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t occasion of public danger, the people of Massachusetts, confiding in the patriotism of their bretously selected to head the delegation from Massachusetts to the Republican National Convention at Ca far more important character. Maine and Massachusetts, being subject to a common State governmennd the answer was returned, that, wherever Massachusetts leads, Maine will follow close, if she canebate then arose upon passing the bill for Massachusetts to indorse the notes of the United States ns, since they might desecrate the soil of Massachusetts to slavery; rather than that, said he, lett contrary to the desires of the people of Massachusetts, and that this Commonwealth would be partly rejoice; but the sober second thought of Massachusetts will be, wasteful, unchristian, guilty. Tforesight of her Governor and Legislature, Massachusetts was better prepared for it than other loya strifes of battle. The common schools of Massachusetts were their Alma Mater. In their homes by [55 more...]
pril 16) from Senator Wilson, stating that Massachusetts was to furnish immediately four regiments,when I was commissioned Surgeon-General of Massachusetts, with the rank of colonel. Thus early in beside themselves with joy. I doubt if old Massachusetts ever, before or since, received such encomt profound gratitude; and the heart of all Massachusetts beats with full sympathy to every word I uattery. By the constitution and laws of Massachusetts, company officers were elected by the men ntrol compelled him to do so, and the five Massachusetts companies brought up the rear on the marchbrought with it the State colors. Several Massachusetts gentlemen in Washington presented it with t Camp Andrew, in honor of the Governor of Massachusetts. Nothing of special interest occurred untmen could whip the whole of the Yankee State of Massachusetts. Our men bore these affronts with silne which will ever redound to the honor of Massachusetts, and will be prized among her richest hist[21 more...]
ition. He said,— 1st. I desire our Massachusetts troops to receive and have the first benefny, and turn over the stores to the senior Massachusetts officer in command. He was to bring back , with his guns. He was to offer to every Massachusetts command he fell in with to bring home any cess of your Administration, the people of Massachusetts are ready for the amplest and promptest obmost noble and highly cultivated men whom Massachusetts sent to the war, and who sacrificed his lihem until called for. God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Richard H. Dana, Jr., of Cambron. General Cameron agreed to authorize Massachusetts to raise two regiments in addition to thatction of the Governor, offered such aid as Massachusetts could furnish to the pecuniary credit of to will know all that is done and sent from Massachusetts, and all that is wanted and received at Wan. I had seen much of him while he was in Massachusetts, raising and organizing his regiment, and [46 more...]
ow how far he may share your sympathy with Massachusetts in her present attitude. At all events, Iernor, which gave notice that the quota of Massachusetts was fixed at six regiments of infantry, totisfy everybody, and still more sorry that Massachusetts troops should be permitted to suffer. Altts that the influence of all the agents of Massachusetts at Washington is needed, and may be profitand of the regiment. The Seventeenth left Massachusetts for the front on the 23d of August, 1861. de three hundred men who were recruited in Massachusetts for a military organization at Fortress Moant-colonel. Colonel Howe was a native of Massachusetts, doing business in New York. In the monthhould you fall in with any sick or wounded Massachusetts officers or soldiers, you will please to re Secretary of War, in fixing the quota of Massachusetts under the first call of the President for ived on the twenty-second day of May, that Massachusetts was to furnish six regiments, the Governor[49 more...]
ays, to permit any regiment to depart from Massachusetts without a chance to bid it God-speed, thatanting muskets and equipments in Missouri. Massachusetts can and will send him from five to ten thoand an attempt is made to belittle the State of Massachusetts, and in which he speaks of the usurpatnd the State of Maryland, for the blood of Massachusetts men, shed on their soil. The people in leman's conception of his own influence in Massachusetts. The resolutions offered by Rev. Mr. Clarus prosecution of the war. The position of Massachusetts was thus clearly defined, and admitted of and Major-General Butler, which stands in Massachusetts' great record of the war as the only evental Order No. 71 should be made to apply to Massachusetts the same as to New York. These preliminarGovernor, Despatch of yesterday received. Massachusetts has done so well in all she has promised, on was given to General Burnside, and five Massachusetts regiments composed a part of it. These wer[93 more...]
lature Abstracts of military laws passed Massachusetts prisoners in Richmond clothing sent lettatever was necessary for their wants. The Massachusetts men, seventy-one in number, were at once fr, Dr. Upham has just arrived, with thirty Massachusetts men,—Major Stevenson, Lieutenant Nichols, rict, was organized, under the name of the Massachusetts Soldiers' Relief Association, the members itz John Porter's division, as he had many Massachusetts regiments in his command. This he effecteg to the system adopted by the State. Our Massachusetts system proved most satisfactory, as it avo were released, and afterwards enlisted in Massachusetts regiments. Feb. 18.—The Governor writes President, as allotment-commissioners for Massachusetts troops, have received no notice of their are needed to supply the losses in the four Massachusetts regiments in his brigade. But just at thi a few weeks, and assigned to duty. The Massachusetts regiments and batteries in the spring of 1[68 more...]<
Buckingham, of the War Department, visited Massachusetts to ascertain, by personal examination and or the army. It was not until 1864, after Massachusetts had sent upwards of twenty-three thousand ge of the transportation for the remaining Massachusetts regiments destined for the Department of tnes, at Camp Meigs, at Readville. It left Massachusetts on the third day of October, under commandrts made by Major Burt to the Governor. Massachusetts having sent forward her regiments, Governo as I have several others,—though not from Massachusetts,—because so able. He is recommended, I lee best and bravest officers that went from Massachusetts into the war. Tenth, We have five thjudge. I only ask, that, if any are made, Massachusetts troops may be put under such men as I have The foregoing pages bring the history of Massachusetts in the war to the close of the year 1862, ing the enemy. Thus sixty thousand men of Massachusetts were engaged when the course of time broug[49 more...]<
re the practical embodiment of intelligent Massachusetts thought. The plan was favored from the beecognition of its justice and necessity by Massachusetts, which was the first of the United States State House. The Californians are mostly Massachusetts men, though not exclusively so; some are fce. It not only discussed the position of Massachusetts in the war, but also a variety of topics r there were at least two establishments in Massachusetts capable of building such vessels, whose se, from Boston to Galveston. The troops of Massachusetts in Maryland, in Virginia, in the Carolinashere is no part of the military history of Massachusetts of greater interest than the part which reolor to enlist in the colored regiments of Massachusetts. At this time, there were a great number interesting episodes in the war history of Massachusetts, as we shall show hereafter, and for the pan he be considered a part of the quota of Massachusetts, so that his family can receive the State [44 more...]
roe, and requisition for transportation to Massachusetts to be mustered out of service. While awaiState, and very few of the men belonged to Massachusetts. They came from other States, stimulated only colored infantry regiments raised in Massachusetts, before proceeding to other matters, we providing suitable defences for the coast of Massachusetts, and recruiting men for new regiments, andthe army of the Union; and it must be had. Massachusetts is summoned to supply her proper contingen re-enlist and be credited to the quota of Massachusetts. 3d, It also provided that volunteers thu have the total number of men furnished by Massachusetts for the military service, from April 16, 1932). The number of men who enlisted in Massachusetts for the naval service during the year 1863, making the aggregate of men furnished by Massachusetts from the commencement of the war to Dec. 3 men furnished for the military service by Massachusetts, and the total number of men furnished by[21 more...]
said,— I do not favor recruiting for Massachusetts in that State, and I do not wish to be undre of Blakely guns might be established in Massachusetts, parts of two 11-inch guns and two 9-inch liberty. Our volunteers have represented Massachusetts, during the year just ended, on almost ev, Foote, Farragut, and Porter,—the sons of Massachusetts have borne their part, and paid the debt o to assign to his command an expedition of Massachusetts veteran organizations now being raised herng the comfort, and possibly the lives, of Massachusetts soldiers. I would respectfully ask the n. He is now the United-States Marshal of Massachusetts. Charles O. Green, one of the selectmenn honorable discharge, and who returned to Massachusetts. He reported himself to the office of thee, U. S. A., assistant Provost-Marshal for Massachusetts, have agreed on figures, showing our totaloath of allegiance, and afterwards sent to Massachusetts, where they were enlisted as sailors, and [29 more...]<