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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 4 0 Browse Search
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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Libellus de politica conservatia Maris. Or, The Pollicy of keeping the Sea. (search)
Marchants and the sea from mischiefe. Of the commodities of Scotland and draping of hel wolles in Flanders. The fourth Chapiter. MOREOVER of Scotland the commodities Are Felles, Hides, and of Wooll the Fleese. And all these must passe by us away Into Flanders by England, sooth to say. And all her woolle was draped for to sell In the Townes of Poperinge and of Bell; Which my Lord of Glocester with ire For her falshed set upon a fire. And yet they of Bell and Poperinge Could never drape her wooll for any thing, But if they had English woll withall. Our goodly wooll which is so generall Needefull to them in Spaine and Scotland als, And other costes, this sentence is not false: Yee worthy Marchants I doe it upon you, I have this learned ye wot well where and howe: Ye wotte the Staple of that Marchandie, Of this Scotland is Flaunders sekerly. And the Scots bene charged knowen at the eye, Out of Flanders with little Merceri
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Of the commodities of Scotland and draping of hel wolles in Flanders. The fourth Chapiter. (search)
Of the commodities of Scotland and draping of hel wolles in Flanders. The fourth Chapiter. MOREOVER of Scotland the commodities Are Felles, Hides, and of Wooll the Fleese. And all these must passe by us away Into Flanders by England, sooth to say. And all her woolle was draped for to sell In the Townes of Poperinge and of Bell; Which my Lord of Glocester with ire For her falshed set upon a fire. And yet they of Bell and Poperinge Could never drape her wooll for any thing, But if they had English woll withall. Our goodly wooll which is so generall Needefull to them in Spaine and Scotland als, And other costes, this sentence is not false: Yee worthy Marchants I doe it upon you, I have this learned ye wot well where and howe: Ye wotte the Staple of that Marchandie, Of this Scotland is Flaunders sekerly. And the Scots bene charged knowen at the eye, Out of Flanders with little Mercerie, And great plentie of Haberdashers