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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Origin of the late war. (search)
mous northwestern ordinance, to which the old Virginia fathers were driven by their abhorrence of slre by the past. Indeed, an armed invasion of Virginia had been just made by John Brown, with the avf spirit also. She did not wish — certainly, Virginia did not desire it — if she could maintain hern J. Allen, President of the Supreme court of Virginia, and adopted with but two dissenting voices. ax the colonies without their consent, it was Virginia who, by the resolutions against the stamp actarted the first impulse to the Revolution. Virginia declared her independence before any of the cthe legislative hall. Under the leading of Virginia statesmen the Revolution of 1798 was brought nfederate States, cannot admit of question in Virginia. Our people in convention, by their act ofurt, in February, 1775, to the delegates from Virginia to the Continental Congress, That we desire nrights and insure the safety of the people of Virginia. And in the event of a change in our relat[3 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address of Congress to the people of the Confederate States: joint resolution in relation to the war. (search)
e blood of their masters, in a manner unpracticed by civilized nations. This, probably, had reference to the proclamation of Dunmore, the last royal Governor of Virginia, in 1775, declaring freedom to all servants or negroes, if they would join for the reducing the colony to a proper sense of its duty. The invitation to the slaves to rise against their masters, the suggested insurrection, caused, says Bancroft, a thrill of indignation to run through Virginia, effacing all differences of party, and rousing one strong, impassioned purpose to drive away the insolent power by which it had been put forth. A cotemporary annalist, adverting to the same proclamthe dark and bloody ground. Notes of gladness, assurances of a brighter and better day, reach us, and the exiles may take courage and hope for the future. In Virginia, the model of all that illustrates human heroism and self-denying patriotism, although the tempest of desolation has swept over her fair domains, no sign of repe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Department (search)
e Southern Historical Society, with a parent society to hold its seat in that city, and with the design of having affiliated societies in the States of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky and the District of Columbia; but Newa favorable location for the parent-society, and therefore, under the call of the said society, a Convention was held at the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, on the 14th of August, 1873, by which the society was reorganized, with a change of the seat of the parent society to the city of Richmond, Virginia. The fol retained on its present basis, and that the officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and Executive Committee, resident in the State of Virginia, and a Vice-President in each of the Southern States. 4. That each Vice-President shall be ex-officio president of the auxiliary State society, and is req
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A vindication of Virginia and the South. (search)
A vindication of Virginia and the South. By Commodore M. F. Maury. [Note.--The following paper motive and singleness of purpose which moved Virginia to become one of the United States, sectional into the South till 1808. That year, one of Virginia's own sons being President of the United Stat that early day. To quiet the storm, a son of Virginia came forward as peace-maker, and carried throed, and dissolution might have ensued had not Virginia stepped in with her wise counsels. She pourethem against their masters. Resolutions of Virginia for a Declaration of Independence, unanimously adopted 15th May, 1776.--Page 1, Code of Virginia, 1860. To counteract this attempt by the New Engout and equipped in the North, came down upon Virginia with sword and spear in hand. They commencedthat the chief occupation of the gentlemen of Virginia was the breeding of slaves like cattle for th propositions and rejected all the efforts of Virginia at conciliation. North Carolina, Tennessee, [15 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Camp fires of the boys in Gray. (search)
l that sort of thing. Of course he would sing some good rolicking songs in order to give all a chance. And so, with hearty chorus, Three times around went she, Virginia, Virginia, the land of the free, No surrender, Lula, Lula, Lula is gone, John Brown's body, with many variations, Dixie, The Bonnie blue flag, Farewell to the stVirginia, the land of the free, No surrender, Lula, Lula, Lula is gone, John Brown's body, with many variations, Dixie, The Bonnie blue flag, Farewell to the star Spangled Banner, Hail Columbia, with immense variations, and Maryland, my Maryland, till about the third year of the war, when we began to think Maryland had breathed and burned long enough and ought to come. What part of her did come was first class. How the woods did ring with song. There were patriotic songs, romantic and the demoralization which they supposed would result from the Confederate war for independence, and their solicitude was directed mainly towards the young men of Virginia and the South who were to compose the armies of the Confederate States. It was feared by many that the bivouac, the camp fires and the march would accustom the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from General J. E. Johnston. (search)
ing of June, 1862. As they contradict previous statements of mine, I beg leave to point them out. In the statement of the strength of Holmes' division, at least 4,000 brought by him to the army from Petersburg, June 1st, are omitted; only those brought at the end of the month are referred to — they may have been 6,500. In that of Longstreet's, the strength was near 14,000 June 1st. The six brigades that then joined it had been reduced to 9,000 when they marched, late in August, to Northern Virginia. The cavalry could not have exceeded 3,000, nor the reserve artillery 1,000, June 1st. G. W. Smith's division of five brigades amounted to near 13,000 June 1st; only two of these brigades, guessed by the author to number 5,300, are mentioned, under Whiting, as belonging to Jackson's command. Jackson's and Ewell's divisions are set down at 9,000. General Ewell, with whom I had repeated conversations on the subject, told me that he had in his 8,000 men. General Jackson had a brigade
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A Correction. (search)
A Correction. Selma, Ala., March 11th, 1875. Dr. J. Wm. Jones, Secretary Southern Historical Society, Richmond, Va.: Dear Sir — I wish to correct my narrative of the services of the Ironclad Virginia, in which the Teaser, Beaufort and Raleigh are called tugs. In the fight they did good service as gunboats, and should have been so designated. The Beaufort had a converted, single-banded rifle gun, 32-pound calibre, and a 24-pound carronade. The Teaser and Raleigh were, I think, similarly armed. Please annex this to my narrative, and you will oblige, Your obedient servant, Catesby Ap. R. Jones.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.12 (search)
ity, Rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee, and the fast sinking soldier joined in with all the strength his failing power permitted. He then prayed with the friends around, and with the words I am going fast now, I am resigned, God's will be done, the great, grand cavalry leader furled his battle-flag forever. Gentlemen, my object in all this is to bring you to the simple grave upon the hillside in beautiful Hollywood that I saw to-day, and to ask you if the Pantheon of Virginia's heart can be complete until it contains the image of this, one of her most gracious cavaliers? The city of Richmond, saved by the fight at Yellow Tavern from capture, pledged itself to erect a monument to this hero, and I hope the day is not far distant when she will be able to redeem so sacred an obligation. Soldiers I from the depths of my heart I rejoice to have witnessed the splendid tribute that has reached us from across the ocean to the memory of the immortal Jackson. I feel
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
that neither they nor I could relieve the sufferings of the prisoners; that the only thing to be done for them was to exchange them; and, to show that I would do whatever was in my power, I offered them to send to City Point all the prisoners in Virginia and North Carolina over which my command extended, provided they returned an equal number of mine, man for man. I reported this to the War Department, and received for answer that they would place at my command all the prisoners at the South if wounded, to the amount of fifteen thousand, without an equivalent, provided transportation was furnished. Previously to this, I think, I offered to General Grant to send into his lines all the prisoners within my department, which then embraced Virginia and North Carolina, provided he would return me man for man; and when I informed the Confederate authorities of my proposition, I was told that, if it was accepted, they would place all the prisoners at the South at my disposal. I offered subse
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Statement of General J. D. Imboden. (search)
e of performing efficiently the arduous duties of my position as a cavalry officer on active service in the mountains of Virginia, and therefore I applied to the Confederate War Office for assignment to some light duty farther south till the milder wg would enable me to take my place at the head of the brave and hardy mountaineers of the Valley and western counties of Virginia I had the honor to command. General R. E. Lee kindly urged my application in person, and procured an order directing me Kilpatrick with Sherman, and Stoneman co-operating from Tennessee, almost suspended mail facilities between Georgia and Virginia, and the telegraph was almost impracticable, because the line was taxed almost to its capacity in connection with active and sometimes a very few potatoes, but they were rarely to be had. Other vegetables we had none. General Lee's army in Virginia lived but little if any better. The food was sound and wholesome, but meagre in quantity, and not such in kind and vari