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Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 68 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 52 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 20, 1862., [Electronic resource] 34 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 34 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 30 0 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 30 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 28 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 24 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 22 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 22 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Governor Letcher, of Virginia. (search)
great and eminent services to our noble, suffering and uncomplaining State, now afflicted by the direst calamities, and threatened with the most formidable dangers that can befall a gallant and virtuous people. God grant you, and all who labor in her cause, the success which such efforts justly merit. With sentiments of the highest regard, I remain, Governor, Very faithfully, your friend and servant, J. Bankhead Magruder, Major-General. headquarters first Kentucky brigade, Bowling Green, Kentucky, November 30th, 1861. Colonel — The muskets, I am informed, have reached Nashville. I am in receipt of your communication of November 12th, and am under the greatest obligations for your kindness and attention in the matter. Very truly yours, John C. Breckinridge. Will you be good enough to express my warm thanks to Governor Letcher, to whom I will write in a few days? The guns shall be distributed in his name to my ill-armed brigade. J. C. B. Col. Charles Dimmoc
Chapter 20: military situation in Kentucky. General Johnston's arrival in Nashville. personal reminiscences, the defense of Tennessee. General Johnston's resources and theory. letter to President Davis. the Confederate line. Zollicoffer and Buckner. Buckner seizes Bowling Green. Federal alarm. Confederate advance. General Johnston's proclamation. considerations determining the line. the theatre of War. strength of armies. Johnston conceals his weakness, his memoranda. Federal plans. Johnston's staff. The command intrusted to General Johnston was imperial in extent, his discretion as to military movements was unlimited, and his powers were as large as the theory of the Confederate Government permitted. He lacked nothing, except men and munitions of war, and the means of obtaining them. His army had to be enlisted, before it could be led. Subsistence could be obtained, it is true, through his commissaries; but the country was already drained of material o
eople. General Johnston's first step was to concentrate his men. Hardee's command was drawn in from Northeastern Arkansas, where it had been lying in the swamps for six months, sick and crippled, and was added to the nucleus of an army at Bowling Green. Terry's splendid regiment of Texan Rangers, which was detained in Louisiana, dismounted, was, at its own request and on General Johnston's application, allowed to report to him on condition that he would supply it with horses. It was brougapable of bearing arms. I much lament that we are still so straitened for arms. As soon as we can get any you shall have your full share. I shall order four thirty-two pounders at once to be sent to you, for the defense of your works at Bowling Green, or such other point as you may desire to fortify with heavy guns. Rely on the active cooperation of this department to the full extent of its disposable moans. Your obedient servant, J. P. Benjamin, Acting Secretary of War. Gener
Chapter 23: Bowling Green. Confederate army in Kentucky.-Hardee's force, brought from Arkansas. situation in October. apathy in Kentucky. organization of the army. sketch of General William J. Hardee. Hindman, Cleburne, Marmaduke, and Brown. Zollicoffer's operations. General Johnston's views of that field. repulse at wild Cat. General Federal advance. minor operations. Eastern Kentucky. anecdotes. General Johnston's difficulties. the Western district. its defense. Delusive demonstrations. Cleburne's reconnaissance. Sherman paralyzed. stampede from wild Cat. East Tennessee. insurrection. bridge-burning. anecdote. General Carroll in East Tennessee. General Johnston's command in Kentucky consisted of three armies: Polk's on the left, at Columbus; Buckner's in the centre, about Bowling Green; and Zollicoffer's, on the right, at Cumberland Ford. Early in October, Polk had some 10,000 men to protect Columbus from Grant's 20,000 or 25,000 troops at and
nston's headquarters to leave any doubt of their ability to move overwhelming forces on both Bowling Green and Donelson. Still, if the line of the Cumberland could be maintained from Nashville to Donce of Buell. Floyd was sent to Russellville, with orders to protect the railroad line from Bowling Green to Clarksville. It was added: He must judge from after-information whether he shall mlson; and they make it almost as plain that the attempt would have been equally as futile at Bowling Green. This subject will be briefly considered, however, in its proper place. But there was n gives the present writer the following information: The orders of General Johnston at Bowling Green, delivered personally, were for me to proceed directly to Donelson, to assume command of the-diseases and the losses incident to winter campaigning. He found that, in the retreat from Bowling Green to Nashville, his own army fell off from 14,000 to 10,000 effectives. At Donelson there wer
Chapter 29: the retreat from Bowling Green. General Johnston's strategy discussed. Mr. Swinton's extraordinary statement. memorandum of conference held f the Kentuckians. Colonel Woolley's account of General Johnston's work at Bowling Green. evacuation of Bowling Green. the March. Kentucky brigade. precautions.Bowling Green. the March. Kentucky brigade. precautions. Donelson surrendered. at Nashville. Munford's account. panic and mob. Floyd. retreat. Forrest. Governor Harris. letter to the Secretary of War. Forts Heess to the rear of the Confederate armies, and turned the positions both at Bowling Green and Columbus. Of course, such misfortunes could not happen in his departmeital of the rich, populous, and martial State of Tennessee. As the base of Bowling Green, as a depot of supplies for the armies of the East as well as of the West, corps under the command of Major-General Hardee completed the evacuation of Bowling Green on the 14th inst., and the rear-guard passed the Cumberland at this point y
a battle. Soon after the conference at Bowling Green, General Beauregard addressed a letter to om General Beauregard to General Johnston. Bowling Green, Kentucky, February 12, 1862. General: us was the force that had been posted near Bowling Green, to which was added Crittenden's command anergetic protest against the evacuation of Bowling Green. A correspondent of the Mobile Registently asserted; the purpose of your army at Bowling Green wholly misunderstood; and the absence of aduty of deciding the question of occupying Bowling Green, which involved not only military but polisequence of their action the occupation of Bowling Green became necessary as an act of self-defenseectness of his statement; for the force at Bowling Green, which I supposed 14,000 effective men (thof the enemy was great. The evacuation of Bowling Green was imperatively necessary, and was orderesition, and from the forces advancing from Bowling Green and up the Cumberland. A rear-guard was l
ed upon Corinth-commenced early in the month of March--was not fully consummated when information of the enemy's dispositions determined Johnston to attack with the forces then available. In a period of four weeks, fragments of commands from Bowling Green, Kentucky, under Hardee; Columbus, Kentucky, under Polk; and Pensacola, Mobile, and New Orleans, under Bragg; with such new levies as could be hastily raised, all badly armed and equipped, were united at and near Corinth, and for the first tir friend, I sincerely rejoiced when I heard that Congress had asked for explanations-because this, I knew, would at once break the seal of silence which your own noble sense of justice and mercy to others might have imposed upon you. You left Bowling Green when they would give you no reenforcements, and when it was impossible to defend Fort Donelson except by yielding that position. You had sent all to that point who could be spared from your army in the presence of Buell's army. The event sh
dded the confusion arising from any change of orders with raw troops as to routes in the labyrinth of roads in that vicinity. Hardee's corps, moving on the Ridge road under its methodical commander, assisted by the ardor and energy of Hindman and Cleburne, moved with greater celerity than the other troops. But something of this was due to their apprenticeship in war, under General Johnston's own eye and inspiration, on outpost duty in Kentucky and in the long and toilsome march from Bowling Green to Corinth, which had inured them to the hardships and difficulties of this kind of service. Polk's corps was at this time superior to the others in its transportation and in its experience under fire, and Bragg's in drill and order. Each had its own excellence; but all were soon to be welded to a common temper in the white heat of sectional-war. But at this time the whole army was new, and not yet moulded into a consistent whole. In describing his own corps, Bragg correctly portr
emory passes into history, undimmed by any word of condemnation, unclouded by any shadow of reproach. Nor, indeed, Mr. Speaker, would any cloud of suspicion ever have rested upon his name had the circumstances with which he was surrounded at Bowling Green been known by the country. No man can know the facts save those of us who were personally cognizant of his condition at that place. I have seen and witnessed the terrible responsibility pressing upon his great heart, as, reposing on his counment, and his final assumption of the command of the Army of the Tennessee. Nor will I attempt to follow, step by step, the disastrous events over which he had no control, and which resulted in the final retreat of the Confederate army from Bowling Green. Nor shall I advert to the detailed events which marked the progress of that army, as it swung slowly over the hills of Kentucky, and through the forests of Tennessee, amid the inclemency of wintry weather, to the memorable encampment at Cor