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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) or search for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.

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ive up the attempt to take the city by storm, and now talk of a regular siege — a plan which General Joe Johnston may possibly interfere with. The telegraph also brings the report of a brilliant victory gained by Kirby Smith over Banks at Port Hudson. We have every reason to believe that this news will also be confirmed. With Grant's army all but annihilated by the terrific execution of our musketry and artillery at Vicksburg, and Banks's "strategic movements" suddenly cut short at Port Port Hudson, the great campaign of the West, from which so much was expected by the enemy, bids fair to prove by far the most dsiastrous and gigantic of all their failures in this war. The national craving for lies, which is so eminently characteristic of the Yankees, must have been hugely tickled by the announcement of the hanging of Pemberton by his own troops. This stunning piece of news, together with the no less veracious statement that Grant "has Vicksburg so hemmed in that the enemy can
From Mississippi. the siege of Vicksburg and Port Hudson — Interesting and Encouraging reports. Jackson, June 3.--All quiet at Vicksburg yesterday. No firing heard. Grant is evidently making preparations for a movement in some direction. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, June 4. --A courier reports that Gen. Kirby Smith crossed to Port Hudson on Sunday. The gunboats made a furious assault, sinking one steamer and drowning seven hundred men. The siege of Port HPort Hudson will be raised. No doubts are felt in regard to the result. Interesting details of the light on Thursday at Vicksburg are coming on. Gen. Grant used cotton bales for moveable breastworks in the attack. Gen. Pemberton mounted 200 pot's demand for a surrender has been fully restored. No fears are felt regarding the result either at Vicksburg or Port Hudson. [Third Dispatch.] Jackson, June 4. --P. M.--Heavy firing in the direction of Vicksburg has been heard al
Brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Mobile, June 4. --Refugees at Pascagoula report another brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Gen. Banks is said to have lost an aim. Brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Mobile, June 4. --Refugees at Pascagoula report another brilliant victory at Port Hudson. Gen. Banks is said to have lost an aim.
spatches. The death of Gen. Pemberton is rather startling: Headq'rs U. S. Forces.Near Port Hudson, May 23. The following good news has just been received from Col. Grierson: We areoastings. New Orleans advices of the 24th, received at New York, say the rebel pickets at Port Hudson were driven to within two miles of the place, and the country was completely reconnoitered byClinton road reaching Bayon Sara. Col. Grierson had torn up the railroad between Clinton and Port Hudson, cut the telegraph wires, burned a camp, and captured 100 beef cattle. Another reconnaissance ascertained that Port Hudson had not been reinforced. Up to the 22d it was not attacked. Augur's division fought the enemy 9 hours on the 21st, and drove them three miles. Prospects of the capture of the place are favorable. The fight occurred four miles in the rear of Port Hudson. The rebels left a large number of killed and wounded on the field. We took 100 prisoners. The rebel Gen. Gar