.
A short time since, the attention of the authorities was drawn to the fact that he had again turned up at Nassau, and he was arrested, and his bail fixed at £1,000.
Having been unable to give this bail, he is now in durance vil