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he depositary of the Treasury Department. See telegrams, in Appendix. This Mr. Young declined to do; and thereupon General Beauregard was ordered by the Secretary of War to turn over the coin to Mr. T. S. Metcalf, Government depositary at Augusta, Georgia; which was done, Colonel Rice taking triplicate receipts, one for the Secretary of War, one for General Beauregard's files, and one for himself. Thus was the property belonging to citizens of Louisiana, who were then despoiled by the enemng at Mackay's Point, and marching thence in the direction of Pocotaligo, they took possession of the railroad at Coosawhatchie and destroyed the telegraphic line at that point, thus compelling us to communicate with Savannah and Hardeeville via Augusta. Colonel Walker now telegraphed for reinforcements, as was agreed, and retired to Old Pocotaligo, one mile from the Pocotaligo station, intending, if necessary, to fall back to the Salkahatchie bridge. This, however, he did not do, but took a
or the zeal and energy displayed by him in the discharge of his duties, in the face of so many difficulties. 19. An important order was also given to Major Harris in relation to General Raines's submarine batteries. The Engineers' Department was told to locate them below Simon Bluff, in the Wadmalaw; below Grimball's, in the Dawhee; and in the South Edisto, opposite Aiken's Mills; or at some proper place in the Pon Pon River. Major Harris was also instructed to construct a magazine at Summerville for the safe-keeping of ordnance stores in an emergency. 20. General Ripley was directed to attend to the armament of the two redoubts in rear of Fort Pemberton, and to transfer thither as soon as possible one 24-pounder on siege-carriage from the cremaillere line, and one 24-pounder in barbette from Fort Moultrie or Castle Pinckney. 21. The battery at Church Flats was also ordered to be converted at once into a small enclosed work, to hold two 12-pounder smooth-bore guns, an 18-pou
structions necessary to the full execution of his orders. On the 31st the following instructions were forwarded to Brigadier-Generals Hagood and Walker: All heavy baggage must be removed to some secure place for storage. The troops must be held in light marching order, ready for any emergency and movements of the utmost celerity. The planters must be warned of the impendency of invasion, and advised to remove their negroes to some more secure localities. And on the same day the following letter was addressed to General Mercer, commanding the District of Georgia: I am instructed to direct you to organize and hold ready, in light marching order, a command of at least 2500 men, including three light batteries, to move on this place (Charleston), via Augusta, if necessary, at a moment's notice. The cars need not be held in depot at present, but the presidents of railroads interested must be duly advised of the possible exigency. Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff.
en; if not with you, a number which, with that, would make 5000 men. On the following day I telegraphed, in reply to the Secretary of War: The order sending additional troops to General Pemberton will be executed, Evans's brigade included; leaving but 1000 infantry to support extensive lines and batteries at Savannah, but 750 infantry to hold line of railroad to Savannah, virtually yielding up that country and large stores of rice to the enemy, as well as opening even Charleston and Augusta and Columbia Railroad to attack at Branchville, leaving here 1500 infantry at most, all of which will be known to the enemy in a few days. Meantime, General W. S. Walker reports increased strength yesterday of enemy's outposts in his vicinity. Hagood reports 2500 infantry on Seabrook's Island fortifying; five monitors still there. Enemy in force on Folly Island, actively erecting batteries yesterday. Season favorable for enemy's operations for quite a month. On the 12th I telegraphed a
lost, and the Confederacy, now cut in two, would then be cut in three. Meanwhile, Meade, having been reinforced by the new levies of the enemy, and taking his time to organize and discipline them, would retake the offensive, and Lee would be driven back towards Richmond, admitting that his supplies would enable him to maintain his army that long on the south side of the Potomac; or a large army might be concentrated here, and, having taken this place and marched into the interior, towards Augusta, the Confederacy would again be subdivided; or, should the enemy find it impossible or too tedious to take Charleston, he might concentrate again his forces on the coast of North Carolina, and, marching to Raleigh or Weldon, would cut off all our present communications with Virginia. The question now arises, can these calamities be avoided, and in what way? If my opinion for once could be listened to, I would say again, act entirely on the defensive in Virginia, send you immediately 25,
red to Charleston, to examine into a difficulty between Generals Jones and Ripley. finds the department much disorganized. his interview with President Davis at Augusta. the latter details to him General Hood's plan of campaign. General Beauregard approves it. President Davis decides to give General Beauregard the military div Macon, Ga., the headquarters of General Howell Cobb, and on his way to confer with General Hood, at Palmetto, Ga. He instructed General Beauregard to meet him at Augusta, where he expected to be, on the 2d of October, before returning to Richmond. Meanwhile, General Beauregard entered on the duties assigned to him at CharlestonSecretary of War, at Richmond. Official. H. W. Fielden, A. A. G. On the 2d of October, in accordance with his instructions, General Beauregard repaired to Augusta, and the next day had a long conference with the President, who had also arrived there during the night. The General gave him a long and detailed account of his
he general outlines of the Military Division of the West were given in the preceding chapter, but it is necessary here to specify more minutely its precise limits. These are indicated and explained in the following orders forwarded from the War Department to General Beauregard: Richmond, Va., Oct. 3d, 1864. General G. T. Beauregard: The Department of Tennessee and Georgia, under General Hood, includes all of the State of Georgia north and west of the following line: commencing at Augusta and running along the line of the Augusta and Savannah Railroad to Milton; thence along the western boundary-lines of the counties of Bullock and Tatnall; thence along the south bank of the Ocmulgee River to the northeast corner of Irwin County; thence south to the Florida line and to the Appalachicola River. All the territory west of this Department and the Appalachicola River, and east of the Mississippi River, forms the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, under Lieut
President Davis. comments upon it. General Beauregard leaves for Augusta. his letter of December 6th to the President. Inadmissibility ofauregard on or about the 4th of December, on his way from Macon to Augusta, where He arrived on the 6th of December, at 6 P. M., after an unihimself, perhaps, no longer entertained. During his short stay at Augusta he met General Bragg, who had just arrived, and held with him a loim, but failed to do so when the occasion arose. Before leaving Augusta to repair to Charleston, on his way to Savannah, General Beauregard wrote the following letter to President Davis: Augusta, Ga., Dec. 6th, 1864. To his Excellency Jefferson Davis, President of the Confore than myself, but he will doubtless be prevented from capturing Augusta, Charleston, and Savannah, and he may yet be made to experience seevy en masse. General Cobb informed me at the same time that at Augusta, Macon, and Columbus He had about six thousand five hundred local
der to protect the country and railroad from Charleston to Augusta, and place either or both beyond the reach of a flank atta W. Smith's command (about two thousand men) being sent to Augusta, will leave, of the troops coming from Savannah, about sixrders and instructions in regard to the Department east of Augusta, and will resume the command of the District west of AugusAugusta, as heretofore defined. The change will be more formally announced from the Adjutant-General's office. Jefferson Davis. am of the President not being explicit as to the status of Augusta, I have requested that it should be included in your Deparif you expect to move in the direction of North Carolina. Augusta, Mayfield, and Milledgeville must be depots for future opeer, and your right flank from Barnwell Court-house towards Augusta. At least, the larger portion of his cavalry must be soutvements and check the progress of any force moving towards Augusta or the interior of Georgia, until the rest of the cavalry
21st. he Inspects all the works. leaves for Augusta. the enemy believed to be advancing on that to reach that point; for the railroad between Augusta and Montgomery had been destroyed, and a circhis effort to join General Hood's army. At Augusta, on his way to Milledgeville, he received Prent. He took advantage of his short stay at Augusta to issue instructions to General Hardee relat advised General Hood to come with or send to Augusta such of his forces as were not absolutely req points, started on the 19th of January for Augusta, Ga., via Mobile. He had on that day requested he 25th General Beauregard was on the road to Augusta, where he was anxiously awaited. From Tensawth of January, assigned him to the command of Augusta. From that city, on the 28th, he reported thSavannah, to unite with column moving towards Augusta. See Appendix for these two telegrams. al Beauregard left Mobile till his arrival at Augusta, on the 1st of February, he was incessantly e