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churches, in which Mr. Woodbridge was involved, and finally he withdrew after two hundred acres of land had been granted him in payment for services that had been unrecompensed. This grant was by decree of the court to which he had appealed. The words of the grant are: that this grant is made as a final issue of all strife since it may be hazardous to the peace of the town to enter particularly into the bowels of the case as matters are circumstanced. Next he appears at Bristol in Plymouth County, where he seems to have had a similar experience, and later at Kittery, Me. In 1698 he came to Medford as a candidate on probation. March 28 of this year the inhabitants, at a general town meeting properly adjourned from a meeting regularly called two weeks before, voted that, when legally settled amongst us in the work of the ministry, Mr. Woodbridge should have forty pounds in money, fifteen cords of wood, and strangers' money, for annuity, and he seems to have accepted this proposi