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issippi to free navigation and for subduing the States lying towards its mouth under the same political jurisdiction with themselves, than they are to secure the valueless city of Washington, or the inconsiderable State of Maryland to the Union. Already have the notes of complaint been sounded in the Northwest against the withdrawal of their regiments into the unprofitable field of action on the Potomac, to the neglect of the vital interests of the Northwest which concentrate upon the Mississippi river. This proposition may be assumed as true for the rest of the struggle; that the Northwest are hereafter to provide the great body of troops for the Northern armies, and that the Middle and Eastern States will be expected to contribute, as their quota of aid, the arms, munitions, clothing, and supplies of all kinds required for the war. As a general rule, good artisans are great cowards, as the regiments of New England and New York have abundantly demonstrated in the field. It is the