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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 8 results in 4 document sections:

Demosthenes, Against Leptines, section 33 (search)
Now, so little danger is there of his depriving our state of this gift, that he has opened another depot at Theudosia, which our merchants say is not at all inferior to the Bosporus,Here not the district, but the capital, Panticapaeum, the modern Kertch. Sixty miles west lies Theudosia (Kaffa), an ancient colony of Miletus. and there, too, he has granted us the same exemption. I omit much that might be said about the other benefits conferred upon you by this prince and also by his ancestors, but the year before last, when there was a universal shortage of grain, he not only sent enough for your needs, but such a quantity in addition that Callisthenes had a surplus of fifteen talents of silver to dispose of.Callisthenes, assitw/nhsor Food Controller (an office held by Demosthen<
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of Master Anthony Jenkinson, made from the citie of Mosco in Russia , to the citie of Boghar in Bactria , in the yeere 1558: written by himself to the Merchants of London of the Moscovie companie. (search)
about, in the latitude of 51. degrees 47. minutes. Upon all this shore groweth abundance of Licoris, whose root runneth within the ground like a vine. Thus going forward the sixt day of July we came to a place called Perovolog, so named because in times past the Tartars caried their boates from Volga unto the river Tanais , otherwise called Don, by land, when they would robbe such as passed downe the said Volga to Astracan, and also such as passed downe by the river Tanais , to Asou, Caffa , or any other towne situated upon Mare Euxinum, into which sea Tanais falleth, who hath his springs in the countrey of Rezan, out of a plaine ground. It is at this streight of Perovolog from the one river to the other two leagues by land, and is a dangerous place for theeves and robbers, but now it is not so evill as it hath bene, by reason of the Emperour of Russia his conquests. Departing from Perovolog, having the wildernesse on both sides, wee sawe a great heard of Nagayans, pasturi
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The description of the countrey of Russia, with the bredth, length, and names of the Shires. (search)
ar will not touch, nor drive away with him: for that he is of the Turkish religion, and will eate no swines flesh. Of Christ our Saviour they confesse as much as doeth the Turke in his Alkaron, viz. that he came of the Angel Gabriel and the Virgin Marie, that he was a great Prophet, and shall be the Judge of the worlde at the last day. In other matter likewise, they are much ordered after the manner and direction of the Turke: having felt the Turkish forces when hee wonne from them Azov and Caffa , with some other townes about the Euxine or blacke Sea, that were before tributaries to the Crim Tartar. So that now the Emperor of the Crims for the most part is chosen one of the Nobility whom the Turke doeth commend: whereby it is brought nowe to passe, that the Crim Tartar giveth to the Turke the tenth part of the spoyle which hee getteth in his warres against the Christians. Herein they differ from the Turkish religion, for that they have certaine idole puppets made of silke, or
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Of the Tartars, and other borderers to the country of Russia , with whom they have most to doe in warre, and peace. (search)
ar will not touch, nor drive away with him: for that he is of the Turkish religion, and will eate no swines flesh. Of Christ our Saviour they confesse as much as doeth the Turke in his Alkaron, viz. that he came of the Angel Gabriel and the Virgin Marie, that he was a great Prophet, and shall be the Judge of the worlde at the last day. In other matter likewise, they are much ordered after the manner and direction of the Turke: having felt the Turkish forces when hee wonne from them Azov and Caffa , with some other townes about the Euxine or blacke Sea, that were before tributaries to the Crim Tartar. So that now the Emperor of the Crims for the most part is chosen one of the Nobility whom the Turke doeth commend: whereby it is brought nowe to passe, that the Crim Tartar giveth to the Turke the tenth part of the spoyle which hee getteth in his warres against the Christians. Herein they differ from the Turkish religion, for that they have certaine idole puppets made of silke, or