Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fort Taylor (Texas, United States) or search for Fort Taylor (Texas, United States) in all documents.

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Richmond publications. --Messrs. West & Johnston published on Saturday the new work on Military Tactics, by Captain R. Milton Cary, of Company F; also, a pretty volume for young people, entitled "Brown and Arthur," written by Mrs. Anna Mead Chalmers, of Halifax county, Va. They also published last week another volume of Matthew's Digest, making three publications in one week by this firm. We believe this is a display of enterprise not heretofore reached by Richmond publishers, but we hope to chronicle many future evidences of go-aheadativeness in various quarters.
exas. --The U. S. troops from Ringgold barracks have been concentrated at Fort Brown, (Brownsville,) Texas, and with those already there make 400 men, all under tBrownsville,) Texas, and with those already there make 400 men, all under the command of Capt. Hill, who, despite the orders of Gen Twiggs, is preparing for offensive and defensive operations. A letter from one of the Texas State troops, ahe 25th ult.,says: Gen. McLeod returned this evening. The commander at Fort Brown will not listen to any argument, but says we are a "pack of traitors," and th 26th from the Rio Grande: "There came, this morning, from Col. Ford at Brownsville. a messenger who told us that in all probability we would be attacked tonig we will defy all opposition. "There is a probability that the troops at Fort Brown will attempt an attack on us, but they will find themselves in a bad fix, as k leaves in an hour for Galveston, with cannon, mortars, ball and shot. "Fort Brown is very strongly fortified, with thirty pieces of cannon, among which are the