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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) or search for North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 9 results in 5 document sections:
South Carolina Bank Notes
are taken by some of the brokers in this city at five per cent, discount; and North Carolina (with the exception of the Miners' Bank, which is five per cent discount) is taken at two per cent.
Georgia Mint
--At the U. S. Mint at Dahlonega, Ga., during last month, the amount of gold received was 837 ounces, which was coined into $14,270. Of the ore, $5,334 came from Kansas, $4,214 from California, $386 from N. Carolina, and $3,455 from Georgia.
North Carolina election.
--The Raleigh Register gives returns, reported and official, from 75 counties, which give Breckinridge a majority of 3,914, according to a hasty calculation which we made.
Twelve counties remain to be heard from, which gave Ellis a majority of 2,072.
The vote polled for President is some ten or twelve thousand less than the vote for Governor in August last.
Douglas' vote in the whole State will not exceed 2,000.