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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) or search for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 13 results in 4 document sections:
From Mississippi.
the siege of Vicksburg and Port Hudson — Interesting and Encouraging reports.
Jackson, June 3.--All quiet at Vicksburg yesterday.
No firing heard.
Grant is evidently making preparations for a movement in some direction.
[Second Dispatch.] Jackson, June 4.
--A courier reports that Gen. Kirby Smith crossed to Port Hudson on Sunday.
The gunboats made a furious assault, sinking one steamer and drowning seven hundred men.
The siege of Port HPort Hudson will be raised.
No doubts are felt in regard to the result.
Interesting details of the light on Thursday at Vicksburg are coming on.
Gen. Grant used cotton bales for moveable breastworks in the attack.
Gen. Pemberton mounted 200 po t's demand for a surrender has been fully restored.
No fears are felt regarding the result either at Vicksburg or Port Hudson.
[Third Dispatch.] Jackson, June 4.
--P. M.--Heavy firing in the direction of Vicksburg has been heard al
Brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Mobile, June 4.
--Refugees at Pascagoula report another brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Gen. Banks is said to have lost an aim.
Brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Mobile, June 4.
--Refugees at Pascagoula report another brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Gen. Banks is said to have lost an aim.