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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xl. (search)
hile giving the necessary directions, the landlord suddenly remarked, There is Mr. Lincoln now, coming down the sidewalk; that tall, crooked man, loosely walking this way. If you wish to see him, you will have an opportunity by putting yourself in his track. In a few moments the object of his curiosity reached the point the gentleman occupied, who, advancing, ventured to accost him thus: Is this Mr. Lincoln? That, sir, is my name, was the courteous reply. My name is R., from Plymouth County, Massachusetts, returned the gentleman; and learning that you have to-day been made the public property of the United States, I have ventured to introduce myself, with a view to a brief acquaintance, hoping you will pardon such a patriotic curiosity in a stranger. Mr. Lincoln received his salutations with cordiality, told him no apology was necessary for his introduction, and asked him to accompany him to his residence. He had just come from the telegraph office, where he had learned the fact
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hartford conventions. (search)
e. Harrison Gray Otis was a native of Boston, and member of the family of that name distinguished in the Revolution. He was a lawyer by profession, and served the public in the Massachusetts legislature and in the national Congress. He was an eloquent speaker, and as a public man, as well as a private citizen, he was very popular. Timothy Bigelow was a lawyer, and for several years speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Joshua Thomas was judge of probate in Plymouth county, Mass., and was a man of unblemished reputation in public and private life. Joseph Lyman was a lawyer, and for several years held the office of sheriff of his county. George Bliss was an eminent lawyer, distinguished for his learning, industry, and integrity. He was several times a member of the Massachusetts legislature. Daniel Waldo was a resident of Worcester, where he established himself in early life as a merchant. He was a State Senator, but would seldom consent to an elect
the arms I could get hold of at the time. They were raw and undisciplined men, and not fit to cope with those brought against them, —about one hundred and fifty men, fully armed, and commanded by the redoubtable rebel, J. R. Trimble. Such was the condition of affairs along the line of that road when the Sixth Regiment reached Philadelphia, on the 18th of April. I now proceed with the narrative. The Third and Fourth Regiments were composed of companies belonging to towns in Norfolk, Plymouth, and Bristol Counties. The Sixth and Eighth were almost exclusively from Middlesex and Essex Counties. The field-officers of the Third were David W. Wardrop, of New Bedford, colonel; Charles Raymond, of Plymouth, lieutenant-colonel; John H. Jennings, of New Bedford, major; Austin S. Cushman, of New Bedford, adjutant; Edward D. Allen, Fairhaven, quartermaster; Alexander R. Holmes, of New Bedford, surgeon; Johnson Clark, of New Bedford, assistant-surgeon; Alberti C. Maggi, of New Bedford, s
unty of Essex, one to Middlesex, and one to Suffolk. Captain Thomas J. C. Amory, of the United-States Army, a graduate of West Point, was commissioned colonel. He belonged to one of the oldest and best families of Massachusetts. He died in North Carolina, while in command of the regiment. The Seventeenth left Massachusetts for the front on the 23d of August, 1861. The Eighteenth Regiment was recruited at Camp Brigham, Readville, and was composed of men from Norfolk, Bristol, and Plymouth Counties. The camp was named in honor of Colonel Elijah D. Brigham, Commissary-General of Massachusetts. James Barnes, of Springfield, a graduate of West Point, and a veteran officer, was commissioned colonel. The regiment left the State for Washington, on the 24th of August, 1861. Colonel Barnes graduated at West Point in the same class with Jeff Davis. He was commissioned by President Lincoln brigadier-general of volunteers. The Nineteenth Regiment was organized and recruited at Camp
ota. If supplies are ready, I mean the old Sixth Regiment, of Baltimore memory, to march the first day of September. No draft can be useful or expedient here. One of the greatest hardships which Massachusetts and other maritime States had to bear in furnishing their quotas of the several calls for troops made by the President, was the refusal of Congress to allow credits for men serving in the navy. It bore with peculiar weight upon the towns in Barnstable, Nantucket, Essex, Suffolk, Plymouth, and Norfolk Counties, which had sent many thousand men into the navy, but had received no credit for them, and no reduction of their contingent for the army. It was not until 1864, after Massachusetts had sent upwards of twenty-three thousand men into the navy, that credits were allowed by Congress for the men who manned our frigates, under Porter and Farragut, watched blockade-runners, and sealed the Southern ports. Governor Andrew had frequently spoken of the injustice of Congress in r
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 2: Barnstable County. (search)
Chapter 2: Barnstable County. The county of Barnstable includes the whole of Cape Cod which, extending east and north into the Atlantic Ocean, was discovered by Gosnold in 1602. It is bounded north-west by Plymouth County, and west by Buzzard's Bay. Cape Cod lies in the form of an arm, half open: the elbow is at Chatham, twenty miles east of the town of Barnstable, which is the county seat. The whole length of the Cape is sixty-five miles, and the average breadth about five miles. Below the town of Barnstable the soil is composed mostly of sand; and the people in considerable degree depend upon Boston, and other large places, for their meats and breadstuffs. It possesses, however, unrivalled privileges for the cod, mackerel, and other fisheries. The county has comparatively little wood, but has many valuable peat meadows, in which, of late years, the cranberry has been successfully cultivated. The county is supplied with an abundance of pure soft water. Formerly large quan
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 12: Norfolk County. (search)
Chapter 12: Norfolk County. This county is bounded north-east by Boston Harbor, north by Suffolk County, west by the south-east corner of Worcester County, south by the north-east corner of the State of Rhode Island, and south and south-east by the counties of Bristol and Plymouth. It has a maritime coast on Boston Harbor of about twelve miles, which is indented by small bays and rivers. Its surface is uneven, and parts of it, especially near Boston, are highly cultivated. The population of the county in 1860 was 109,150; in 1865 it was 116,334; being an increase in five years of 7,184. Since 1865 the city of Roxbury and the town of Dorchester have been annexed to the city of Boston, so that in 1870 the population of Norfolk County was only 89,443. The valuation of the county in 1860 was $86,800,899; in 1865 it was $91,308,287; being an increase in five years of $4,507,388. The net value of the productions of the county for the year 1865 was $36,771,397. According to the
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 13: Plymouth County. (search)
Chapter 13: Plymouth County. This ancient and historic county is bounded north-east and east by Massachusetts Bay, north by Norfolk county and Boston harbor, north-west by Norfolk county, west by Bristol county, and south-east and south by Buzzard's Bay and Barnstable county. The North River, emptying into Massachusetts Bay, and numerous branches of the Taunton are its chief rivers. The shire town of the county, at which the courts are held, is Plymouth. The county has a sea coast on Massachusetts Bay of between thirty and forty miles. The land is not so fertile as in some of the other counties in the Commonwealth, yet there is considerable good land within its limits. The population of Plymouth county in 1860 was 64,758; in 1865, it was 63,074, being a decrease in five years of 1,684. The valuation in 1860 was $29,160,937; in 1865 it was $27,932,058, being a decrease in five years of $1,228,879. The county is divided into twenty-five townships, which, according to the r
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 7 (search)
chusetts. I hope I am mistaken; I shall be glad to be proved incorrect; but I do not believe there is any such antislavery sentiment here as is able to protect a fugitive on whom the government has once laid its hand. We were told this afternoon, from this platform, that there were one hundred and fifty men in one town ready to come with their muskets to Boston,--all they waited for was an invitation. I heard, three weeks before the Sims case, that there were a hundred in one town in Plymouth County pledged to shoulder their muskets in such a cause. We saw nothing of them. I heard, three weeks after the Sims rendition, that there were two hundred more in the city of Worcester ready to have come, had they been invited. We saw nothing of them. On such an occasion, from the nature of the case, there cannot be much previous concert; the people must take their own cause into their own hands. Intense earnestness of purpose, pervading large classes, must instinctively perceive the cr
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 10: the Rynders Mob.—1850. (search)
agreeable duty—it is not every man who can perform a disagreeable duty. Lib. 20.70. Would Massachusetts, he asked sardonically, conquer her own Prejudices? Lib. 20.70. The answer to this question was rendered at the polls in November, when the Whig party received a crushing Lib. 20.182. defeat in Massachusetts. But more immediately response was made in Faneuil Hall by abolitionists and Free Lib. 20.47, 50. Soilers; by the colored people of Boston; by the voters of Lib. 20.55. Plymouth County, the home of Webster; and widely by the religious press. These fanned the excitement Lib. 20.57, 58. attending the debates over the Compromise in Congress; those which grew out of the petitions for peaceable disunion Lib. 20.29, 30, 38. presented by John P. Hale in the Senate; the calling of the Nashville Convention to concert disunion from the Lib. 21.3. Southern point of view; the various Southern legislative Lib. 20.5, 26, 31, 34. preparations for the same event. South Carolina