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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 1,463 127 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,378 372 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 810 42 Browse Search
John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 606 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 565 25 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 473 17 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 373 5 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 372 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 277 1 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 232 78 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Atlanta (Georgia, United States) or search for Atlanta (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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Chattahoochee. I at once made my orders that Atlanta and the Chattahoochee Railroad bridge should amounted substantially to the destruction of Atlanta and the railroad back to Chattanooga, and sal purposely passed lightly over the march from Atlanta to the sea-shore, because it was made in fouregion of our country. Since the capture of Atlanta my staff is unchanged, save that General Barror-General Dodge, in command of that corps at Atlanta and Jonesboro, and then in command of the Sev the army then in the field near Kingston and Atlanta, was divided into wings, the Fourteenth and Ty. After leaving the section of country near Atlanta, which hal already been foraged upon by both he fifteenth November, the corps marched from Atlanta, taking the road east through Decatur. We n en route,lbs.1,227,984  Corn taken east of Atlanta,lbs.1,932,468 By Major Reynolds's Report,lbs captured from the enemy in the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, ending December twenty-first, 18[53 more...]
rom each division was sent to destroy the railroad between Atlanta and the Chattahoochee River, which was reported the next m morning of the fifteenth November, the corps marched from Atlanta, taking the road east through Decatur. We encamped on tn and beast became abundant on the third day after leaving Atlanta. On the twentieth, moved forward and encamped near Eatof the several divisions at each camp during the march from Atlanta to Savannah. These positions were laid down and the notesunty-jumpers, who had reached us just before marching from Atlanta. In the case of Captain Reid, One Hundred and Seventh N   Corn taken en route,lbs.1,227,984  Corn taken east of Atlanta,lbs.1,932,468 By Major Reynolds's Report,lbs.130,000      Fodder taken en route,lbs.1,091,619  Fodder taken near Atlanta,lbs.138,200     Pounds fodder, 1,229,819 rice, foddehe march, and exclusive of that taken before marching from Atlanta. Upon this basis, estimates made on actual returns t
at Big Shanty. From Big Shanty I marched to Atlanta, and camped my command about one mile east ofh have occurred in this brigade since leaving Atlanta. Thirty-third Ohio volunteer infantry, oneas organized November sixteenth, 1864, at Atlanta, Georgia, and assigned to the First division, Fourorders were received to march in direction of Atlanta. Near Big Shanty the brigade was engaged sever infantry rejoined the command. Arrived at Atlanta the fifteenth. Here the Sixty-ninth Ohio andC, First Illinois Artillery, from the fall of Atlanta up to the present time. headquarters batteryrst Illinois artillery, since the fall of Atlanta, Georgia: Killed, none; wounded, none; missing, (3of Animals Captured on the late Campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia, by the First Division Fo of salt meat were issued to my command from Atlanta to Savannah, the men always having an abundanuntil November twelfth, when the march toward Atlanta was begun, encamping first night three miles [26 more...]
the following day I was ordered to return to Atlanta, which I did, occupying my old camping-groundts. Sixty-six negroes came into our lines at Atlanta, on the picket-line of my brigade, some of whained on such duties during the occupation of Atlanta. October 4.--The brigade moved over to thet on the Chattanooga Railroad, midway between Atlanta and the Chattahoochee River, and destroyed ths. On the next morning, we prepared to leave Atlanta, which move commenced on the morning of Noes and knapsacks) per man. The course from Atlanta was south-easterly, along the Decatur Pike, proying the railroad between Chattahoochee and Atlanta, on the twelfth of October. Probably tore upable sources within reach, and extending from Atlanta to Savannah: Places.Miles. Atlanta to Decs then encamped south-east of the city of Atlanta, Georgia, and furnished daily large details for woy, evidently supposing that the army had left Atlanta. A field-battery opened fire; some small-arm[221 more...]
mount obtained from expeditions sent out from Atlanta: (46,000) Forty-six thousand pounds of corn, out seven o'clock A. M., we again started for Atlanta, acting as advance-guard, where we arrived aby and dismounted cavalry, on our lines around Atlanta, but in both of the above expeditions there wlroad. From these and other expeditions from Atlanta, we received in all about seven thousand (700t, where it is now parked. On the march from Atlanta there were picked up by my command about eighhat we secured from expeditions sent out from Atlanta, would make a total of fifty-seven thousand (ber, 1864, the battery moved into the city of Atlanta, and took position in a fort to the south andty-five thousand pounds cotton. On leaving Atlanta, there were eighty-four horses and thirty-fouations of my command during the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. November 13.--My comndred men and six hundred mules, started from Atlanta with four days forage and twenty days rations[18 more...]
Doc. 5. operations at Atlanta, Georgia. Colonel Cogswell's Report. headquarters Second Massachusetts infantry, Savannah, Ga., December 26, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant- submit the following report of the operations of my command while stationed at the post of Atlanta, Georgia. Upon the occupation of that city by the Twentienth corps, September second, 1864, I was dven hundred and forty dollars, were turned over to Captain John Stewart, Depot Quartermaster at Atlanta, and receipts taken for the same by the Post Provost-Marshal. Captain Wells received about son Sundays was stopped in the city, all stores and public buildings closed. When the city of Atlanta was about to be evacuated, and the army of Georgia about to commence the campaign of Savannah, efficient cooperation in the performance of the new, various, and arduous duties of the post of Atlanta. I am, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William Cogswell, Colonel Second
o the ocean. Camped four miles southwest of Atlanta. November 15.--Moved at nine o'clock A. M. 00 P. M.16 Stone MountainFineGood, hillyLeft Atlanta; public buildings destroyed, part of city on ort of foraging expeditions sent out from Atlanta, Georgia, by the Twentieth army corps, army of Cum of animals killed and lost on the march from Atlanta to Savannah, from November Fifteenth to Decemhe Confederacy, and its many engagements from Atlanta to the ocean. It would be impossible to ree from Marietta, Georgia, in the direction of Atlanta, my regiment moving in rear of the brigade. a November fourteenth, moving to the right of Atlanta, and encamped four (4) miles from that point,of the officers and men of this regiment from Atlanta to Savannah, their unflinching courage, theirho rode down all opposition in the march from Atlanta to the Atlantic. To mention by name each offich my regiment took during the campaign from Atlanta to Georgia, through the centre of the State, [4 more...]
s Ferry, and to Whitehall, two miles west of Atlanta. On the fifteenth of November, every prepa, this division, with the army, broke camp at Atlanta and set out upon its march through Georgia. The supply-train of this division on leaving Atlanta consisted of eighty-three six-mule wagons. Iion of the division at East-Point to Rome via Atlanta, where we obtained transportation, and arriveneral Sherman, received while passing through Atlanta, indicated in addition, that the division wasations of my regiment since the occupation of Atlanta. September second, marched from the south baneral McClellan. November fifteenth, left Atlanta, Georgia, nothing of importance transpiring; campehe fifteenth of November (the date of leaving Atlanta) until the twenty-third of December, we drew punished at the time. When the regiment left Atlanta, the effective strength was sixteen (16) offiecent campaign. From the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, the regiment was engaged in building qua[2 more...]
utes past seven P. M.; marching distance from Atlanta being about twenty-seven (27) miles. Thurs ordered to load the first time since leaving Atlanta. Four men of this regiment were missing hereof this regiment, since the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, September second, 1864: October 21.-- remains at present. During our march from Atlanta the regiment has mainly subsisted on the couniment, transpiring from the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, September second, 1864, to the occupatiodvanced with the brigade into the city of Atlanta, Georgia. 3d. Took position with the brigade ififteenth, when it moved out of the city of Atlanta, Ga., with the army, on the Savannah campaign. that night bivouacking in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia. September 3.--The regiment and brigadhe following report: This regiment entered Atlanta Monday, September fifth, and was immediately pying works for defence, south of the city of Atlanta. On the fourteenth, under orders received fr[16 more...]
elsewhere probably at the coast, within this command. The new steamer building in the Pedee is awaiting a rise to come down, and has not yet done so. At the same time, I have just inquired of a deserter who is a native, and he says that about Atlanta the streams begin to rise about November. The temperature here is very mild, and not cold enough to be healthy, differing entirely from the purer air of the sea along the coast outside. I do not perceive any natural obstacle in the path ofd powerful, extending over every approach, and including the rivers that traversed the country to the southward; so that an attack in those quarters could not have succeeded. It is one of the first fruits of the brilliant campaign commencing at Atlanta, and of that fine conception — the march through Georgia. But it is not the last, and General Sherman has but to follow out his plans in order to reap still greater advantages for the country and renown for himself. I have the honor to be,