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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 836 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 690 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 532 0 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 480 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 406 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 350 0 Browse Search
Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863. 332 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 322 0 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 310 0 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 294 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Missouri (Missouri, United States) or search for Missouri (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 109 results in 39 document sections:

Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 7. Gov. Gamble's proclamation. (search)
Doc. 7. Gov. Gamble's proclamation. The power of the civil authorities being insufficient to protect the lives and property of citizens of the State, I, Hamilton R. Gamble, Governor of the State of Missouri, do hereby call into the active service of the State, forty-two thousand men of the militia of the State, assigning six thousand as the quota for each military district, which is the same as a Congressional district. The force thus called into service, will be, as far as possible, a volunteer force, and will consist of ten thousand cavalry and thirty-two thousand infantry. If the number volunteering should exceed this requisition, the excess will be held as a reserve corps. If there should be a deficiency, it may become necessary to resort to draft. The Adjutant-General will issue to the Division Inspectors of the several military districts the orders necessary to carry this requisition into effect. The force called out will be for six months, unless peace in the Stat
Confederate States of America neither intends nor desires to disturb the neutrality of Kentucky. The assemblage of troops in Tennessee to which you refer, had no other object than to repel the lawless invasion of that State by the forces of the United States, should their Government seek to approach it through Kentucky, without respect for its position of neutrality. That such apprehensions were not groundless, has been proved by the course of that Government in the States of Maryland and Missouri, and more recently in Kentucky itself, in which, as you inform me, a military force has been enlisted and quartered by the United States authorities. The Government of the Confederate States has not only respected most scrupulously the neutrality of Kentucky, but has continued to maintain the friendly relations of trade and intercourse which it has suspended with the United States generally. In view of the history of the past, it can scarcely be necessary to assure your Excellency tha
unbroken the peace of a border nearly five hundred miles in extent, and protecting the heart of the Republic from the immediate havoc of war. The Federal Government again calls upon you for soldiers. The late disaster at Manassas, serious as it was in many respects to the rebels, has added to their audacity and insolence. Encouraged by apparent success, they have augmented their forces and have enhanced the necessity for vigilance and power at Washington, in Western Virginia, and in Missouri. Twenty-nine regiments of infantry, together with a proportionate force of artillery and cavalry, are now being organized in your State. As the Executive of the State, it becomes my duty to appeal to you to perfect those organizations as rapidly as possible. I invoke you to give no ear to any counsels unfriendly to the prompt and effectual consolidation of the military force which the General Government requires to repel the threatened assaults of the enemy, and crush the rebellion. It
velopment and expression of public opinion in Missouri with regard to the important step taken by Maoughout that State. We say public opinion in Missouri, for it is only those who are the witnesses a observe that the organs of public opinion in Missouri accept a declaration of martial law as bettermutual. The desperate state of affairs in Missouri, and the existence of which is deemed more un with. We presume that no loyal citizen of Missouri has any admiration for martial law, either ink the warfare waged against Union citizens in Missouri, was of course to be expected. With them noteal and personal, of all persons, in the State of Missouri, who shall take up arms against the Unitrise that martial law should be proclaimed in Missouri. The course of the secessionists, headed by moment. By no act of the people of the State of Missouri have they, at any time, betrayed any anxe position which they hold at this hour. But Missouri has been invaded by troops from a power engag[9 more...]
c. 24. Jeff. Thompson's proclamation. Headquarters First Military District, M. S. G., camp Hunter, Sept. 2, 1861. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Major-General John C. Fremont, commanding the minions of Abraham Lincoln, in the State of Missouri, has seen fit to declare martial law throughout the whole State, and has threatened to shoot any citizen soldier found in arms within certain limits; also to confiscate the property and free the negroes belonging to the members of the Missouri State Guards; therefore, know ye that I, M. Jeff. Thompson, Brigadier-General of the First Military District of Missouri, having not only the military authority of Brigadier-General, but certain police powers, granted by Acting Governor Thomas C. Reynolds, and confirmed afterward by Governor Jackson, do most solemnly promise that, for every member of the Missouri State Guard or soldier of our allies, the armies of the Confederate States, who shall be put to death in pursuance of the said ord
lled in the aid of Pillow's rebels. Pillow thinks his position in Missouri is no longer safe or tenable, and now strikes boldly for Kentucky. Hardee is disgusted and sick of Missouri, and laments the day that he ever set foot in it. He says openly and boldly that Claib. Jackson deceived him and Pillow as to the real sentiments of the people of Missouri. They were assured by him that, on their first landing, the flower of the citizens of Missouri would rush to their aid; that the great city of St. Louis would, in one universal voice, rise in insurrection ing with all this aid and comfort, they find that only the scum of Missouri has joined their men, who would rather steal than work for an honeve no arms to fight with. They find that the rebels of the State of Missouri are now more completely and fully in the iron grasp of the Unnd that it would be death and destruction for them to advance into Missouri with the comparative handful of men which they might bring to bear
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 33. capture of Lexington, Missouri. (search)
Headquarters M. S. G., Camp Wallace, Lexington, Sept. 23, 1861. To the Hon. Claiborne F. Jackson, Governor of the State of Missouri: I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the following report of the actions which terminated on the 20th ications. No general ever commanded a braver or a better army. It is composed of the best blood and the bravest men of Missouri. When nearly every one, officers and men, behaved so well, as is known to your Excellency, (who was present with the conflict. That same night the Irish Brigade were sworn not to take up arms against the Confederate States or the State of Missouri, and then, with their clothes on their backs and nothing to eat, they were put across the river and left to find thavalry, three hundred--making about two thousand seven hundred men, all told, to hold one of the most important posts in Missouri, which is now surrounded by a force that numbers not less than eleven thousand, and some rumors say thirteen thousand.
of the most delicate flower, or bruise a blade of grass that decorates our fields; yet wherever they have gone, though in some instances commanded by soldiers unsurpassed in the best qualities of men, their course is marked by desolation, and lighted by the flames of burning fields and houses. It might rather be said of them, as of the hosts of Attila, that where they once pass the grass never grows. The President promised peace to our mother, Virginia; he promised peace to our daughter, Missouri; he now sings in our ears the delusive sound. It is the peace which reigns in his water-girt Bastiles; it is the peace which is found in the graves of his victims. Freemen of Kentucky! we have been slow to oppose the usurpations of Abraham Lincoln. We have heard his promises that he would observe the neutrality of Kentucky, and we have heard the echoed reassurances of his chosen instruments. We have seen the lawless military organizations which for months he has been engaged in intro
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 46. Fremont's Manumission deeds. (search)
Doc. 46. Fremont's Manumission deeds. Fremont's proclamation. Headquarters Western Department of the U. S. Army, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1861. the Major-General Commanding the Western Department, having satisfactory evidence that Thomas L. Snead, of the City and County of St. Louis, and State of Missouri, has been taking active part with the enemies of the United States in the present insurrectionary movement against its Government; and the Military Commission, now in session at the Arsenal in this city, having reported the fact to these Headquarters as the result of its deliberations, the Major-General Commanding has executed and ordered to be published the following Deeds of Manumission: Deed of Manumission. Whereas, Thomas L. Snead, of the City and County of St. Louis, State of Missouri, has been taking active part with the enemies of the United States, in the present insurrectionary movement against the Government of the United States; now, therefore, I, John
Doc. 53. battle of Blue Mills, Mo. Col. Scott's official report. Headquarters 3D regiment Iowa Volunteers, liberty, Mo., Sept. 18, 1861. S. D. Sturgis, Brig.-Gen. U. S. A.: sir: In relation to an affair of yesterday which occurred near Blue Mills Landing, I have the honor to report: Agreeably to your orders I left Cameron at 3 P. M. of the 15th instant, and through a heavy rain and bad roads made but seven miles during that afternoon. By a very active march on the 16th I reached Centerville, ten miles north of Liberty, by sunset, where the firing of cannon was distinctly heard in the direction of Platte City, which was surmised to be from Colonel Smith's (Illinois Sixteenth) command. Had sent a messenger to Colonel Smith from Hainesville, and sent another from Centerville, apprising him of my movements, but got no response. On the 17th at 2 A. M. started from Centerville for Liberty, and at daylight the advanced guards fell in with the enemy's pickets, which they