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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) or search for West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 5 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Domestic Resources of Virginia . (search)
Western Virginia.
Our latest reliable advices from General command represent that the brigade encamped near Raleigh Court-House, proceeded so far on the march towards Coal river over almost impassable . The men were in good spirits, and delighted with the prospect of meeting the enemy once more before the campaign is interested by the shows of the coming winter.--the Quartermaster of the brigade, Capt. R. Rank Jr., has accomplished the difficult of transportation with success, though information there is now but a small force enemy on the mountain.
The have some works at Crouch's, on Huntersville to Huttonsville, may become necessary to destroy very recent intelligence related to the operating of our army in that everything being quiet at last have heard of the capture of two by the invaders--Capt. Hood, of the army to Western Virginia H. Yost, who held the post These gentlemen were taken in whither they had gone for the communicating with their families.
Latest Northern news.byspecial Express.
an important reconnaissance--Lord Lyons's Instructions to British Consuls in the rebel States--reported rebellion in Western Virginia.
Through the medium of our special agent we are enabled to lay before our readers this morning news from the North of the very latest dates which have reached this city.--The sources from which we copy being tinctured with Lincolnism, allowance should be made for much that is extracted from them.
The following are the associated dispatches to the Northern press:
From Washington.an important reconnaissance. Washington, Oct. 19.
--Gen. McCall, with the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, together with a body of cavalry and artillery, left Prospect Hill early this morning on a reconnaissance.
Information received to- night states that they had reached Drainsville, about ten miles from Prospect Hill, without opposition.
Drainsville is within about fifteen miles of Leesburg.
Official advi
The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Northern financial affairs. (search)
Northern financial affairs.
--The discount on Western Virginia funds at Baltimore is 5a6 per cent.; Eastern do. 18a20. North Carolina, and all other Southern funds, heavy at 18a20. The Baltimore Sun of the 19th says:
The movements of the Banks in three of the principal cities of the Federal Union, in which weekly reports are made, as shown by their last statements, and compared with the same period of last year, is as follows:
New York$156,318,91441,139,606
Last week242,728,84551,609,034
Last year213,864,52920,132,196
New York$8,733,090129,188,487
Last week17,810,496164,110,559
Last year19,014,989112,421,423
Virginia 6's sold, in New York, on Friday last, at 46. North Carolina bonds were held at 59.