Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Richmond (Virginia, United States) or search for Richmond (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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rginia's For Confederate Treasury notes, old issue, the brokers are now offering 2½ per cent premium. Bonds and Stocks.--At Messrs. Lancaster & Co.'s sale, this week, Confederate bonds (5,000,000,) coupon, brought 159½@166½ and interest; do. do., (100,000,000) short dates, registered, 104 and int.; long dates, 109 @110½ and int.; Virginia sixes, registered, 112@113 and int.; do. do., coupon, (4 coupons on.) 160; North Carolina eights 120 and int.; Tennessee sixes (2 coupons on) 136, Richmond city bonds, due 69 and 78,123 and int.; do. do., due 136 @139, Old Dominion Insurance stock 39½@40. insurance Company of the State of Virginia Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia 64; Importing and Exporting Company 731@750; Bank of Virginia ½ Bank of the Commonwealth 121, Farmers' Bank 128; Midlothian Coal Mining Company 110; James River and Kanawha Canal Company 20½; Manchester Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Company 215; Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad stock 110@111
Twenty Dollars Reward --For Jennin who left home yesterday, and was seen in Richmond soon after. She is about 30 years old of medium size; dark skin, short kinky hair; has a small dark scar on one cheek; has a downcast lock, and had on a very dirty, dark dyed domestic dress. Han G Archer Manchester, April 18, 1863. ap 18--3t*
Swollen. --The recent rains have contributed very much to swell the volume of water in James river, and interfered very much with the successful prosecution of the fishing business. Very few shad have yet ventured up as far as the falls above Mayo's bridge.