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Your search returned 66 results in 29 document sections:
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia . (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
500 dollars Reward
--Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 18th had the present month my man John Henry Preston.
He is some 22 years of age, black about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high.
He had a pass to go to Charlotte C H, where he was raised and was sold by Capt Thos J Spencer, of that county.
I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr Robert of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my
The Daily Dispatch: June 2, 1864., [Electronic resource], Coming down. (search)
500 Dollars reward
--Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 16th of the present month, my man John Henry Preston.
He is some 22 years of age, black, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high.
He had a pass to go to Charlotte C H, where he was raised, and was sold by Capt Thos J Spencer, of that county.
I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr Robert Lumpkin of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my 28--12t
The Daily Dispatch: June 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], How to take oil. (search)
500 Dollars reward.
--Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 16th of the present mouth, my man John Henry, Preston.
He is some 22 years of age, black, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high.
He had a pass to go to Charlotte C H, where he was raised, and was sold by Capt Thos J Spencer, of that county.
I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr Robert Lumpkin of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my 28--12tj
500 Dollars reward.
--Ran away from my plantation, near Burkeville, Va, on the 16th of the present month, my man John Henry Preston.
He is some 22 years of age, black, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high.
He had a pass to go to Charlotte C. H., where he was raised, and was sold by Capt Thos J. Spencer, of that county.
I will pay the above reward if delivered to Mr. Robert Lumpkin of Richmond. W. C. Thomas. my 28--12t
Two hundred dollars reward.
--Ran away, January 31st, from the subscriber, in Prince Edward county, my man, Sam; about twenty-two years old; about five feet six inches high, and polite when spoken to. He is supposed to have gone either to Richmond or Lynchburg, but most probably to the latter place.
The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, near Burkeville, Prince Edward county, or secured in any jail so I can get him. He had on a blue flannel shirt, and brown coat and pants, when he left. W. C. Thomas, Burkeville, Virginia. fe 6--eod1ct*
Two hundred Dollars reward.
--Ran away, January 31st, from the subscriber, in Prince Edward county, my man, Sam; about twenty-two years old; about five feet six inches high, and polite when spoken to. He is supposed to have gone either to Richmond or Lynchburg, but most probably to the latter place.
The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, near Burkeville, Prince Edward county, or secured in any jail so I can get him. He had on a blue flannel shirt, and brown coat and pants, when he left. W. C. Thomas, Burkeville, Virginia. fe 6--eod10t*