Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Barcino (Spain) or search for Barcino (Spain) in all documents.

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nds. The crew steamer Columbia, reported to have warlike stores on board designed for the rebels, left Plymouth Sound on the 9th, bound for Nassau. Two other steamers had also arrived at Plymouth, believed to be intended for the same destination.--Their names are the Merrimac and the Sylph. The D. Fleming with a cargo of turpentine, basin and fifteen bales of cotton, from Charleston, had arrived at Liverpool. She left Charleston on the 5th of May, in company with the Louisa, for Barcelona and six schooners for Nason. She left on vessels in port. The London press on the defeat of Banks. The London Times, of June 10, in commenting on the defeat of Gen. Banks, says: The battle of Winchester was one of the most important successes that the Confederates have obtained. For thought it is not likely to enable them to carry the war into the enemy's territory, and though it may be that the Federals will once more endeavor to advance into the Valley of the Shenandoah, y