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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 205 205 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 134 124 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 116 6 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 114 4 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 102 10 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 98 14 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 97 11 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 83 39 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 79 9 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 67 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for New Bern (North Carolina, United States) or search for New Bern (North Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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ying the bridges behind them, and having a sufficiency of cars at hand, made their escape in the direction of Goldsborough, leaving everything behind them, and about three hundred of their number as prisoners. They attempted to burn the town of Newbern before leaving it, but succeeded in doing very little damage, the citizens extinguishing the fires as fast as kindled. The Neuse River was obstructed by sunken vessels and chevaux-de-frise, which interfered with the operations of the gunboats. The rebels also had scows filled with tar and turpentine, at Newbern, to send down the river to burn the fleet, but the tide did not serve them as they desired, and the project failed. The National troops captured three light batteries of field-artillery, forty-six heavy siege-guns, large stores of fixed ammunition, and three thousand stand of small arms, and among the prisoners were one colonel, three captains and four lieutenants. They left a number of dead on the field, but as they carrie
March 20. Gov. Curtin issued a general order complimenting the Fifty-first regiment of Pennsylvania for gallantry at Roanoke and Newbern, N. C., at the latter engagement storming the enemy's batteries at the point of the bayonet, and ordering the names of these battles to be inscribed on their colors. The regiment is commanded by Col. Hartrauft, and mainly composed of those who left Bull Run before the battle. They were the first to plant the flag at Newbern, and seem determined to recoNewbern, and seem determined to recover their lost fame.--N. Y. Herald, March 22. The One Hundred and Fourth regiment of New York volunteers, under the command of Col. John Roorbach, left Albany for the seat of war. This regiment was organized by the consolidation of seven companies which were recruited in Genesee, and three companies in Troy, and numbers about nine hundred and fifty men, who are well uniformed, and give every indication of being a hardy set of fellows.--N. Y. Tribune, March 22. Seventy-seven citizens o
fety demands that the vice in question should be rebuked and reformed; for it is a fact which the press should neither palliate nor conceal, that whisky which is no more akin to rye than rye is to coffee — whisky which is of the unadulterated tangle--first chain-lightning distillation is guzzled down in a manner alike revolting to public decency and the general good. Washington, N. C., was occupied by the National forces under Gen. Burnside. The Unionists landed from their gunboats, and, headed by a band of music, marched through the town, playing Hail Columbia, and waving the Stars and Stripes at a lively rate. The few people who had remained in the place since the fall of Newbern, received them with marked coolness. Their music and their banners wholly failed to arouse any of that Union feeling which Marble Nash Taylor collected several thousand dollars in New York to set free, so they left without disturbing either persons or property.--Petersburgh Express ( Va.), March 2
over the Little Blue River. A scouting party from the New York Sixty-first regiment, while passing down the railroad from Manassas toward Warrenton, Va., were fired upon by a party of cavalry, supposed to belong to Stuart's regiment. Upon making a demonstration toward the assailants, the rebels fled in great haste. It was undoubtedly their intention to pick off a man or two; but they were fortunately beyond range, and thus failed in their object.--N. Y. Herald, March 26. The Newbern (N. C.) Progress made its appearance to-day under new auspices, and altogether new management, with the following salutary tory: We come before the people of North-Carolina an earnest advocate of that glorious Union which her patriotic ancestry so nobly aided to cement and establish. The Progress has been heretofore one of the most virulent and bitter opposers to the Government in the South, and its former proprietor, not satiated with treason already committed, has filled his cup of b
d. Upon the approach of the National troops, they vacated the place without showing fight, and Big Bethel was occupied by the Union soldiers.--(Doc. 110.) Two squadrons of the First New Jersey cavalry, under command of Col. Wyndham, surrounded a party of rebel Texas Rangers near Dumfries, Va., twelve miles below the Occoquan. A few shots were fired on both sides without injury, except that one of the Nationals was slightly wounded in the wrist. Ten prisoners were taken and carried to Washington. The National troops captured a number of wagons loaded with wheat, but owing to the want of horses, were enabled to bring off only four of them. The Petersburgh, Va., Gazette of this date, complains that Gen. Burnside occupies the palatial residence of the President of the Bank of Commerce; that Gen. Foster has taken possession of another handsome dwelling, while Gen. Reno occupies the Bank of Newbern. It is charged that the Unionists are plundering the country for miles around.
April 4. General Burnside at Newbern, N. C., issued the following order:-- Dr. J. H. Thompson, Brigade Surgeon, First division, is hereby relieved from duty with the First division, and will report without delay to the Surgeon-General at Washington, with the recommendation to the President of the United States that he be dismissed the service as an alarmist. It is expected that all important and reliable information should be duly reported through proper channels, but the stern realities of active warfare rob the soldier of quite sufficient of his rest and sleep without the aggravations of senseless rumors and imaginary dangers, and those who create or report them will be at once expelled from this department. Gen. Magruder, in command of the rebel lines near Lee's Mills, Va., issued the following general orders, to be read to each command in his army: The enemy is before us — our works are strong — our cause is good — we fight for our homes, and must be careful. Eve<
Huntsville this morning at six o'clock. The city was completely taken by surprise, no one having considered the march practicable in the time. We have captured about two hundred prisoners, fifteen locomotives, a large amount of passenger and box-platform cars, the telegraph apparatus and office, and two Southern mails. We have, at last, succeeded in cutting the great artery of railway communication between the Southern States. --(Doc. 129.) The Adams Army Express carried away from Newbern, N. C., four hundred and thirty thousand dollars, the contributions of Burnside's soldiers to their families at the North.--Newbern Progress, April 11. The Nashville (Tenn.) Union of this date has the following: For several days the office of Governor Johnson, in the capital, has been thronged with secession men and women from the city and adjacent country, earnestly interceding for their sons who have been or are now in the rebel army, and expressing the utmost willingness and even a
April 19. The battle of Camden, North-Carolina, was fought this day. Day before yesterday Gen. Reno left Newbern and proceeded to Roanoke Island, from which place he took about two thousand men and proceeded to Elizabeth City, where a strong rebel force was reported to be intrenching themselves. To-day, an advance was made upon the rebels, who opened fire with their artillery as soon as the Union troops made their appearance. The troops immediately formed in line of battle, and charged on the enemy, who ran at the first fire. The Nationals then immediately took possession of the town, and after remaining there for a few hours, retired to the main army. The force was about two thousand men, under Gen. Reno, and three boat-howitzers, under Col. Howard. The force of the rebels consisted of a Georgia regiment, numbering eleven hundred men, a portion of Wise's Legion, and two batteries of artillery. The enemy was totally routed, with a loss of about sixty men. The National
espectfully request that he be made a Major-General of volunteers, to date from the sixth instant. General Butler began the debarkation of the troops of his command at New Orleans, and by proclamation declared the object and purposes of the United States in taking possession of that city to restore order, maintain public tranquillity, and enforce peace and quiet. --(Doc. 1.) Last Sunday afternoon, April twenty-seventh, a skirmish took place near Horton's Mills, ten miles from Newbern, N. C., on the Pollockville road, between a party of cavalry belonging to the One Hundred and Third New York regiment and a body of rebel cavalry, resulting in the defeat and dispersion of the rebels, with a loss of three killed and ten prisoners. The Union casualties were private Sanders, company C, killed, and three officers, and the same number of privates wounded.--Newbern Progress. Yesterday the Union siege-batteries opened their fire against the rebel works at Yorktown, Va.--N. Y. He
ve achieved, and therefore I call upon the people of Illinois to raise men in every precinct in the State for the regiments that were sent from their own sections, to fill up their own companies. Relying upon the same patriotism that has thus far furnished a brave and noble host at the shortest notice, I send forth this proclamation, and confidently expect a prompt response that will maintain the present glory of our State. A reconnoissance was made to Clinton, nine miles south of Newbern, N. C. The rebels' advanced pickets were met, and a skirmish ensued, resulting in the loss of one Lieutenant and four privates belonging to the Nationals. The rebels lost nine killed and two prisoners. Lieutenant S. M. Whitesides, with eight men of company K, of the Sixth cavalry, captured a train of one hundred mules and eight contrabands belonging to the brigade of the rebel General Whiting, near the advance of General McClellan, en route for Richmond. The Legislature of Virginia a