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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
inst., communicating the details of your great success in the capture of Fort Henry, is just received. I had previously informed you of the reception of your telegraphic dispatch, announcing the event, which gave the highest satisfaction to the country. We have to-day the report of Lieutenant Commanding Phelps, with the gratifying results of his successful pursuit and capture and destruction of the Confederate steamers, and the disposition of the hostile camps as far up the Tennessee as Florence. I most cordially and sincerely congratulate you, and the officers and men under your command, on these heroic achievements, accomplished under extraordinary circumstances, and after surmounting great and almost insuperable difficulties. The labor you have performed, and the services you have rendered in creating the armed flotilla of gunboats on the Western waters, and in bringing together for effective operation the force which has earned such renown, can never be overestimated. The De
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
roposed movement. The water overflowed the river banks, and gave the army as much as it could do to save its stores and tents from the flood. In the meantime three gun-boats, under Lieut. Phelps, had pushed on up the Tennessee as far as Florence, Alabama, greatly alarming the inhabitants, but carrying comfort to the loyal citizens, who were glad to see the old flag floating over their waters. When about twenty-five miles above the fort, Phelps found the draw at the railroadcrossing close her suction-pipes broken, but the leaks were stopped, and the vessel raised and taken back to Fort Henry. On the 8th of February the flotilla arrived at Chickasaw, near the state line, and seized two steamers. They then proceeded up to Florence, Alabama, near the mussel shoals, where three steamers had been set on fire by the Confederates. A force was landed and a large amount of stores, marked Fort Henry, were saved from the burning vessels; also a quantity that had been landed and store
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 30: (search)
fifty horses and equipments, two transportation wagons, arms, etc. The Court House, which was the rendezvous of the conscriptors, was burned with a quantity of arms and stores. The Union party lost only a horse killed. This was the end of the conscription business in that quarter. In the latter part of June, 1863, Lieutenant-Commander Phelps crossed fifteen hundred cavalry under Colonel Conger, of the 10th Missouri Volunteers, over the river. Colonel Conger made a forced march on Florence, Alabama, and captured the place after a sharp engagement. The expedition destroyed an immense amount of property of various kinds, valued at two millions of dollars, among which were three large cotton mills and magazines of corn; they also captured sixty-five prisoners. Meanwhile one hundred and fifty cavalry had landed at Savannah, under cover of the guns of the Covington, intending to operate in that neighborhood and keep open communication between Colonel Conger and the gun-boats. The
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 55: operations of the Mississippi Squadron in the latter part of 1864 and in 1865. (search)
ed any rapid pursuit. The Confederates were also greatly aided by the water falling in the river, preventing the gun-boats from reaching Muscle Shoals, the point were Hood crossed the Tennessee. All along the river, where the vessels of the Navy could penetrate, the destruction of pontoons and ferry flats was immense, so that the main body of the Confederate Army was forced to push on to the Shoals before they could cross the Tennessee. This destruction extended from twelve miles below Florence for a distance of one hundred and seventy-five miles, and enabled the Federal troops to cut off large portions of Hood's demoralized army, and filled the woods with Confederate stragglers. Anything which bears the signature of that glorious hero, General George H. Thomas, will ever be interesting, and a compliment from him paid to the Navy will be appreciated. General Thomas immediately telegraphed to Acting-Rear-Admiral Lee the result of his operations against General Hood, and express