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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Annapolis (Maryland, United States) or search for Annapolis (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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Doc. I.--reply of the Governor of Maryland to the Commissioner from Mississippi. State of Maryland, Executive Chamber, Annapolis, Dec. 19, 1860. Sir: Your letter of the 18th instant informs me that you have been appointed by the Governor of Mississippi, in pursuance of a resolution of her Legislature, a Commissioner to the State of Maryland, and that the occasion of your mission is in the present crisis in the national affairs of this country, and the danger which impends the safety and rights of the Southern States, by reason of the election of a sectional candidate to the office of President of the United States, and upon a platform of principles destructive of our constitutional rights and which, in the opinion of the State of Mississippi, calls for prompt and decisive action, for the purpose of our protection and future security. You also inform me that Mississippi desires the co-operation of her sister States of the South in measures necessary to defend our rights;
rgan calling upon them to supply four additional regiments, and two also of volunteers. The Chairman read another telegraphic despatch, which stated that the Seventh regiment had reached Philadelphia in safety; that they were on their way to Annapolis, and would proceed from thence at once to Washington, not touching at all at Baltimore. This intelligence was received with deafening plaudits. Mr. Chittenden's speech. fellow-citizens and fellow-countrymen — My name was not on the progr.) A despatch has been just received by Major-General Sandford from Colonel Lefferts, of the Seventh, stating that his command would leave Philadelphia by rail for Havre de Grace--(great cheering)--where they would em-bark on board a steamer to Annapolis, to go thence to Washington by rail. You may rely upon it, while we are here assembled to respond to the Constitution, our brethren of the Seventh are on the soil of Washington, ready to fight, and, if necessary, die for it. (Three cheers were
d that none of the troops brought through Maryland were intended for any purposes hostile to the state, or aggressive as against the Southern States. Being now unable to bring the Potomac in security, the Government must either bring them through Maryland or abandon the capital. He called on Gen. Scott for his opinion, which the General gave at length, to the effect that troops might be brought through Maryland, without going through Baltimore, by either carrying them from Perryville to Annapolis, and thence by rail to Washington, or by bringing them to the Relay House on the Northern Central Railroad, and marching them to the Relay House on the Washington Railroad, and thence by rail to the Capital. If the people would permit them to go by either of these routes uninterruptedly, the necessity of their passing through Baltimore would be avoided. If the people would not permit them a transit thus remote from the city, they must select their own best route, and, if need be, fight t
, Governor of Maryland. Sir: I have had the honor to receive your communication of this morning, in which you inform me that you have felt it to be your duty to advise the President of the United States to order elsewhere the troops then off Annapolis, and also that no more may be sent through Maryland; and that you have further suggested that Lord Lyons be requested to act as mediator between the contending parties in our country, to prevent the effusion of blood. The President directs mnt cannot but remember that there has been a time in the history of our country when a General of the American Union, with forces designed for the defence of its Capital, was not unwelcome anywhere in the State of Maryland, and certainly not at Annapolis, then, as now, the Capital of that patriotic State, and then, also, one of the Capitals of the Union. If eighty years could have obliterated all the other noble sentiments of that age in Maryland, the President would be hopeful, nevertheless
correspondence between the Governor of Maryland and the commander of the Massachusetts troops: Executive Chamber, Annapolis, Friday, April 23, 1861. Sir: Having, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution of Maryland, summoned the Legislature of the State to assemble on Friday, the 26th instant, and Annapolis being the place, in which, according to law, it must assemble; and having been credibly informed that you have taken military possession of the Annapolis and Elk Ri respectfully yours, Thomas H. Hicks. To which Gen. Butler replied as follows: Headquarters U. S. Militia, Annapolis, Md., April 23, 1861. To His Excellency Thomas H. Hicks, Governor of Maryland: You are credibly informed that I have ta It might have escaped your notice, but at the official meeting which was had, between your Excellency and the Mayor of Annapolis, and the Committee of the Government and myself, as to the landing of my troops, it was expressly stated as the reason
e buildings belonging to the Naval School at Annapolis. I had a bunking-place in what is there cal universal snore through the Naval School of Annapolis. The two days that we remained at AnnapolAnnapolis were welcome. We had been without a fair night's sleep since we left New York, and even the harest marches on record. The Secessionists of Annapolis and the surrounding district had threatened vilian told me that he met in the streets of Annapolis two cavalry soldiers who came to cut our thrormed, that the march that we performed from Annapolis to the Junction is one of the most remarkabl. M., and for the first time saw the town of Annapolis, which, without any disrespect to that placeened. The tracks had been torn up between Annapolis and the Junction, and here it was that the w march, as well as our unexpected descent on Annapolis, was the result of Col. Lefferts' judgment, mpracticable, he came to the conclusion that Annapolis, commanding, as it did, the route to the Cap[4 more...]
eral, is assigned to the command; Headquarters at Washington City. 2. A new Military Department, to be called the Department of Annapolis, Headquarters at that city, will include the country for twenty miles on each side of the railroad from Annapolis to the City of Washington, as far as Bladensburgh, Maryland. Brigadier-General B. F. Butler, Massachusetts Volunteers, is assigned to the command. 3. A third department, called the Department of Pennsylvania, will include that State, the St in Special Orders No. 80, of March 15. Major Heintzelman, on being relieved at Fort Columbus, will repair to this city, and report for duty to the Department Commander. 5. Fort Adams, Rhode Island, is hereby placed temporarily under the control of the Secretary of the Navy, for the purpose of the Naval Academy now at Annapolis, Md. The necessary transfer of property will be made by the departments interested. By order. L. Thomas, Adjutant-General. --National Intelligencer, May 1.
, but on Monday and Tuesday nights I took to the deck. On Wednesday morning we disembarked at Annapolis, and remained there till about half-past 4 o'clock on Thursday morning, (having been roused atcks are cleaned and fixed; we shall probably get into them to-morrow. On all our march from Annapolis we saw only forty or fifty houses, and those most miserable. We met with one Secessionist, whith seven hundred and fifty men afflicted with the most distressing sea-sickness-we arrived at Annapolis on Wednesday, about noon. Here I partook of the first real food I had tasted, consisting of oysters and crackers. We stayed at Annapolis, getting what rest we could, (I did not get any, as I was sergeant of the guard, and had to march on the relief every hour all night,) until two o'clock Thursday morning, when we were ordered to march for Annapolis Junction, about thirty miles distant. We got off about 4 A. M., and marched for eight hours, when we halted for two hours and were served
of troops, under command of Brigadier-General Benjamin F. Butler, had reached Annapolis in a steamer, and had taken possession of the practice-ship Constitution, which during that day they succeeded in getting outside of the harbor of Annapolis, where she now lies. After getting the ship off, the steamer laid outside the harbore correspondence herewith submitted, that I refused my consent. The Mayor of Annapolis also protested. But both steamers soon afterward landed and put off with theachments landed, and took up the line of march for Washington. The people of Annapolis, though greatly exasperated, acting under counsel of the most prudent citizenon, advising that no more troops be sent through Maryland ;that the troops at Annapolis be sent elsewhere, and urging that a truce be offered with a view of a peacef These events have satisfied me that the War Department has concluded to make Annapolis the point for landing troops, and has resolved to open and maintain communica
few revolutions of the paddle-wheels brought the Baltic into the middle of the stream, and amidst the firing of salutes from the various steamers in port, and the cheers of an immense concourse of persons, she steamed quietly away seawards. When the regiment was in front of the Astor House, an order was handed to Col. Ellsworth from Gen. Sandford, who made an objection to the departure of the regiment on account of their being more than 770 men. It appears that there are about 101 men in every company of this regiment; by law there ought only to be 77, so Gen. Sandford put his veto on the departure of this regiment. Messrs. Kelly. Stetson and Delatour formed themselves into a committee, and waited on Gen. Sandford, to get him to remove his veto. He could do nothing, but referred them to Gen. Wool, who, upon the case being represented to him, immediately took the responsibility on his own shoulders, and allowed the Firemen Zouaves to start for Annapolis.--N. Y. Times, April 30.