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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) or search for Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 10 results in 5 document sections:
Latest Northers news.further Intelligence from Tennessee.death of old Abe's son.&c. &c. &c.
We have received copies of the New York Herald of the 21st and 23d.
The following is a summary of th give an official history of the reallocating preparations on the Mississippi, Cumberland, and Tennessee. Lieut. Brown had charge of the construction of gunboats.
At night, on the 7th, we arrive had bean sawed.
Lieutenant Commanding Gwen had, in our absence, enlisted some twenty-five Tennessee, who gave information of the encampment of Colonel Drew's rebel regiment at Savannah, Tennesse t proper to give you. We have met with the most gratifying proofs of loyalty everywhere across Tennessee and in the portions of Mississippi and Alabama we visited.
Most affecting instances greeted u time, would have hailed us as deliverers, and gladly enlisted with the national force.
In Tennessee, the people generally, in their enthusiasm, braved Secessionists and spoke their views freely,
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1862., [Electronic resource], Not captured. (search)
Our report of the proceedings of yesterday in the House of Representatives is rendered necessarily brief by the House resolving itself into secret session, on the motion of Mr. Swann, of Tennessee.
It is not our purpose to discuss the propriety of this action of the House, believing that the members of that body, with all the lights before them, ought to be most competent to decide whether or not this step was rendered necessary to the rapacious consideration of the public into, rests.
In New York on the 20th Virginia 's were sold at ;Tennessee 's at North Carolina 6's at 50, 70, Missouri 6's at 6060. On the flat inst.
North Carolina 6's rose 4 percent, Virginia 6's 6, Tennessee 6's 1, and Missouri 6's .
Gen. "Picayune" Butler, left Fortress Monroe on the night of the 20th inst., to assume command at Ship Island.
In New York on the 20th Virginia 's were sold at ;Tennessee 's at North Carolina 6's at 50, 70, Missouri 6's at 6060. On the flat inst.
North Carolina 6's rose 4 percent, Virginia 6's 6, Tennessee 6's 1, and Missouri 6's .
Gen. "Picayune" Butler, left Fortress Monroe on the night of the 20th inst., to assume command at Ship Island.