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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,756 1,640 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 979 67 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 963 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 742 0 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 694 24 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 457 395 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 449 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 427 7 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 420 416 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 410 4 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. You can also browse the collection for Washington (United States) or search for Washington (United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 484 results in 41 document sections:

gitimate purposes, was so little felt by individual citizens that they almost forgot its existence, and were almost unaware that there was any other government in the land than those of the States and municipalities, Soon after my arrival in Washington in 1861 I had several interviews with prominent abolitionists — of whom Senator Sumner was one--on the subject of slavery. I invariably took the ground that I was thoroughly opposed to slavery, regarding it as a great evil, especially to the wal conditions of peace that slavery should be abolished within a fixed and reasonable period. Had the arrangements of the terms of peace been in my hands I should certainly have insisted on this. During the autumn of 1861, after arriving in Washington, I discontinued the practice of returning fugitive slaves to their owners. In Western Virginia, after Pegram's surrender, when I had been directed to parole the prisoners, I collected the large number of negro slaves captured with their mast
Beginning of the war in the West apathy at Washington value of State governments incidents in orign in Western Virginia McClellan called to Washington. At the time of my appointment in Ohio we there being then no mail communication with Washington. Within a few days I sent by similar means wrote several letters to the headquarters at Washington. One movement that I suggested was in conned their own safety, and consequently that of Washington; except the Blairs, who were naturally much are of the attention of the functionaries in Washington. In the course of May and June I made sevorge Getty, the commander of one of them, to Washington, with a letter for the general commanding, iacross the mountains to relieve McDowell and Washington. I did not then know that Gen. Joe JohnstStaunton, if they preferred that movement in Washington, provided the three-months men (of whom my aic affairs rendered my immediate presence in Washington necessary, and directing me to turn over my [10 more...]
Chapter 4: Arrival at Washington reception by Gen. Scott and the President condition informed that he had placed me in command of Washington and all the troops in its vicinity. He dire to ex-President Buchanan, as follows: Washington, July 26, 1861. Dear Sir: . . The dreadfuturns out the whole concern. The capture of Washington seems now to be inevitable; during the whole, which comprised all the troops in front of Washington on the Pennsylvania bank of the river, and to. 2. headquarters, division of the Potomac, Washington, July 30, 1861. The general commanding thfficers and men stationed in the vicinity of Washington are in the habit of frequenting the streets ed to absent himself from his camp and visit Washington except for the performance of some public duhed for temporary duty as provost-marshal in Washington, and will be obeyed and respected accordinglkind of discipline at Camp Dennison. But at Washington everything was different. The enemy not onl[12 more...]
ters. [July 27 to Sept. 30, 1861.] July 27, 1861, Washington, D. C. I have been assigned to the command of a division, and the sword by some other fait d‘éclat. July 30, Washington . . Had to work until nearly three this morning. . . I could see that many marked the contrast. . . . I have Washington perfectly quiet now. You would not know that there was ahen I get out for a ride, no relief for mind or body. Washington, 16th. . . . I am here in a terrible place: the enemfe. We may have to fight a battle under the defences of Washington within a week, and I did not care to have you exposed to00. I am gaining rapidly in every way. I can now defend Washington with almost perfect certainty. When I came here it coulhat I have not been killed a single time since I reached Washington. So don't believe any such absurd rumors. How lucky ththat they are flaunting their dirty little flag in my face, and I hope they have taken their last look at Washington. . .
Chapter 6: The defence of Washington growth of an army foresight of the magnitude of ecessary to retain the seat of government in Washington, although its situation was the most unfavoromparative security, so far as the safety of Washington was concerned, the probable effects of an inemy's outposts, who had now seen the last of Washington until Early's raid in 1864. Taylor's, Pern Centreville if necessary. On the north of Washington, Buell's division held Tennallytown and the er river and were in position to retire upon Washington if attacked by superior forces. Hooker was arly life. The frequent reviews I held at Washington were not at all for the benefit of the publi. 27. headquarters, division of the Potomac, Washington, Aug. 14, 1861. The general commanding thno. 4. headquarters division of the Potomac, Washington, Aug. 16, 1861. All passes, safe-conductse enemy is to possess himself of the city of Washington, his first efforts will be directed towards [15 more...]
ew levies of infantry, upon their arrival in Washington, were formed into provisional brigades and pinstruction in the entrenched camps covering Washington during the three or four inclement months ofprovided those required for the garrisons of Washington and Baltimore, and the defences of the line s; and there remained with Gen. Banks and at Washington twenty-one regiments, besides the four unproy during the construction of the defences of Washington, and during the subsequent campaigns, we sufassuming command of the troops in and around Washington I appointed Capt. S. Van Vliet, assistant qu principal depot for supplies in the city of Washington was under charge of Col. D. H. Rucker, assiste charge of the transportation in and about Washington, as well as of the large number of horses puf the Army of the Potomac in the vicinity of Washington, prior to the Peninsular campaign, its subsi the fact that the subsistence department at Washington made ample provision for sending supplies to[7 more...]
he West I failed to obtain from him the assistance needed, and when I reached Washington I soon found that he was unnecessarily jealous of me. On the very day of my a was not invited to be present. He directed me to ride around the streets of Washington and see that the drunken men were picked up, which I naturally did not do! Hn extract from the letter of Gen E. A. Hitchcock to Gen. H. W. Halleck, dated Washington, March 22, 1862: I then bid the secretary (Stanton) good-evening and leftRichardson was in command of a regiment of Michigan volunteers when I went to Washington; I at once gave him a brigade. He was an officer of the old army, bull-heade them became familiar with my face. And there was no part of the ground near Washington that I did not know thoroughly. The most entertaining of my duties were thately in the form of an order) to be made upon it: Department of State, Washington Oct. 28, 1861. Maj.-Gen. George B. McClellan, etc., etc., etc.: The Presid
the radical leaders shortly after I reached Washington. They then saw clearly that it would not ben the 3d of April, 1862, ten days after left Washington to assume command in the field, there was isy had not even heard of him, before reaching Washington in 1861. Not many weeks after arriving I waation. The difficulties of my position in Washington commenced when I was first confined to my beng made known to them would soon spread over Washington and become known to the enemy. I also reminher. During the early part of my command in Washington he often consulted with me before taking impain their capture. Soon after arriving in Washington the President one day sent for me to ask my se I purposed to leave behind, in Baltimore, Washington, and the Shenandoah, an aggregate of 66,552, Moreover, on the second day after I left Washington an order was issued breaking up all the recrhe following letter: executive Mansion Washington March 31, 1862. Maj.-Gen. McClellan: my d
infinite deal to do before my army is really ready to fight a great battle. Washington may now be looked upon as quite safe. They cannot attack it in front. My fl respect, but it is of no avail. . . . I do not expect to fight a battle near Washington; probably none will be fought until I advance, and that I will not do until Ie parted. The old man said that his sensations were very peculiar in leaving Washington and active life. I can easily understand them; and it may be that at some distant day I, too, shall totter away from Washington, a worn-out soldier, with naught to do but make my peace with God. The sight of this morning was a lesson to me w here. The roads on the other side are good; the country more open than near Washington. You have no idea how the wind is howling now — a perfect tornado; it makes as fretful he fatigued me very much, so that it is impossible for me to go to Washington to-night, notwithstanding your father's pressing telegram. I regret that the
Chapter XI Events in and around Washington Ball's Bluff Harper's Ferry Stanton's trick enemy's batteries on the Potomac. on the 9th of Oct. McCall'd, as will be seen from the following despatch received at my headquarters in Washington from Poolesville on the evening of Oct. 20: Made a feint of crossing icient number of troops of all arms were held in readiness in the vicinity of Washington, either to march via Leesburg or to move by rail to Harper's Ferry, should th The following telegrams will aid in giving the true state of the case: Washington, Feb. 28, 1862. Gen. McClellan: What do you propose to do with the troopsrepresentations as well founded) that my plan of campaign (which was to leave Washington under the protection of a sufficient garrison, its numerous well-built and wemond) was conceived with the traitorous intent of removing its defenders from Washington, and thus giving over to the enemy the capital and the government, thus left