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ta, being entitled to the floor, proceeded to consider the Territorial question, to which he was alluding at the time of the adjournment on yesterday. He recapitulated the position that the present territory of the United States was unsuited to slave labor, while there was in the South such a deficiency as to lead to the serious contemplation of re-opening the African slave trade. With regard to the apprehension of the South becoming overrun with slaves, thus converting it into a second San Domingo, he argued that the tendency was the other way — that the demand always exceeded the supply. It had been urged by the gentleman from Albemarle, that in fifty years the South would become Africanized. His own opinion always had been that it would be hundreds of years before the South would require an outlet for the surplus of her slave population; and to sustain this view, he read from a speech in the Senate of the United States, by Mr. Hammond, of South Carolina, within the past year, i