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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
rgeant S. M. Wilkins,Zzz=Co. C. 1st Corporal J. H. Still,Zzz=Co. C. Private C. H. Brooks,Zzz=Co. C. R. W. Caffin,Zzz=Co. C. J. B. Easley,Zzz=Co. C. W. R. Griffin,Zzz=Co. C. S. Garrett,Zzz=Co. C. W. J. McCullens,Zzz=Co. C. W. B. Moon,Zzz=Co. C. R. B. Moon,Zzz=Co. C. B. S. Moore,Zzz=Co. C. W. Prince,Zzz=Co. C. J. Roberts,Zzz=Co. C. B. Still, Sr.,Zzz=Co. C. S. M. Still,Zzz=Co. C. J. M. Still,Zzz=Co. C. J. L. Smith,Zzz=Co. C. A. J. Stevens,Zzz=Co. C. W. J. Soball,Zzz=Co. C. W. C. Thomas,Zzz=Co. C. G. W. Upshaw,Zzz=Co. C. R. A. Upshaw,Zzz=Co. C. W. C. Webb,Zzz=Co. C. 1st Sergeant A. H. Smith,Co. D 2d Sergeant Robert Thompson,Zzz=Co. D. 4th Sergeant M. H. Murry,Zzz=Co. D. 5th Sergeant R. H. Murry,Zzz=Co. D. 2d Corporal B. H. Burnahue,Zzz=Co. D. Private T. E. M. Brown,Zzz=Co. D. L. Biddle,Zzz=Co. D. J. Cherry,Zzz=Co. D. R. K. Conelly,Zzz=Co. D. H. M. Gill,Zzz=Co. D. T. J. Jones,Zzz=Co. D. D. Mashburn,Zzz=Co. D. F. T. Fennille,Zzz=Co. D. W. P. Watts,Zzz=C
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
ent on the expedition, but said that any who chose to volunteer for it might do so. Thereupon Captains Edmund and Wm. N. Berkeley; Lieutenants R. H. Tyler, L. B. Stephenson and Robert Cue; Sergeants. F. Wilson, I. O. Adams and——Gochenaner; Corporals B. Hunt, W. Fletcher, R. Hutchinson, Wm. Thomas; Privates A. S. Adams, J. W. Adams, F. A. Boyer, I. L. Chinn, G. Crell, R S. Downs, W. Donnelly, G. Insor, C. R. Griffin, John George, I). L. Hixon, T. W. Hutchinson, I. F. Ish, R. I. Smith, W. C. Thomas, J. W. Tavenner, I. M. McVeigh, L. W. Luckett, M. H. Luckett, A. M. O'Bannon, Rev. Charles F. Linthicum, R. O. Carter, Geo. Roach, E. Nails, Howard Trussell, D. Rouke, T. E. Tavenner, P. Gochenaner, F. Tinsman, T. H. Benton, T. Kidwell, C. Fox, V. R. Costello, Will Moore, J. Ellis, Wm. McCarty, J. M. McClannehan, E. Herrington, R. Julian and C. D. Lucket—in all, fifty-two—came forward promptly, saying to White: We will follow you. White brevetted General. I should like to give in
nine inches very likely; a light mulatto Ellen, wife to about five feet two inches very black; very stout — a regular . When she is not at her work she is very much given to whistling and singing. Albert, about five feet eight or nine inches high; very black and stout, and remarkably likely. Henry, or Patrick Henry, about five feet four or five inches high; very likely; lagoon color; very much disposed to be stout and fat, and has a w Richmond. Scouts and pickets will benefit themselves by keeping a look out for these negroes and all constables, police officers and others are desired to address the undersigned at Pine P O, Powhatan county, Va, or Mr. Thomas H Lipscomb, Va, in the event of their apprehending any one or all of these negroes. Officers of the army and others are not against hiring negroes corresponding to the above description, as these negroes will doubtless represent themselves as free. S. P. Mosby, Agent for Col. C. E. Thorburn my 27--6t*
500 dollars Reward --Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 18th had the present month my man John Henry Preston. He is some 22 years of age, black about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high. He had a pass to go to Charlotte C H, where he was raised and was sold by Capt Thos J Spencer, of that county. I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr Robert of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my
500 Dollars reward --Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 16th of the present month, my man John Henry Preston. He is some 22 years of age, black, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had a pass to go to Charlotte C H, where he was raised, and was sold by Capt Thos J Spencer, of that county. I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr Robert Lumpkin of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my 28--12t
500 Dollars reward. --Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 16th of the present mouth, my man John Henry, Preston. He is some 22 years of age, black, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had a pass to go to Charlotte C H, where he was raised, and was sold by Capt Thos J Spencer, of that county. I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr Robert Lumpkin of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my 28--12tj
500 Dollars reward. --Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 16th of the present month, my man John Henry Preston. He is some 22 years of age, black, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had a pass to go to Charlotte C. H., where he was raised, and was sold by Capt Thos J. Spencer, of that county. I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr. Robert Lumpkin of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my 28--12t
Two hundred dollars reward. --Ran away, January 31st, from the subscriber, in Prince Edward county, my man, Sam; about twenty-two years old; about five feet six inches high, and polite when spoken to. He is supposed to have gone either to Richmond or Lynchburg, but most probably to the latter place. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, near Burkeville, Prince Edward county, or secured in any jail so I can get him. He had on a blue flannel shirt, and brown coat and pants, when he left. W. C. Thomas, Burkeville, Virginia. fe 6--eod1ct*
r the relief of Nathaniel Moore was engrossed, and the question recurring on the passage, it was rejected — years, 25; nays, 29. Mr. Montague, of Virginia, who is detained from his seat by severe indisposition, was excused from attendance on the sessions of the House. The Committee on Claims reported the following bills and joint resolution, which were passed: A joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to increase the rent of the building adjoining the War Department, owned by Mr. J. D. Browne. A bill for the relief of Major D. W. Hinkle. A bill appropriating ten thousand dollars to pay claims of the recruiting service of the Confederate States. The claims of Weatherford & Thomas, J. Gardiner, Captain Ralph Huretson, John Hughes, Mary, Weaver, Lieutenant D. E. Henderson and G. A. Mitchell, being unfavorably reported upon, were laid on the table. The House then went into secret session, and when the doors were re-opened the House adjourned.
Two hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away, January 31st, from the subscriber, in Prince Edward county, my man, Sam; about twenty-two years old; about five feet six inches high, and polite when spoken to. He is supposed to have gone either to Richmond or Lynchburg, but most probably to the latter place. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, near Burkeville, Prince Edward county, or secured in any jail so I can get him. He had on a blue flannel shirt, and brown coat and pants, when he left. W. C. Thomas, Burkeville, Virginia. fe 6--eod10t*