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Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book 1, section 169 (search)
As soon as Abram was come back into Canaan, he parted the land between him and Lot, upon account of the tumultuous behavior of their shepherds, concerning the pastures wherein they should feed their flocks. However, he gave Lot his option, or leave, to choose which lands he would take; and he took himself what the other left, which were the lower grounds at the foot of the mountains; and he himself dwelt in Hebron, which is a city seven years more ancient than Tunis of Egypt. But Lot possessed the land of the plain, and the river Jordan, not far from the city of Sodom, which was then a fine city, but is now destroyed, by the will and wrath of God, the cause of which I shall show in its proper place hereafter. THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SODOMITES BY THE ASSYRIAN WALL.
Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book 1, section 171 (search)
AT this time, when the Assyrians had the dominion over Asia, the people of Sodom were in a flourishing condition, both as to riches and the number of their youth. There were five kings that managed the affairs of this county: Ballas, Barsas, Senabar, and Sumobor, with the king of Bela; and each king led on his own troops: and the As Amraphel, Arioch, Chodorlaomer, and Tidal. These kings had laid waste all Syria, and overthrown the offspring of the giants. And when they were come over against Sodom, they pitched their camp at the vale called the Slime Pits, for at that time there were pits in that place; but now, upon the destruction of the city of Sodom, thaSodom, that vale became the Lake Asphaltites, as it is called. However, concerning this lake we shall speak more presently. Now when the Sodomites joined battle with the Assyrians, and the fight was very obstinate, many of them were killed, and the rest were carried captive; among which captives was Lot, who had come to assist the Sodomites.
Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book 1, section 179 (search)
So Abram, when he had saved the captive Sodomites, who had been taken by the Assyrians, and Lot also, his kinsman, returned home in peace. Now the king of Sodom met him at a certain place, which they called The King's Dale, where Melchisedec, king of the city Salem, received him. That name signifies, the righteous king: and such he was, without dispute, insomuch that, on this account, he was made the priest of God: however, they afterward called Salem Jerusalem. Now this Melchisedec supplied Able manner, and gave them provisions in abundance; and as they were feasting, he began to praise him, and to bless God for subduing his enemies under him. And when Abram gave him the tenth part of his prey, he accepted of the gift: but the king of Sodom desired Abram to take the prey, but entreated that he might have those men restored to him whom Abram had saved from the Assyrians, because they belonged to him. But Abram would not do so; nor would make any other advantage of that prey than what
Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book 1, section 196 (search)
When God had thus resolved concerning the Sodomites, Abraham, as he sat by the oak of Mambre, at the door of his tent, saw three angels; and thinking them to be strangers, he rose up, and saluted them, and desired they would accept of an entertainment, and abide with him; to which, when they agreed, he ordered cakes of meal to be made presently; and when he had slain a calf, he roasted it, and brought it to them, as they sat under the oak. Now they made a show of eating; and besides, they asked him about his wife Sarah, where she was; and when he said she was within, they said they would come again hereafter, and find her become a mother. Upon which the woman laughed, and said that it was impossible she should bear children, since she was ninety years of age, and her husband was a hundred. Then they concealed themselves no longer, but declared that they were angels of God; and that one of them was sent to inform them about the child, and two of the overthrow of Sodom.
Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book 1, section 202 (search)
salt was, we see here, standing in the days of Josephus, and he had seen it. That it was standing then is also attested by Clement of Rome, contemporary with Josephus; as also that it was so in the next century, is attested by Irenaeus, with the addition of an hypothesis, how it came to last so long, with all its members entire.—Whether the account that some modern travelers give be true, that it is still standing, I do not know. Its remote situation, at the most southern point of the Sea of Sodom, in the wild and dangerous deserts of Arabia, makes it exceeding difficult for inquisitive travelers to examine the place; and for common reports of country people, at a distance, they are not very satisfactory. In the mean time, I have no opinion of Le Clerc's dissertation or hypothesis about this question, which can only be determined by eye-witnesses. When Christian princes, so called, lay aside their foolish and unchristian wars and quarrels, and send a body of fit persons to travel over
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Advertisements and reports of the 6. voyage into the parts of Persia and Media, for the companie of English merchants for the discoverie of new trades, in the yeeres 1579. 1580. and 1581. gathered out of sundrie letters written by Christopher Burrough, servant to the saide companies, and sent to his uncle Master William Burrough. (search)
, which is on the Crims side (on the Western side of Volga ) the fift of October about five of the clocke in the morning. This place is accounted halfe the way betweene Cazan and Astracan: and here there groweth great store of Licoris : the soile is very fruitfull: they found there apple trees, and cherrie trees. The latitude of Oveak is 51. degrees 30. minutes. At this place had bene a very faire stone castle called by the name Oveak, & adjoyning to the same was a towne called by ye Russes, Sodom : this towne & part of the castle (by report of the Russes) was swalowed into the earth by the justice of God, for the wickednesse of the people that inhabited the same. There remaineth at this day to be seene a part of the ruines of the castle, and certaine tombs, wherein as it seemeth have bin laid noble personages : for upon a tombe stone might be perceived the forme of a horse and a man sitting on it with a bow in his hand, and arrowes girt to his side: there was a piece of a scutchion al
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
cked Achan, who caused Israel to sin, and I saw some of the good brethren on the amen benches turn their eyes upon me. I was sitting near the pulpit, under full fire, and half-expected to hear him call me Jezabel, but I suppose he is reserving his heavy ammunition for the grand attack he is going to make next Sunday. The country preachers have been attacking us, too, from all quarters. I understand that some of them have given Washington over to destruction, and the country people call it Sodom. I thought I should die laughing when I first heard of this name being applied to our quiet, innocent little village-though it might not have been such a misnomer when the righteous Lot was in our midst. It is a pity that good, pious people, as some of these preachers undoubtedly are, should be so blinded by prejudice. I wish we had an Episcopal Church established here to serve as a refuge for the many worthy people who are not gamblers and murderers, but who like to indulge in a little d
Chapter 1: the forehead of the storm. Washington city in 1861. her two social circles was she a new Sodom? lobbyists and diplomats eve of the storm echo from Charleston Harbor a dinner and a ball popular views of the situation Buchanan's policy and the peace Congress separation a certainty preparations for the hejira precautions for Lincoln's inauguration off for Dixie. The cloud no bigger than a man's hand had risen. It became visible to all in Washington over the sall these elements, was the resident families of old Washingtonians. These had lived there so long as to be able to winnow the chaff and throw the refuse off. There has ever been much talk about the corruption of Washington, easy hints about Sodom, with a general sweep at the depravity of its social system. But it is plain these facile fault-finders knew no more of its inner circle-and for its resident society only is any city responsible-than they did of the court of the Grand Turk. Suc
vernment was on the side of this opinion; and now, for the first time, preparations for war began in earnest. Though the people of Montgomery still murmured, as they had done from the beginning, at the influx of corrupting social influences from Sodom on the Potomac, and still held the hordes of unintroduced strangers aloof from their firesides, they continued most strenuous exertions and made most selfless sacrifices to serve the beloved cause. Storehouses were freely offered for the public , after the Washington custom, at which were collected the most brilliant, the most gallant and most honored of the South. But the citizens still held aloof from general connection with the alien crowd. They could not get rid of their idea that Sodom had come to be imposed on them; and to their prejudiced nostrils there was an odor of sulphur in everything that savored of Washington society. And yet, while they grumbled-these older people of Montgomery-they wrought, heart and soul for the c
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army (search)
hes, should insist upon arraying himself in these butterfly things in the face of the fact that the next moment the long roll might turn him out into the deep snow or the guns of the enemy batter down his cantonment over his head. Another, speaking of the trivial things to which a man gives his heart and for which he may lose his soul, speculated with the finest — fancy as to what it was, and how very a trifle it may have been, that turned the heart and the gaze of Lot's wife back toward Sodom and turned her breathing body into a dead pillar of salt. And still another — a great, broad-shouldered, doublejointed son of Anak, with a head like the Farnese Jove and a face and frame indicative of tremendous power, alike of character and of muscle-delivered himself of his experience in one of the most graphic and moving talks I ever listened to. He said in substance: Brethren, I want you to know what a merciful, forgiving being the Lord is, and to do that I've got to tell you w