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of the Colonies, and a war for Independence? The thoughts were the offspring of the time; and were in every patriot's breast. It were as well to ask which tree in the forest is the earliest to feel the genial influence of the reviving year. The first official utterance of revolution did not spring from a Congress of the Colonies, or the future chiefs of the Republic; from the rich who falter, or the learned who weigh and debate. The people of the little interior town of Pembroke in Plymouth county, unpretending husbandmen, full of the glory of their descent from the Pilgrims, concluded a clear statement of their grievances with the prediction, that if the measures so justly complained of were persisted in and enforced by fleets and armies, they must, they will, in a little time issue in the total dissolution of the union between the mother country and Chap. XLVIII.} 1772. Dec. the Colonies. Votes and Resolves of Pembroke, 28 December, 1772, in Journals of C. C. i. 44. Compa