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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
e. From the time of the capture of Roanoke Island stories had come frequently to the Union commanders setting forth the loyalty of the citizens of the town of Winton on the Chowan River, and their desire to serve the Union cause. On the 18th of February an expedition of eight gun-boats under Commander Rowan, and a land force of which I had charge, started for the Chowan River, for the purpose of encouraging our friends at Winton and destroying two important bridges of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. The morning of the 19th we began to ascend the river, and as I had never believed in the tales regarding the loyalty of the Wintonians, from the time everal other buildings were in use for barracks and store-houses for army supplies. They were all fired. Then the expedition returned to Roanoke Island. The Winton expedition was, for the time being, the last of active operations having Roanoke Island for a base. The army forces on shore were enjoying a period of luxurious
rebels, which undoubtedly damaged them, as their fire soon slackened.--(Doc. 53.) The Richmond Enquirer of this date, says: An immense defence meeting was held in Memphis, Tenn., last week. Resolutions were passed, appointing committees in each ward of the city, to form a complete military organization, and to drill the levies. It was also resolved that the times demanded the proclamation of martial law in Memphis. In the afternoon, most of the stores on Front row, and many of those on Main street, closed their doors, in compliance with a proclamation from the Mayor. A considerable number of citizens, who had given in their names to join the defence organization, met in the Council Chamber in the evening, and went out in procession to drill. Winton, N. C., was burned by the forces of Gen. Burnside. The Federal troops, with gunboats, ascended the Chowan River, where the rebels opened a heavy fire upon them. The National troops landed and destroyed the town.--(Doc. 54.)
en, of Mix's Third New York cavalry, under Lieutenant Allis, and a superior force of rebel cavalry, resulting in the defeat of the rebels, with a loss of three men killed, six wounded, and two taken prisoners unhurt. None of the Union party were killed, and but one was wounded. Major-Gen. Butler, commanding Department of the Gulf, issued an order directing and authorizing the Provost-Marshal of New Orleans, La., to execute six rebel prisoners, convicted of having violated their parole. Part of General Banks's command advanced beyond Martinsburgh, Va.--A reconnaissance in force was made at Winton, N. C., by the National troops, under Gen. Viele. At noon to-day the main body of the rebel army near Richmond, Va., under General Joseph Johnston, attacked the left wing of the Union army at Fair Oaks and the Seven Pines, and a desperate battle ensued, which lasted till night. At night the rebels occupied the camps of the Fourth corps, but their advance was completely broken.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), A conscript's epistle to Jeff Davis. (search)
A conscript's epistle to Jeff Davis. The following quaint epistle was furnished for publication by a member of the Mounted Rifles, who picked it up in a deserted rebel camp on the Chowan River, about thirty miles from Winton, while out on a scouting expedition. The letter was addressed in this wise: Read, if you want to, you thieving scalp-hunter, whoever you are, and forward, post-paid, to the lord high chancellor of the devill's exchequer (?) on earth, Jeff Davis, Richmond, Va. headquarters Scalp Hunters, camp Chowan, N. C., January 11. Excellency Davis: It is with feelings of undeveloped pleasure that an affectionate conscript intrusts this sheet of confiscated paper to the tender mercies of a confederate States mail-carrier, addressed, as it shall be to yourself, O Jeff, Red Jacket of the Gulf and Chief of the Six Nations--more or less. He writes on the stump of a shivered monarch of the forest, with the pine trees wailing round him, and Endymion's planet rising
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
13. Lieutenant Jeffers, with some of the fleet, proceeded to the Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal, that traverses the Dismal Swamp on its way from the Elizabeth River to the Pasquotank, for the purpose of disabling it. They found Confederates engaged in the same work, who fled on the approach of the Nationals. The latter sunk two schooners in the Canal and departed. Finally, on the 19th, the combined fleet set out from Edenton on a reconnaissance, which extended up the Chowan River as far as Winton (which was partially destroyed), and the Roanoke to Plymouth. The Perry, bearing Colonel Hawkins and a company of his Zouaves, received a volley of musketry from the high bank near the latter place, when Rowan ordered the town to be shelled. It was nearly all destroyed excepting the church. Hawkins Zouave. the power of the Government was so fully displayed in this region, while its justice and clemency were proclaimed by Burnside and Goldsborough conjointly, in an address to the peo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
x wounded, and two made prisoners. The loss of the Confederates is not known. They left thirty killed and wounded on the field. This engagement is called the battle of South Mills. The defeat of the Third Georgia regiment in the fight produced much consternation in Norfolk. General Reno allowed his wearied troops to rest on the battle-field about six hours, when they returned to the boats. For want of transportation, he was compelled to leave some of his killed and wounded behind. Winton, at the head of the Chowan; Plymouth, at the mouth of the Roanoke; and Washington, at the head of the Pamlico River, were all quietly occupied by the National forces. At about this time, an expedition under Commodore Rowan was sent to obstruct the Dismal Swamp Canal, in the rear of Norfolk. Rowan left Elizabeth City on the 23d of April, with the Lockwood, Whitehead, and Putnam, each with an officer and a detachment of troops. In the afternoon he landed one hundred men (fifty on each ban
at Elizabeth City; where, after a smart fight, they were set on fire by their crews and abandoned. One of them was captured, the others destroyed. Tile city itself was likewise set on fire, and in good part destroyed. Four of the gunboats were sent thence to Edenton, on the west end of Albemarle Sound, where eight cannon and a schooner were destroyed, and two schooners, with 4,000 bushels of corn, captured. Com. Rowan's flotilla next moved Feb. 19. five miles up the Chowan river to Winton, Hereford county, upon assurances that its citizens wished to return to and be protected by the Union. Their reception was even warmer than they had expected. On reaching the town, they were saluted by a hailstorm of bullets, which constrainled them to fall down the river for the night; retiring next morning, the village was shelled by them until abandoned, and then burnt. Gen. Burnside next concentrated his forces at Hatteras Inlet, for an attack on Newbern, at the junction of the Neus
instead of by their corps numbers. Upon the reorganization of the Sixteenth Corps, prior to the Mobile campaign of 1865, this division of the Seventeenth was merged in the larger organization of the Sixteenth; hence, the Seventeenth Corps, in 1865, consisted of the three divisions then marching with Sherman north ward through the Carolinas. Eighteenth Corps. Kinston Whitehall Goldsboro Siege of Washington (N. C.); Siege of Suffolk Quaker Bridge Gum Swamp Bachelor's Creek Winton Port Walthall Arrowfield Church Drewry's Bluff Bermuda Hundred Cold Harbor assault on Petersburg, June 15th Mine Explosion Petersburg Trenches Chaffin's Farm Fair Oaks (1864); Fall of Richmond. On December 24, 1862, the President ordered that the troops in the Department of North Carolina should be organized into a corps and designated as the Eighteenth. These troops were stationed at Newbern, Plymouth, Beaufort, and vicinity. They included Peck's Division, formerly of the Fou
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
lace this army (with its full equipment) north of Roanoke River, facing west, with a base for supplies at Norfolk, and at Winton or Murfreesboroa on the Chowan, and in full communication with the Army of the Potomac, about Petersburg; and also to do issary will prepare a resupply of stores at some point on Pamlico or Albemarle Sounds, ready to be conveyed to Kinston or Winton and Murfreesboroa, according to developments. As soon as they have satisfactory information that the army is north of the Roanoke, they will forthwith establish a depot at Winton, with a sub-depot at Murfreesboroa. Major-General Schofield will hold, as heretofore, Wilmington (with the bridge across Northern Branch as an outpost), Newbern (and Kinston as its outpost), and will be prepared to hold Winton and Murfreesboroa as soon as the time arrives for that move. The navy has instructions from Admiral Porter to cooperate, and any commanding officer is authorized to call on the navy for assistance and cooperation
Doc. 54.-destruction of Winton, N. C. A correspondent gives the following account of this affair: United States steamer Delaware, off Winton, N. C., Feb. 21, 1862. On the morning of the nineteenth inst., the flotilla, under the command of Com. S. C. Rowan, set out from Edenton for a reconnaissance of the Chowan River as far as Winton, and the Roanoke River as far as Plymouth. The first detachment, under Cgle white man, however, was to be seen until within twenty miles of Winton, when a party of fifteen horsemen, apparently reconnoitring, was dially as we learned at Elizabeth City that five hundred Union men at Winton had raised the Stars and Stripes and desired protection, which we wroom enough to turn in. When about opposite to the landing-place at Winton, Col. Hawkins, who was upon the lookout at our maintop, sung out th for his bravery at Roanoke Island,) took possession of the town of Winton, situated some half a mile back from the landing. The village was