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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 424 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 14 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 12 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 8 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 6 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 6 2 Browse Search
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army 2 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 2 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 2 0 Browse Search
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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The booke of the great and mighty Emperor of Russia, and Duke of Moscovia, and of the dominions orders and commodities thereunto belonging: drawen by Richard Chancelour. (search)
Duyna, and from thence it falleth into the sea. Colmogro serveth Gratanowe, Vologda and the Mosco with all the countrey thereabout with salte and saltfish. From Vologda to Jeraslave is two hundrlowe, and corne in great plenty, and some Waxe, but not so plentifull as in other places. The Mosco is from Jeraslave two hundreth miles. The countrey betwixt them is very wel replenished with smaoing thither, that carrie corne, and some care fish. You shall have some that carie corne to the Mosco, and some that fetch corne from thence, that at the least dwell a thousand miles off; and all thishes, furres, and beastes skinnes. In those partes they have but small store of cattell. The Mosco it selfe is great: I take the whole towne to bee greater then London with the suburbes: but it i place and another hee is but reasonably apparelled over other times. In the while that I was in Mosco the Duke sent two ambassadours to the King of Poleland, which had at the lest five hundred horse
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The newe Navigation and discoverie of the kingdome of Moscovia, by the Northeast, in the yeere 1553: Enter prised by Sir Hugh Willoughbie knight, and per fourmed by Richard Chancelor Pilot major of the voyage: Written in Latine by Clement Adams. (search)
undred miles) Master Chanceler came at last to Mosco the chiefe citie of the kingdome, and the seatountrey, they are somewhat more temperate. Of Mosco the chiefe Citie of the kingdome, and of the ET remaineth that a larger discourse be made of Mosco, the principall Citie of that Countrey, and of Novogorode.NEXT unto Mosco, the Citie of Novogorode is reputed the chiefelbeit the Emperours seate is not there, but at Mosco, yet the commodiousnesse of the river, fallinguented by Marchants, makes it more famous then Mosco it selfe. This towne excels all the rest in threater store: this Yeraslave is distant from Mosco, about two hundred miles: and betwixt them areh store of corne, that in convaying it towards Mosco, sometimes in a forenoone, a man shall see sevsalt fish: the people come a thousand miles to Mosco, to buy that corne, and then cary it away upon Vologda. VOLOGDA being from Mosco, 550. miles yeeldes the commodities of Hempe a
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Of Mosco the chiefe Citie of the kingdome, and of the Emperour thereof. (search)
Of Mosco the chiefe Citie of the kingdome, and of the Emperour thereof.IT remaineth that a larger discourse be made of Mosco, the principall Citie of that Countrey, and of the Prince also, as before we have promised. The Empire and government of the king is very large, and his wealth at this time exceeding great. And because the citie of Mosco is the chiefest of al the rest, it seemeth of it selfe to challenge the first place in this discourse. Our men say, that in bignesse it is as great as thMosco, the principall Citie of that Countrey, and of the Prince also, as before we have promised. The Empire and government of the king is very large, and his wealth at this time exceeding great. And because the citie of Mosco is the chiefest of al the rest, it seemeth of it selfe to challenge the first place in this discourse. Our men say, that in bignesse it is as great as the Citie of London, with the suburbes thereof. There are many and great buildings in it, but for beautie and fairenesse, nothing comparable to ours. There are many Townes and Villages also, but built out of order, and with no hansomnesse: their streetes and wayes are not paved with stone as ours are: the walles of their houses are of wood: the roofes for the most part are covered with shingle boords. There is hard by the Citie a very faire Castle, strong, and furnished with artillerie, where
Novogorode.NEXT unto Mosco, the Citie of Novogorode is reputed the chiefest of Russia : for although it be in Majestie inferior to it, yet in greatnesse it goeth beyond it. It is the chiefest and greatest Marte Towne of all Moscovie: and albeit the Emperours seate is not there, but at Mosco, yet the Mosco, yet the commodiousnesse of the river, falling into that gulfe, which is called Sinus Finnicus, whereby it is well frequented by Marchants, makes it more famous then Mosco it selfe. This towne excels all the rest in the commodities of flaxe and hempe: it yeeldes also hides, honie, and waxe. The Flemings there sometimes had a house of MarchaMosco it selfe. This towne excels all the rest in the commodities of flaxe and hempe: it yeeldes also hides, honie, and waxe. The Flemings there sometimes had a house of Marchandize, but by reason that they used the like ill dealing there, which they did with us, they lost their privileges, a restitution whereof they earnestly sued for at the time that our men were there. But those Flemings hearing of the arrivall of our men in those parts, wrote their letters to the Emperour against them, accusing them
nd come, which it yeeldes in great abundance. Cakes of waxe are there also to bee solde, although other places have greater store: this Yeraslave is distant from Mosco, about two hundred miles: and betwixt them are many populous villages. Their fields yeeld such store of corne, that in convaying it towards Mosco, sometimes in a fMosco, sometimes in a forenoone, a man shall see seven hundred or eight hundred sleds, going and comming, laden with corne and salt fish: the people come a thousand miles to Mosco, to buy that corne, and then cary it away upon sleds: and these are those people that dwell in the North parts, where the colde is so terrible, that no corne doth growe there, come a thousand miles to Mosco, to buy that corne, and then cary it away upon sleds: and these are those people that dwell in the North parts, where the colde is so terrible, that no corne doth growe there, or if it spring up, it never comes to ripenesse. The commodities that they bring with them, are saltfish, skinnes, and hides.
Vologda. VOLOGDA being from Mosco, 550. miles yeeldes the commodities of Hempe and Flaxe also: although the greatest store of Flaxe is solde at Novogrode.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The copie of the Duke of Moscovie and Emperour of Russia his letters, sent to King Edward the sixt, by the hands of Richard Chancelour. (search)
The copie of the Duke of Moscovie and Emperour of Russia his letters, sent to King Edward the sixt, by the hands of Richard Chancelour. THE Almighty power of God, and the incomprehensible holy Trinitie, rightfull Christian beliefe, &c. We great Duke Ivan Vasilivich, by the grace of God great lord and Emperor of all Russia , great Duke of Volodemer, Mosco, and Novograd, King of Kazan, King of Astracan, lord of Plesko, and great duke of Smolensko, of Twerria, Joughoria, Permia, Vadska, Bulghoria, and others, lord and great duke of Novograd in the Low countrey, of Chernigo, Rezan, Polotskoy, Rostove, Yaruslavely, Bealozera, Liefland, Oudoria, Obdoria and Condensa, Commander of all Siberia , and of the North parts, and lord of many other countries, greeting. Before all, right great and worthy of honour Edward King of England, &c. according to our most hearty and good zeale, with good intent and friendly desire, & according to our holy Christian faith, & great governance, & being in t
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The coines, weights and measures used in Russia , written by John Hasse, in the yere, 1554. (search)
paiment amongst merchants, yet notwithstanding there is a coine of copper, which serveth for the reliefe of the poore in Mosco, & no where els, and that is but only for quasse, water and fruit, as nuts, apples, and such other like. The name of whicfish and Salmon commeth from a place called Mallums, not farre from Wardhouse: their Salmon and their Salt they carrie to Mosco, and their drie fish they carrie to Novogrode, and sell it there to the Lieflanders. The Furres and Fethers which come Colmogro for Cloth, Tinne, Batrie, & such other like, and the merchants of Colmogro carie them to Novogrode, Vologda, or Mosco, & sell them there. The Fethers which come from Penning they doe little esteeme. If our merchants do desire to know t there is no towne in Russia but trades with it: also the water is a great commoditie to it. If they plant themselves in Mosco or Novogrode, their charge will be great and wonderfull, but not so in Vologda: for all things will there be had better c
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Articles conceived and determined for the Commission of the Merchants of this company resiant in Russia , and at the Warhouse, for the second voyage, 1555. the first of May, as followeth. (search)
eligion nor positive bee broken or transgressed by them or any minister under them, ne yet by any mariner or other person of our nation, and to foresee that all tolles, customes, and such other rites be so duely paid, that no forfeiture or confiscation may ensue to our goods either outward or inward, and that al things passe with quiet, without breach of the publike peace or common tranquillitie of any of the places where they shall arrive or traffique. 5 Item, that provision bee made in Mosco or elswhere, in one or mo good townes, where good trade shall be found for a house or houses for the Agents, and companie to inhabite and dwell at your accustomed diets, with warehouses, sellers, and other houses of offices requisite, and that none of the inferiour ministers of what place or vocation soever he be, doe lie out of the house of the Agents without licence to be given, and that every inferiour officer shalbe obedient to the orders, rules and governments of the said Agents,
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The letter of M. George Killingworth the companies first Agent in Moscovie, touching their interteinement in their second voyage. Anno 1555. the 27. of November in Mosco. (search)
ir second voyage. Anno 1555. the 27. of November in Mosco. RIGHT worshipfull, my duetie considered, &c. It ma Lane, Edward Prise, Robert Best and I should goe to Mosco. And we did lade the Emperours suger, with part of all sort of wares to have had to the Mosco with us, but the way was so deepe, that we were faine to turne back, halfe penie, besides the guides. And wee came to the Mosco the 4. day of October, and were lodged that night in graces pleasure was, that his best marchants of the Mosco should be spoken to, to meet and talk with us. And slesse, if we lust, have a house at Vologda, & at the Mosco, yea, & at Novogrode, or where we wil in Rusland : Btary stil at Colmogro, and then the marchants of the Mosco and others should not come and bring their wares, annt our houses, and where to seeke for wares: for the Mosco is not best for any kind of wares for us to buy, savutch, Latine or Italian: so inclosed, comming to the Mosco to his hands, he wil convey our letters to us wheres