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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
Sussex Light Dragoons. [from the Richmond, Va., Times, May 28, 1899.] A complete Roster of this gallant Confederate organization. An issue of the Petersburg Express, published September 14, 1861, gives the roll of the Sussex Light Dragoons, a number of the members of which are still living, some in this city. The roster is as follows: Officers. Captain—B. W. Belsches. First Lieutenant—G. H. Dillard. Second Lieutenant—Wm. N. Blow. Third Lieutenant—P. S. Parker. First Sergeant—H. O. Moyler. Second Sergeant—T. A. Dillard. Third Sergeant—E. T. Thornton. Fourth Sergeant—T. L. Johnson. First Corporal—F. L. Vellines. Second Corporal—J. E. Barker. Third Corporal—T. E. Dillard. Fourth Corporal—G. S. Rives. Privates. J. D. Atkins, T. W. Adkins, Wm. L. Adkins, A. M. Adkins, B. R. Birdsong, Henry Birdsong, A. S. Birdsong, S. J. Birdsong, J. A. Bishop, H. C. Briggs, Andrew Briggs, R. R. Bains, O. H. Baird, E. T. Chappell, J. L
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
, 99. Smith, Mrs. F. H., 184, 259 South, Vindication of the, 60; cause of the, 119. Southern Historical Society-Its history, 344. Stanton, E. M., 369. Star Spangled Banner, 120. Stephens, Alex. H., 375. Steuart, R. D., 176. Stewart, Colonel W. H., 205, 383. Stiles, Major, Robert, 17, 349. Stiles, Rev. Joseph C., D. D., 17. Stonewall, The C. S. gunboat, 219. Stonewall Jackson Camp, C. V.. 377. Stuart, General J. E. B., 303. Sumerton road, Engagement on the, 208. Sussex Light Dragoons, Roster of, 97. Taliaferro, General W. B., 39. Tarheels' thin gray line, 170. Torbert, General A. T. A., 273, 314. Tucker, Sergeant G. W., 26. Tucker, Henry St. George, 294. Tulane University, 300. Tyler, Jr., John, 206. Underwriter, Capture of the, 136. University of Virginia, Founding of, 353. Vallandigham, C. L., 367. Worsham John H., 148. Virginia, Bill of Rights, 62; her love for the Wright, General H. G., 324. Union, 68: traditions of, 82. Virg