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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,468 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1,286 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 656 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 566 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 440 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 416 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 360 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 298 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 298 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 272 0 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. (search)
hley and Cooper Rivers, on the seacoast of South Carolina, and far away from the centers of populatiute, This building, in which the famous South Carolina Ordinance of Secession was signee (it was consideration assembled, and in which the South Carolina Ordinance of Secession was adopted by the d Texas, three from Arkansas, and all from South Carolina. On the following morning, twenty-six of have observed, the Secession Convention of South Carolina politicians was assemabled when it passed 32 and 1833, Calhoun and his associates in South Carolina attempted to strike a deadly blow at our n the Congressional conspirators, while the South Carolina delegation, who assumed to be special manaates were represented, excepting Delaware, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Oregon. On the evening ovention adjourned. June 23, 1860. The South Carolina delegation, who remained in Richmond, formigan, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Oregon, South Carolina, and Wisconsin--ten in all. Toward eve
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
the Presbyterian Church, in Charles. ton, South Carolina, put forth two pamphlets, in which he sougary, sat William H. Gist, then Governor of South Carolina; ex-governor James H. Adams; James L. Orr, secession, and would be held to it ; that South Carolina would shatter the accursed Union, and thatlaration of Robert Barnwell Rhett, also of South Carolina, Henry A. Wise. that all true statesmanove and confidence of our people at home. South Carolina will go. I consider Georgia and Florida asollowing day, Presidential electors. In South Carolina, political power had always been as far restify the conclusion that the secession of South Carolina will be immediately followed, if not adoptnce of the election of Lincoln. It is for South Carolina, in the quickest manner, and by the most dfirst drop of blood spilled on the soil of South Carolina will ring Virginia and every other SoutherIt was so offensive to the Hotspurs of the South Carolina State Convention, that that body refused t[23 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 3: assembling of Congress.--the President's Message. (search)
he Southern States Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, and others, publicly declared, long beforry, the chief organ of the conspirators in South Carolina, scorning the assertion that any thing so on the subject of secession, it was this:--South Carolina has just cause for seceding from the Uniona petted monster, among the politicians of South Carolina, and was exhibited to the people whenever f State, on the 6th of December, saying :--South Carolina says she intends to leave the Union. Her and the Eastern Department, which includes South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. You k It might easily be done at this time. If South Carolina should take them, it might, as she anticiptates, in March, 1858, Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, said, exultingly:--You dare not make war she will have vested in the government of South Carolina all those powers which she, conjointly witreign department; and in the government of South Carolina will be vested the right to declare war, t[5 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 4: seditious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. (search)
tious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. Conduct of Souts Humphreys, of New York; Wm. W. Boyce, of South Carolina; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Peter and become spectators of the movements in South Carolina, preparatory to the open revolt that occurwas the language of a leading statesman of South Carolina, whom the people were required to venerateecember 13, 1860. said: In ten days more, South Carolina will have certainly seceded; and in reasonates, when he left Washington, was to take South Carolina out of the Union instantly. Now, Sir, he f the property of the United States not in South Carolina, and the value of the share thereof to whions, then Representatives in Congress from South Carolina:--John McQueen, William Porcher Miles, M. , for the purpose of signing the Seal of South Carolina. ordinance, which, in the mean time, had plainly to the fifteen Slave-labor States, South Carolina is to be the head and heart of the new Con[100 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 5: events in Charleston and Charleston harbor in December, 1860.--the conspirators encouraged by the Government policy. (search)
t, to avoid collision with the citizens of South Carolina. Nothing will, however, be better calcula hope that no blood will be shed, and that South Carolina will attempt to obtain possession of the f that he was laying before confederates of South Carolina politicians information of the weakness ofto the National Government and citizens of South Carolina, and for the official correspondence on thetteville in North Carolina, Charleston in South Carolina, Augusta in Georgia, Mount Vernon in Alabaand Kentucky only in part; while Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Miscted to deliver over to the authorities of South Carolina any of Captain Foster's workmen, should a . This opposition, and the threats of the South Carolina delegation in Congress, as we have observehim as a public enemy within the domain of South Carolina; and the Charleston Mercury, with the pecuby United States troops was an invasion of South Carolina. In a letter written to Adjutant-General [12 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
of Secretary Floyd Cabinet changes, 146. South Carolina Commissioners in Washington, 147. their Cmore, the two remaining representatives of South Carolina, arose from their seats, shook hands with nd autocracy, said one, has taken place in South Carolina; secession is a fixed fact. Washington the issue to the chambers of the Capitol. South Carolina, through her representatives, will reappeaell, Adams, and Orr, the Commissioners for South Carolina. They evidently expected to stay a long twith their appurtenances, in the limits of South Carolina; and also for an apportionment of the publagent of the Confederated States, of which South Carolina was recently a member; and generally to nec within their borders. The organs of the South Carolina conspirators begged that Fort Pickens, andeady been made known to the authorities of South Carolina, by a telegraphic dispatch to the Charlestiticians may lend their aid in deceptions, South Carolina will stand under her own Palmetto-tree, un[27 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
e Union, following the example of those of South Carolina, passed ordinances of secession and appoinogress of business easy. Delegates from South Carolina and Alabama, who were present, were invitet the bond that held it to the old Union. South Carolina was formally acknowledged as a Sovereign S States in the Union. The population of South Carolina, in 1860, was 708,812, of whom 402,541 werlahassee was addressed by L. W. Spratt, of South Carolina, the great advocate of the African Slave-ter them, and invited Commissioners Orr, of South Carolina, and Shorter, of Alabama, to seats in the overnor Brown, following the advice of the South Carolina conspirators, and the recommendations of T of America. McQueen, a commissioner from South Carolina, was there to assist in working the machinon of seven Cotton-growing States, namely, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Garrett; to Mississippi, E. W. Pettus; to South Carolina, J. A. Elmore; to Maryland, A. F. Hopkins;[9 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
demagogues to make Maryland subservient to South Carolina. We are told, he said, by the leading spirause insufficient to justify the course of South Carolina. Can it be that this people, who then unaprecipitated into this revolution, because South Carolina thinks differently. Are we not equals? Othe conspirators in the Gulf States and in South Carolina and Virginia. He labored unceasingly, wit nature and society, it was totally unlike South Carolina, the cradle of the rebellion. Its people threatened the destruction of Slavery; and South Carolina orators and journalists made Massachusettsons, habits, and feelings of the people of South Carolina. The representatives of Massachusetts in . The preamble spoke of the insurgent State of South Carolina; its seizure of the public property; ecure by following the example of those of South Carolina in revolutionary measures. Why should noterson Davis, January 6, 1860. After the South Carolina Ordinance of Secession was adopted, an ex-[1 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
ates. The public suspected it after the rebellious acts of the South Carolina politicians, late in December; 1860. and early in January it went, who seemed painfully conscious, after the departure of the South Carolina Commissioners and the disruption of his Cabinet, that faith in es keep possession of that fort, said Wool, the independence of South Carolina will only be in name, and not in fact. Then, with prophetic woweeks later, he said:--If, however, it should be surrendered to South Carolina, the smothered indignation of the Free States would be roused bcussion; and men may as well hear it. One of your confederates [South Carolina] has already wisely, bravely, boldly, met the public danger andished. You have got it in the South pretty much in both ways. South Carolina has given it to you regularly, according to the approved plan. hing for the Union? God forbid I Sacrifice every thing to keep South Carolina in it? Rather build a bridge of gold and pay her toll over it.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
ion, was an advocate of the treason of the South Carolina politicians in 1832-33, and is fully on re to be a disunion man, and was glad to see South Carolina and other Slave-labor States had practicalnd represented the disloyal politicians of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,ama, A. J. Pickett. Robert W. Barnwell, of South Carolina, was chosen temporary chairman; and the blresentative of the disloyal politicians of South Carolina--thought himself peculiarly fitted for a suture permanent Southern Constitution, for South Carolina is about to be saddled with almost every g Constitution. As the slave population of South Carolina was the majority, he complained that two-fthe restraints to which the sovereignty of South Carolina would be subjected as a member of a Confedd, withdrew his motion. W. W. Boyce, of South Carolina, who had been a member of the National Conat this fort should be taken, and taken by South Carolina alone. By any other course, it appears to [9 more...]