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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 8 0 Browse Search
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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A compendious and briefe declaration of the journey of M. Anth. Jenkinson, from the famous citie of London into the land of Persia, passing in this same journey thorow Russia , Moscovia, and Mare Caspium, alias Hircanum, sent and imployed therein by the right worshipfull Societie of the Merchants Adventurers, for discoverie of Lands, Islans, &c. Being begun the foureteenth day of May, Anno 1561, and in the third yere of the reigne of the Queenes Majestie that now is: this present declaration being directed and written to the foresayd Societie. (search)
iver being twenty miles distant, lying next Southeast. The 18 at a Southwest sunne, we passed by three Islands being distant nine miles from the said mouth of Volga , and Southsouthwest from thence, sailing Southsouthwest the next day, at a West & by North sun we fel with the land called Challica Ostriva, being foure round Islands together, distant from the said three Islands forty miles. From thence sailing the said course the next day, we had sight of a land called Tuke, in the countrey of Tumen , where pirats and rovers do use: for feare of whom we haled off into the sea due East forty miles, and fell upon shallowes out of the sight of land, and there were like to have perished, escaping most hardly: then the 22 day we had sight of a goodly Island called Chatalet, distant from the said Challica Ostriva an hundred miles, the winde being contrary, and a stiffe gale, we were not able to seize it: but were forced to come to an anker to the leeward of the same sixe miles off in three or
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The description of the regions, people, and rivers, lying North and East from Moscovia: as the way from Moscovia to the river Petzora, and the Province Jugaria or Juhra, and from thence to the river Obi. Likewise the description of other countreys and regions, even unto the Empire of the great Can of Cathay, taken out of Sigismundus ab Herberstein. (search)
, ascending by the river of Oby, unto the river Irtische, into the which Sossa entereth, is three moneths journey. In these places are two Castles named Jerom and Tumen , kept by certaine Lords called Knesi Juhorski, being tributaries to the great Duke of Moscovia, as they say. Here are divers kinds of beasts and furres. From ouses. And albeit, that the author of this journey, said, that many nations of Lucomoria are subject to the prince of Moscovia, yet for as much as the kingdome of Tumen is neare thereunto, whose prince is a Tartar, and named in their tongue, Tumenski Czar, that is, a king in Tumen , and hath of late done great domage to the princTumen , and hath of late done great domage to the prince of Moscovia: it is most like that these nations should rather be subject unto him. Neare unto the river Petzora (whereof mention is made in this journey) is the citie and castle of Papin, or Papinowgorod, whose inhabitants are named Papini, and have a private language, differing from the Moscovites. Beyond this river are exce