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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 23: destruction of the ram Arkansas.--capture of Galveston.--capture of the Harriet Lane.--sinking of the Hatteras.--attack on Baton Rouge.--Miscellaneous engagements of the gun-boats. (search)
stant Engineers, Edward Farmer, F. S. Barlow, Hiram Parker and W. S. Cherry; Acting-Master, T. C. Dunn; Acting-Master's Mates, E. L. Hubbell, R. P. Boss and R. B. Smith; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, L. L. Penniman. Steamer New London. Lieutenant-Commander, Abner Read: Lieutenant, Benj. F. Day; Acting-Master, W. D. Roath; Acting-Master's Mate Peter Faunce; Acting-Assistant-Surgeon, L. H. Kindall; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, F. H. Thompson; Acting-Engineers, H. P. Powers, D. M. Howell, John Brooks and Henry Farmer. Gun-boat Kineo. Lieutenant-Commander, George M. Ransom; Lieutenant, Frederick Rodgers; Assistant Surgeon, A. S. Oberly; Assistant Engineers, S. W. Cragg, James Maughlin, C. F. Hollingsworth and C. J. McConnell; Acting-Masters, Oliver Colburn and L. A. Brown; Acting-Masters' Mates, W. S. Keen, John Bartol, Jr., W. H. Davis and G. A. Faunce; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, S. P. N. Warner. Gun-boat Pembina. Lieutenant-Commander, Wm. G. Temple; Lieutenant, Roderic
y, doing no damage. At the first round from our guns every light in the fleet was extinguished. Heavy damage is supposed to have been inflicted. The enemy was evidently greatly alarmed. A great crashing was heard in the river, whether from our balls or the vessels colliding is unknown. The entire fleet disappeared this morning at day-light, and such of McClellan's camp as was visible seemingly in great commotion. One man was killed on our side, and six wounded--two, belonging to the Page battery, badly — all caused by an accident to our own guns. Petersburgh, August 1--P. M. The casualties last night were: William F. Dalton, of Louisiana, killed; Thomas Farquhar, of Richmond, severely wounded in the thigh; Patrick Graham, of Richmond, slightly in the left shoulder — all of Dabney's battery. Also H. Clackey, of Hanover, both hands mangled and subsequently amputated, and John Brooks, of Hanover, shockingly burned — both of Page's battery. Four others were slightly woun
g felt the need of a way to the metropolis more convenient for the transportation of heavy loads than that over Winter Hill. The first movement for a turnpike was made, about the year 1800, by citizens of Medford; and, in 1803, Benjamin Hall, John Brooks, Fitch Hall, Ebenezer Hall, 2d, and Samuel Buel, petitioned the Legislature for an act of incorporation. It was granted March 2d of that year. The name was Medford Turnpike corporation. The act required them to run the road easterly of WintI shall think that all the world is mad; and that I and my people, with the few who have hitherto joined us, remain the only sober and rational part of this lower creation. May 4, 1801: Voted, that the selectmen, with Benj. Hall, Esq., and John Brooks, Esq., be a Committee to attend at the General Court on the first Tuesday of the next session, to prevent, if possible, the erection of another bridge across Mystic River. Nevertheless, Chelsea Bridge was built in 1804. The town directed the
illis Hall1785. Thomas Brooks1788. Willis Hall1789. Ebenezer Hall1790. Richard Hall1794. John Brooks1796. Ebenezer Hall1798. John Brooks1803. Caleb Brooks1804. Jonathan Porter1808. Nathan WJohn Brooks1803. Caleb Brooks1804. Jonathan Porter1808. Nathan Waite1810. Nathaniel Hall1812. Luther Stearns1813. Jeduthan Richardson1821. Nathan Adams1822. Turell Tufts1823. Joseph Swan1826. Dudley Hall1827. Turell Tufts1828. John Howe1829. John B. Fit, of Boston, Vice-President of the Massachusetts Medical Society, who knew him well:-- John Brooks was born in Medford, Massachusetts, in May, 1752. His father, Capt. Caleb Brooks, was a respred to the Society of the Cincinnati, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: July 4, 1787. By John Brooks, Esq. This is just such an oration as a sensible and patriotic officer, fresh from the fields stands in the old burying-ground has the following inscription:-- Sacred to the memory of John Brooks, who was born in Medford, in the month of May, 1752, and educated at the town-school. He too
had volunteered already, under the command of their gallant young physician, John Brooks. The Medford Company, fifty-nine in all, were out early on their march toniel P. Banks470.  Luther V. Bell136. Councillors and Senators. John Brooks, Councillor1812. P. C. Brooks, Councillor1818. Timothy Bigelow, Councillor Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Ha3dMar. 27, 1781. Edward BrooksMar. 27, 1781. Timothy FitchSept. 26, 1783. John BrooksJan. 28, 1785. John BrooksApril 26, 1787. Benjamin HallMar. 14, 1788. StepJohn BrooksApril 26, 1787. Benjamin HallMar. 14, 1788. Stephen Hall, junMar. 14, 1788. Thomas BrooksMar. 14, 1788. Aaron PutnamJune 25, 1789. Thomas BrooksFeb. 28, 1795. Ebenezer HallApril 16, 1798. Samuel SwanMay 29, 1amsFeb. 25, 1811. Nathaniel HallNov. 20, 1812. Isaac BrooksNov. 21, 1812. John BrooksFeb. 8, 1813. Samuel SwanFeb. 20, 1813. Timothy BigelowJuly 3, 1815. Dudle
phraim Hall1776 Cotton Tufts1777 William Woodbridge1780 George H. Hall1781 Timothy Bigelow1786 Samuel Angier1787 John Brooks1787 Luther Stearns1791 Hall Tufts1794 Abner Bartlett1799 John Hosmer1800 Aaron Hall Putnam1800 John Pierpont1803 Daniel Swan1803 John Brooks1805 Joseph Hall1807 William C. Woodbridge1811 Edward Brooks1812 David Osgood1813 Andrew Bigelow1814 Gorham Brooks1814 Jonathan Porter1814 John P. Bigelow1815 Convers Francis1815 Charles Brooks1816 William Waample was so attractive and so uniform that he moulded the manners of the town. It was in this school that his pupil, John Brooks, caught the last finish of dignity and grace for which he was signalized. Aug. 30, 1770, he received from the king thto what was then called Arminianism. He was so interested in the virtuous character and thirst for knowledge of young John Brooks that he almost adopted him as a son. He took his pupil under a written indenture, as an apprentice for seven years, to
ar where the Lowell Railroad Station now is, together with a small lot of land, sufficient only for a vegetable garden. Here the poor and helpless were gathered and made comfortable; but after twenty years it was found insufficient; and the constant perplexities to which the overseers of the poor were subjected, induced the town to think of building a new and ample house of brick. On the 4th of March, 1811, the whole matter was committed to the five following gentlemen: Timothy Bigelow, John Brooks, Jonathan Brooks, Isaac Brooks, and Abner Bartlett. After several meetings and much investigation, they report, that it is expedient for the town to build a large and commodious house, of brick, on the spot occupied by the old one. This report was accepted; and the same gentlemen were appointed the building-committee, to proceed immediately in the work. Discontents arose to fetter the proceeding; and, after much vacillating legislation, the final result was the ample brick square house
John Bishop. Abigail Bishop. Samuel Swan. Ebenezer Thompson. Nathan Wait. Thomas Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Mead. Zachariah Shed. Leonard Bucknam. Spencer Bucknam. John Bacon. Abigail Brooks and Rufus Frost. John Brooks and Mary Patten. John Brooks. Jethro Townsend. Caleb Brooks, jun. Thomas Brooks. S. Buel and Augustus Hunt. Thomas Bradshaw. Andrew Blanchard. Timothy Newell. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Ruth Benford. Jonathan BroJohn Brooks. Jethro Townsend. Caleb Brooks, jun. Thomas Brooks. S. Buel and Augustus Hunt. Thomas Bradshaw. Andrew Blanchard. Timothy Newell. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Ruth Benford. Jonathan Brooks. William Bradbury. Francis Burns. Marah Billings. Hezekiah Blanchard. David Bucknam. John Chadwick. John Cutter. Miles S. Wilson. Jonathan Dunham. Aaron Crowell. William Earl. Deborah Francis. Sarah Fulton. Henry Fowle. Benjamin Floyd. Benjamin Floyd, jun. Isaac Floyd. John Fowl. Gardner Greenleaf. Isaac Greenleaf. Edmund T. Gates. Ebenezer Hall. Natll. Hall and Susan Patten. Willis Hall. Abigail Hadley. Samuel Hadley
mington alleged and proved for Cambridge very pertinately and fully. It was decided for Cambridge on the 13th. Then came the question of concurrence before the House of Deputies. It was a close vote. The judge says, Could not tell by lifting up the hands: were fain to divide the house. They for Cambridge went to the north side; they for Charlestown, to the south. Cambridge had forty-six; Charlestown, forty-one. 1718.--Ruth Albree, daughter of John Albree, afterwards the mother of John Brooks, was baptized May 4, 1718, and was taken into church Jan. 24, 1743. May 12, 1718.--Put to vote, whether persons hiring any persons, or leasing out tenements, in Medford, may be obliged to acquaint the selectmen therewith, or liable to some fine. Voted in the negative. 1720.--Tea began to be used in Medford. 1721.--Medford voted to turn the road away from a house while the smallpox was in that house. Aug. 14, 1721.--Sundry inhabitants on the north side of Mystic River, who des
of Reading, who brought with her a large landed property in that town. His house is still standing, about thirty rods above his father's. His will proves him to have been one of the few slaveholders in the town. He d. July 5, 1768. His wife d. May 25, 1772, aged 74. Their children were--  21-28Mary, bap. Jan. 1, 1728; m. William Whitmore.  29Samuel, b. Aug. 24, 1729.  30Thomas, b. Jan. 6, 1732.  31Edward, b. Nov. 4, 1733.  32Jonathan, b. Aug. 17, 1735, d. in college, 1750. 13-24John Brooks (Governor of Massachusetts) m. Lucy Smith, of Reading, in 1774, who d. Sept. 26, 1791, aged 38. He died March 1, 1825. Their children were:--  24-33Lucy, b. June 16, 1775; m. Rev. O'Kill Stuart.  34Alexander S., b. Oct. 19, 1781; killed by explosion of a steamboat, 1836.  35John, b. May 20, 1783; fell at the battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813. 21-30Thomas Brooks m., 1st, Anna Hall, Feb. 27, 1755, who d. Aug. 28, 1757; 2d, Mercy Tufts, Dec. 29, 1762. He died Mar. 7, 1799. His sec