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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 61 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 14 10 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 14 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 22, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 8 0 Browse Search
Col. Robert White, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.2, West Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 8 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 6 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McClellan in West Virginia. (search)
nemy were gathering at Beverly, McClellan determined to proceed in person to that region with his best-prepared troops, postponing his Kanawha plan till north-western Virginia should be cleared of hostile forces. Reference to the map will show that as the Potomac route was usually in the hands of the Northern forces, a Confederate occupation of West Virginia must be made either by the Staunton and Beverly road, or by the Kanawha route, of which the key-point west of the mountains was Gauley Bridge. General Lee determined to send columns upon both these lines--General Henry A. Wise upon the Kanawha route, and General Robert S. Garnett to Beverly. Upon Porterfield's retreat to Beverly after the Philippi races, Garnett, who had been an officer in the United States army, was ordered to Beverly to assume command and to stimulate the recruiting and organization of regiments from the secession element of the population. Some Virginia regiments, raised on the eastern slope of the mo
rease the number to one thousand men, and re-enter the service for three years. The soldiers took breakfast at Washington avenue, prepared by the refreshment committee. This regiment passed through Philadelphia about three months ago; they have principally done guard duty on Meridian Hill, and at the Long Bridge, Washington.--Philadelphia Press, August 2. The War Department at Washington received the following direct from Gen. Rosecrans by telegraph, dated to-day:--Gen. Cox reached Gauley Bridge on the 29th ult. Gen. Wise fled without fighting, destroying the bridge to prevent pursuit. We have captured a thousand muskets and several kegs of cannon power. Many inhabitants of that section, who have heretofore been strong Secessionists, denounce Gen. Wise for his wanton destruction of property, and are abandoning him and his cause. His Western troops are rapidly disbanding. The valley of the Kanawha is not free from the rebel forces. --Philadelphia Inquirer, August 2. Jeff
battle occurred at Summersville, Summersville is the county-seat of Nicholas County, the next east of Kanawha County, and is about fifty miles from Charleston, the central position of the Kanawha Valley. It is about twenty five miles from Gauley Bridge, and up the Gauley River. in Western Virginia, this morning. The Seventh Ohio regiment, Colonel Tyler, was surrounded whilst at breakfast, and attacked on both flanks and in the front simultaneously. The national forces immediately formed for battle and fought bravely, though they saw but little chance of success. The rebels proving too powerful, Col. Tyler sent forward to the baggage train, which was coming up three miles distant, and turned it back toward Gauley Bridge, which place it reached in safety. Companies B, C, and I suffered most severely. They particularly were in the hottest of the fight, and finally fought their way, through fearful odds, making great havoc in the enemy's forces. The rebel force consisted of t
cond Kentucky regiment, under Captain Wheeler, reported to Gen. Rosecrans, the rebels in considerable force on the west side of New River, some few miles above Gauley Bridge, in Virginia. Shortly after Captain Wheeler's return, two batteries were opened upon the National troops in the vicinity of Gauley Bridge from the hills on Gauley Bridge from the hills on the opposite side of the river--one directly opposite the bridge, and the other two miles lower down, at the falls of the Kanawha, opposite a large brick house in which commissary's supplies were stored. These batteries played away nearly all day, the commissary's quarters affording them a fine mark; but so bad was their firing, tmps up New River; but when they were once placed in position, it was not long until both the rebel batteries were silenced. A train of wagons, on its way from Gauley Bridge to the encampments above, was fired upon the same day, when five or six miles up the river, by rebel infantry, and two of the Nationals were wounded. Three co
New York Chamber of Commerce, upon the occasion of the retirement of Gen. Scott, adopted a series of resolutions highly appreciative of his great services.--(Doc. 135.) This day a battery of two rifled cannon was opened from Gen. Rosecrans' position on the New River, Va., and silenced the rebel battery opposite on Cotton Hill. The rebel battery thus silenced had been opened on the 30th ult., and by its command of the only road by which Gen. Rosecrans' position could be reached from Gauley Bridge, it had maintained a siege ever since, and supply trains previously run at all hours had been run only at night. By its silence the siege thus established was raised.--(Doc. 136.) The United States fleet, under command of Commodore S. F. Dupont, achieved a great victory to-day on the coast of South Carolina. The expedition arrived off Port Royal harbor, S. C., last Sunday evening, Nov. 3. The next morning, the Vixen and Mercury, with several gunboats, entered the harbor to take s
and could the idea of their ability to conquer us once be gotten rid of, they would clamor for an immediate recognition. Every town was illuminated, and the people everywhere rejoicing over the downfall of Vicksburgh. Crops of wheat and oats are very good, but corn very poor indeed. After leaving the Ohio at Belleville, on the night of the nineteenth, we marched to near Elizabethtown, in Wirt County, from there to Steer Creek, and across the mountains to Sutton; from Sutton on the Gauley Bridge road to Birch Creek, crossing Gauley at mouth of Cranberry, and thence into the Greenbrier County, crossing Cold Mountain, passing over a heavy blockaded road, tired steeds preventing rapid marches, and six days were consumed ere we reached Lewisburgh, near which we left Colonel Grigsby, with a detachment, which then numbered about four hundred and seventy-five men. From the crossing of the Ohio to our entrance into Greenbrier, our men lived on beef alone, without salt, and no bread. Ye
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 6.33 (search)
Monterey Fremont intended to move upon Staunton and thence, following the south-western trend of the valleys, to the New River near Christiansburg. Here he would come into communication with me, whose task it would have been to advance from Gauley Bridge on two lines, the principal one by Fayette and Raleigh Court House over Flat-top Mountain to Princeton and the Narrows of New River, and a subordinate one on the turnpike to Lewisburg. The plan looked to continuing the march to the south-wes pursued in West Virginia, and made arrangements to transfer part of my command to his army in the field. About the middle of August I took two brigades by way of the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers to Parkersburg, and thence by rail to Washington. Gauley Bridge was made the advanced post in the Kanawha Valley, and no important movement was again made on that line. It is an interesting fact, that, so confident was General Halleck that Pope would be joined by McClellan's army in time to keep Lee in
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
the Kanawha River. Wise was then in the valley of that stream, below Charleston, the capital of Kanawha County, and had an outpost at Scareytown, composed of a small force under Captain Patton. This was attacked by fifteen hundred Ohio troops under Colonel Lowe, who were repulsed. That night, the assailed insurgents fled up the valley to Wise's camp, and gave him such an alarming. account of the numbers of the invaders, that the General at once retreated, first to Charleston, then to Gauley Bridge (which he burnt), near the mouth of the Gauley River, July 29. and did not make a permanent halt until he reached Lewisburg, the capital of Greenbrier County. The news of Garnett's disaster, and Wise's own incompetence, had so dispirited his troops, that large numbers had left him. At Lewisburg, he was re-enforced and outranked by John B. Floyd, late Secretary of War, who had a brigadier's commission. The war in Western Virginia seemed to have ended with the dispersion of Garnett's
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
at breakfast the next morning, Aug. 26, 1861. his command was surprised by a force of Virginians sent out stealthily by Floyd, severely handled, and dispersed with the loss of about fifty men. General Rosecrans, soon after this defeat of Tyler, marched to the aid of Cox against Floyd. He issued a stirring proclamation to the loyal inhabitants of Western Virginia, and promised them ample protection. General Cox, of Ohio, in the mean time, had advanced from Charleston to the site of Gauley bridge, which Wise, in his hasty flight, had burnt; and, at the junction of New River with the Gauley, New River rises among the spurs of the Blue Ridge, in North Carolina, and, uniting with the Gauley, forms. the Great Kanawha. he had reported to Governor Pierpont, on the 29th of July, that the Kanawha Valley was free from the Secession troops, and that the inhabitants were denouncing Wise for his vandalism. He had moved up the Kanawha, by land and water, having under his control a number
anded the Rebels in this quarter, had expected here to make a stand; but, discouraged by the tidings which had reached him, some days before, of Garnett's disasters, continued his flight up the river. Gen. Cox pursued, reaching, on the 29th, Gauley bridge, which Wise had burned to impede pursuit. The people of that valley, and, indeed, of nearly all Western Virginia--being Unionists — complained that the Rebels mercilessly plundered them of every thing eatable; which was doubtless true to a gnspiring news from Bull Run, and the depletion of the Federal forces by the mustering out of service of the three months men, was soon able to assume the offensive. Keeping well to the right of New River — the main affluent which unites near Gauley bridge with the Gauley to form the Kanawha — he surprised the 7th Ohio, Col. Tyler, while at breakfast at Cross Lanes, near Summersville, The capital of Nicholas county. and routed it with a loss of some 200 men. Moving thence southerly to Carnif<