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Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT UNDECIMUM. (search)
ibus, &c., “ the French ships returning. ” Gallicis reducibus, hostiumque copiis maritimis aut captis, aut tempestate disjectis, sese perbrevi hostium opera omnia expugnare posse, propugnaculumPropugnaculum, &c., “ he resolved to assault, with the utmost vigor, and besiege the enemy's fortress. ” acerrime aggredi et obsidere instituit. Consilio, Consilio, &c., “ but the design of D'Estaing, of repairing to Boston, for the purpose of refitting his fleet, being known, ” (to the Americans in Rhode Island and elscwhere.) autem, D'Estaing, sese Bostoniam, reficiendæ classis causâ, recipiendi, cognito, in Sullivani fortis exercitu, querimoniæ liberæ exaudiri, et à militibus gregariis, in socios, Socios, “ their allies, ” the French. mali auctores, jactari et rejici cœptæ Hæc sententia nonnullis inimica videbatur. Mala attamen, quæ in re tam insperatâ timenda forent, providit Providit, “ foresaw the evils, ” &c. Washingtonii mens cauta, Fayetteque, Gallus prænobilis,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A vindication of Virginia and the South. (search)
rines we and our fathers grew up, and we were taught to regard them with a reverence almost holy and to believe in them with quite a religious belief. In the war that ensued, the Colonies triumphed; and in the treaty of peace, Great Britain acknowledged each one of her devolted Colonies to be a nation, endowed with all the attributes of sovereignty, independent of her, of each other, and of all other temporal powers whatsoever. These new-born nations were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia--thirteen in all. At that time all the country west of the Alleghany mountains was a wilderness. All that part of it which lies north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi, called the Northwest Territory, and out of which the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and a part of Minnesota have since been carved, belonged to Virginia. She ex
John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
ling out 75,000 militia, for three months, to suppress the Rebellion, and to cause the laws to be executed. Having been a Massachusetts soldier, it is but natural that I should refer occasionally to her part in the opening of this momentous crisis in the country's history, as being more familiar to me than the record of any other State. Yet, proud as I am of her conspicuous services in the early war period, I have no desire to extol them at the expense of Pennsylvania, New York, and Rhode Island, who so promptly pressed forward and touched elbows with her in this emergency; nor of those other great Western States, whose sturdy patriots so promptly crossed Mason's and Dixon's line in such serried ranks at the summons of Father Abraham. It has often been asked how Massachusetts, so much farther from the National Capital than any of the other States, should have been so prompt in coming to its assistance. Let me give some idea of how it happened. In December, 1860, Adjutant-Ge
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
rry (1861-3) Governor Joseph A. Gilmore (1863-5) New Jersey Governor Charles S. Olden (1860-3) Governor Joel Parker (1863-6) New York Governor Edwin D. Morgan (1859-63) Governor Horatio Seymour (1863-5) Governor Reuben E. Fenton (1865-9) Ohio Governor William Dennison (1860-2) Governor David Tod (1862-4) Governor John Brough (1864-5) Oregon Governor John Whittaker (1859-62) Governor Addison C. Gibbs (1862-6) Pennsylvania Governor Andrew G. Curtin (1861-7) Rhode Island Governor William Sprague (1860-1) Governor John R. Bartlett, acting (1861-2) Governor William C. Cozzens, acting (1863) Governor James Y. Smith (1863-5) Vermont Governor Erastus Fairbanks (1860-1) Governor Frederic Holbrook (1861-3) Governor J. Gregory Smith (1863-5) West Virginia (admitted 1863) Provisional Governor Francis H. Peirpoint (1861-3) Governor Arthur I. Boreman (1863-9) Wisconsin Governor Alexander W. Randall (185
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.54 (search)
The Burnside expedition. this paper was read by General Burnside before the soldiers' and sailors' historical Society of Rhode Island, July 7th, 1880, and is included here by permission of the Society, the text being somewhat abridged to conform to the plan of this work.-editors. Ambrose E. Burnside, Major-General, U. S. A. Soon after the 1st Rhode Island regiment was mustered out of service, I was appointed by President Lincoln to the office of brigadier-general. My commission was giApril regular siege operations had been begun by General Parke and were pressed rapidly forward, and by the 26th of April the garrison at Beaufort had been forced to surrender. Thus another victory was to be inscribed upon our banner. The Rhode Island troops bore a most honorable part in this conflict. After that, several small expeditions were sent into the interior of the country, all of which were successful. Much to my sorrow, on the 3d of the following July I was ordered to go to
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 15.64 (search)
The loss of the monitor. by the courtesy of the soldiers' and sailors' historical Society, of Rhode Island, we are permitted to print the following interesting paper condensed from one of its pamphlets.-editors. Francis B. Butts, a survivor of the Monitor's ) Crew. At daybreak on the 29th of December, 1862, at Fort Monroe, the Monitor hove short her anchor, and by 10 o'clock in the forenoon she was under way for Charleston, South Carolina, in charge of Commander J. P. Bankhead. The Rhode Island, a powerful side-wheel steamer, was to be our convoy, and to hasten our speed she took us in tow with two long 12-inch hawsers. The weather was heavy with dark, stormy-looking clouds and a westerly wind. We passed out of the Roads and rounded Cape Henry, proceeding on our course with but little change in the weather up to the next day at noon, when the wind shifted to the south-south-west and increased to a gale. At 12 o'clock it was my trick at the lee wheel, and being a good hand
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
heroic New Jersey Brigade which at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania lost a thousand one hundred and forty-three officers and men. Next, and out of like experiences, the brigades of Edwards and Hamblen, representing the valor of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Now passes Getty's Division. Leading is Warner's Brigade, from its great record of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor; then the magnificent First Vermont Brigade, under that sterling t self but the larger, deeper well-being which explains and justifies personal experience. Now follows the artillery brigade, under Major Cowan; eight batteries representing all the varieties of that field service, and the contributions of Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, and New Jersey, and the regulars. What story of splendors and of terrors do these grim guns enshrine! Now, last of all, led by Major van Brocklin, the little phalanx of the 50th New York Engineers, which had been left
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 5: secession. (search)
he would have entered, was virtually a promise that her condition should be granted. Nor was she the only State which made the same reservation. New York and Rhode Island, the latter the smallest, and the former the most powerful State, next to Virginia, both ncv among the covenant-breakers, which are persecuting the Old Dominioact as, of course, implying such a right. The attempt has been made to break the force of this fact, by the miserable subterfuge: That Virginia, New York, and Rhode Island, only stipulated for this right to retire if they found the Union inconvenient, because they feared it might prove a failure; and that since its splendid succetion; on the contrary, it claimed an immortal existence. Yet one, and another, and another State deserted it to enter the new Union, when it saw fit; and one, Rhode Island, did not transfer itself from the old compact to the new, for three years. Yet neither the new nor the old confederation dreamed of assailing the other: both r
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
ason, Richard Henry Lee, James Monroe, Benjamin Harrison, and William Grayson. In the other were James Madison, John Marshall, Edmund Randolph, Edmund Pendleton, and General Henry Lee, and behind them, as a powerful reserve, was the great influence of Washington. On the final vote friends of the measure secured a majority of only ten votes. The next State to adopt it after Virginia was New York, and she did so by only three votes. North Carolina did not join the Union immediately, and Rhode Island for fifteen months, after the new Constitution had gone into operation. The delay in the action of these States, and the close votes in so many others, was the result of an undefined fear in the public mind that as years rolled on the government they were then creating might in turn destroy the autonomy of the various States. Massachusetts, South Carolina, and New York had made, as the price of their ratifying the Constitution, amendments to guard as far as possible against consolida
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance of the Army-crossing the Colorado-the Rio Grande (search)
The column was halted for a rest, and a number of officers, myself among them, rode out two or three miles to the right to see the extent of the herd. The country was a rolling prairie, and, from the higher ground, the vision was obstructed only by the earth's curvature. As far as the eye could reach to our right, the herd extended. To the left, it extended equally. There was no estimating the number of animals in it; I have no idea that they could all have been corralled in the State of Rhode Island, or Delaware, at one time. If they had been, they would have been so thick that the pasturage would have given out the first day. People who saw the Southern herd of buffalo, fifteen or twenty years ago, can appreciate the size of the Texas band of wild horses in 1846. At the point where the army struck the Little Colorado River [a small stream and canyon just north of Brownsville], the stream was quite wide and of sufficient depth for navigation. The water was brackish and the