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ttee of the Whole, (Mr. Southall, of Albemarle, in the chair,) and proceeded to consider the reports from the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Baldwin, of Augusta, being entitled to the floor, proceeded to consider the Territorial question, to which he was alluding at the time of the adjournment on yesterday. He recapitulack upon her he would have fought side by side with him in her defence. Mr. Bruce went on to pay his respects to Messrs. Moore, of Rockbridge, and Baldwin, of Augusta, of whom he had little hope, and made humorous allusions which excited the merriment of the members as well as the spectators. The argument of the gentleman fromConvention adjourned, to meet again on Monday, at 10 o'clock A. M. After the adjournment, a beautiful floral wreath was presented to Col. John B. Baldwin, of Augusta, by Mr. Critcher, of Westmoreland, on behalf of the "Union ladies of Virginia." Appropriate addresses were made on both sides, and a considerable degree of enthus
Scenes at the Institute. --The "Union" ladies on Saturday inaugurated a system at the Convention which has heretofore been confined to theatrical circles, in the bestowal of a floral wreath upon Col. Baldwin, of Augusta, who had just closed his argument against secession. Mr. Critcher, of Westmoreland, who made the presentation speech, read a poetical tribute from the ladies, the point of which was that woman deems Union right, and that it is man's duty to support her. While Col. Baldwin was making an eloquent reply, somebody in the gallery trod on a dog's appendage, and the fierce "bow wow — ki yi," for a time completely eclipsed the oratorical peroration to the stripes and stars. Another incident on Saturday transpired while Mr. Bruce, of Halifax, was making an argument in favor of secession. A troop of horsemen from Chesterfield passed by the building, the trumpeter blowing "Yankee Doodle" with all his might and main, which created some merriment on the Union side, but